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  • [MxM] Looking for a vampire hunter

    Here's an idea for a story-driven RP, which I'd like to write in past tense and 3rd person. Some detail would make the RP more enjoyable and, while there is definitely going to be smut, there might be none for a while. Developing the plot would come first and it might take some time before the main characters become intimate. 

    If you are still interested, here's some background information for this RP. 

    It would be set in a world where many vampire hunters take daily shots of a fluid that will cause vampires who bite them to suffer a painful death.
    Meanwhile, the older a vampire is and the more human blood they feed on, the easier it will be for them to seem human. A well fed vampire who has been around for some time would not be harmed by sunlight for instance. But should their blood intake decrease, their vampiric characteristics will gradually reappear.

    Still interested? Here's the deal!

    Your character (YC) is a hunter known for how merciless he is to vampires, but he has been alone for years and loneliness is starting to take a toll on him. Looking for a possible partner, he meets my character (MC), who volunteers to join him. 

    MC would be a 250 year old vampire, in the body of a man in his mid 20s. He has heard about YC and about the cruelties he has made fellow vampires suffer through, so he decides it's about time the hunter becomes prey. His plan is to completely drain YC, who feels so superior to his kind. He wants to watch him die while tasting his blood, but he can't do that just yet. He can smell the stench of the shots in his blood. YC has been taking them for years.

    Showing no signs of vampirism, MC decides to work alongside YC in the hunt against vampires, planning to earn his trust and eventually convince him to stop taking those shots. The challenging part for him, will be to stay well fed, so that he can keep hiding his true nature. 

    This will obviously be set in a world with fantasy elements, but if you'd like to merge those into a modern world, we can definitely discuss that. I love discussing plots together and you are welcome to bring your ideas into the RP.

    DM me if you are interested!

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