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  • Hey there! Welcome to my thread! I'm a role player with almost a decade of experience. My writing length varies but I like to write medium length paragraph response and be descriptive. I can respond many times in a day but throughout the week it can be as random times as I have a regular job and other commitments.
    Now, with that out of the way, please, proceed.


    - werewolves x human in a modern fantasy setting
    - some kind of monsterfucking
    - The noble lady's love plot or something similar - dom!Female x sub!intersex male
    - intersex!male x intersex!male (would like the top to have a large enough clit to penetrate with)
    - The first omega plot

    Plot prompts

    The noble lady's lover


    A noble lady of a powerful house is set to marry the heir to the empire. Her family has done their best to keep her real nature a secret. She pretends to be docile and submissive, just the kind that the future king's mother wants. However, the lady is, in fact, anything but how she is being marketed. She takes initiative, is braver than most men, knows what she wants, doesn't back down from a goal and knows when it needs to be changed. Her family lament that she was born a woman. How fitting of them for those times. If only they were more progressive. She is forced into this marriage and loathes the prince she hasn't even met yet just on the stories and inflated rumors she heard about him. The lady expects that her whole life she will have to live a lie, hiding her true self.
    They meet on their wedding, and right away she noticed that he is not the way she had imagined. He is not very tall or broad. No, he had a toned but delicate build. But she reminds herself, he is going to dominate her and she will either bend to him, or suffer humiliation, or lose her head. During their wedding feast they barely speak, even though they sit next to each other, or when they dance to satisfy the expectations of the noble guests and courtiers. And when the bedding ceremony finishes and they had been prepared for the servants, her parents lead her to his chamber, chastising and advising her the whole way, making her promise to be pliant and not make any 'mistakes'. But when she is alone with the prince, she learns that he took has a secret. The biggest one is that he was born not with a cock and balls, but with a beautiful vulva, vagina, womb, and ovaries - the full set. And he has kept his hymen intact for her. His other secret is that he has a soft nature. Seeing him before her, in the mixed light of the bright moon and the soft, dancing fire of the candles, with his eyes downcast and hidden from her with his long lashes, she finds that a part of her she had been avoiding all her life rushes back and is staring right into her eyes, demanding to be acknowledged. She is not straight, that's for sure. She had been denying her interest in other ladies, her wet dreams about them, or her longing for men with effeminate or androgynous appearance. But seeing the prince, who would one day be king of the empire when his father dies or abdicates, with all his secrets and heart laid bare before her, ... she falls in love. The marriage is successfully consummated, but only the two of them and the prince's mother know the truth of it, though even the dowager queen could not expect the roles between the couple. The queen-to-be leads and the crown prince takes his place under her as is natural for them both. The crown princess by marriage deflowers her future king and encourages him to take the lead atop her as seeing her submissive spouse taking control arouses her. And when morning comes, the blood of maidenhood on the sheets is presented as the princess's, but really it was the realm's future emperor who had been claimed that night. The dynamic between the two is surprising to everyone. On the one hand, the heir leads and the future queen follows, but he behaves like an innocent maiden after her first wedding night and she behaves like a pleased husband after consummating their union. He gives off the air of submission and she smiles like a lion with his belly full of antelope and his pride of lionesses freshly bred. And as the pair grow closer together, their bond strengthening, the question of them producing an heir comes up. So the noble lady, now set to be empress, goes out to find a proper male concubine who looks like either one of them to give her husband his seed. She doesn't want to bear child, has hated the idea her whole life, but her future king actually doesn't mind one bit. He will be round with child and they would need a reason to leave the capital of the empire until he gives birth with a proper reason, but that all can be arranged. Soon, though, the future queen finds that she is looking for male concubines not just to produce an heir that would no the doubted as coming from her and the future emperor, but more than that, she is looing for someone with a cock that can satisfy her beloved husband. As she stands behind the young man she has found, guiding him in how to eat her love's cunt and guiding his hips' movements, she imagines herself, if only she had a cock, atop her husband. She imagines how he feels around her shaft, how her balls would feel resting on his buttocks or slapping them when she moves, how deep she can go before she kisses his cervix with her tip, how it would feel for her balls to slap his lips and clit, how he would cry in pleasure or pain, scream when he is squirting, shaking in pleasure and his eyes are rolling back. Oh, if only. Until, she finds out that in foreign lands there is a flower that can make a man able to become pregnant and bear a child, or give a woman male parts. Now it is her mission to find that flower so that no stranger, even if with her approval, can ever see her husband's pleasure ever again. He is only for her eyes.

    The weight of duty


    A young lord of a powerful noble house, second only to the crown in people's love and loyalty, had lost his father at a young age and his uncle and cousin took over as temporary heads of his house until he becomes old enough to take over the headship. But they lied and revolted against him. Still, the young lord came out on top and put the traitors to the sword. Now, he was not just the head of a family, consisting of himself, his mother, his sister, and his younger brother, but also the head of a noble house with a long, powerful, and magical history, and the inheritor of many internal and external expectations. To everyone's delight, the new lord is not just noble of status, but noble of character as well. He is kind, just, with guts and a spine, smart and wise, keeper of his own and his house's historical oaths, merciful and gracious, loyal, dutiful, protector of the weak and wronged. He does not fear to call out his allies on their errors to straighten their wait, and he puts traitors to the sword. His handsome face, tall height, broad build, and muscular body catch many a lady's fancy. He is good with the books as he is with the large, heavy sword that has gone through all the generations of his house's heads. Though his lands are the northern-most in the realm in the land where it is always winter, the summer brief and not always the snow melts, the young lord's heart is always warm. Even older men, ones whom he should be learning from, are humbled when their elders use the young lord as an example for them to follow.
    During an internal war in the emperor's royal family for succession between his eldest, his daughter that he named his heir, and his son that he begot after her, and more sons after him, the young noble lord was asked to join and give his strength to the named heir since his house has bent the knee to her when her heirship was announced. Some would say it was because the future queen's firstborn son, the heir to follow her should she ascend the throne, came personally to secure the large house's loyalty and the young lord fell in love with his peer and future king. The rival faction won, though, by the time he arrived from the North, and many of the named heir's sons died, only the youngest two remaining. The war had also claimed many dragons that the royal family, being dragon lords, had. The usurper king, the heir's younger brother, had been poisoned in a scheme even though he could have been a not-so-bad king once peace had arrived. The young lord put many of those who schemed against the king, even if he was a usurper, to the sword as he believed rulers to be chosen by gods and no man's hand should rise against their ruler's life. Only one lord he was convinced to spare. And he counselled named heir's young son when he was placed on the throne after his uncle's death from poison. But the young lord's stay was brief, the harsh winter was at hand and his duty to his house and the vassal houses of the North needed to be carried out, so he went back, returning just as the harsh winds and snow were setting in.
    The families, whose husbands, fathers, and grandfathers had gone to war for true heir, and did not return, were called lucky or blessed, because now they had less mouths to feed in winter, and that was the whole reason why those men went to war in the first place. They saw it as an honor to die, so that their families didn't have to feed them in winter, and instead the women and children could eat. But, those very families which were called lucky and blessed, seeing the others who had their husbands, fathers, and grandfathers return, considered the others to be the blessed ones, if anything.
    One day, though, when the winds were extra harsh, and the snow was so thick in the storm it seemed it was night outside and not day, a stranger arrived at the gates of the young lord's castle. He dragged a whole adult male moose, horns and all, on his own through the thick snow, against the harsh wind, with rope tied around the moose's hips and his own torso and shoulders. So many things did not add up. The guard who opened the gate asked another to watch the young man and ran himself to inform their lord, who when he came out and saw the stranger's face, briefly fell silent. The one before him looked down like the true queen's eldest son, the prince who came to ask the lord to fulfil his duty to the crown that he bent the knee and swore an oath to. Right down to the tops of his shoulder-length, black curls, the bump of his nose, his blue eyes, the apple of his throat... The lord bust swallow his saliva and say something before the staring on his part gets more weird. The young man before him behaves as if he's seeing the lord for the first time, has been to the castle for the first time, and is asking for temporary stay at the castle in exchange for the moose that he brought as a gift in this cold weather. There are so many questions. The young lord lets him in, and he is tempted to take this man who reminds him of the prince so much into his bed, but he is uneasy. Then, one day, he accidentally spots the guest bathing and sees that he is redyeing his hair from white to black. But more than that, on his body are scars from arrows right in the places where the prince had been shot, which had killed him. He flees quickly, and he hopes that he had not been noticed, but this stranger, who acts like he doesn't know the lord of the noble house, actually did know he was seen. And after that, before the young lord can gently confront the guest who very much is the prince that had been said to have died, the one he had fallen in love with but could not speak of that love, disappeared. The wounds in the young lord's heart began to bleed again. After some weeks, though he had become distracted by the domestic needs of his castle and the people living on his lands, as well as the needs of the watch manning the magical wall of ice protecting the empire from the death that the ice demons bring, and his vassals, rumors of a large shadow of what looks like a dragon flying over the lands and even over the wall reach him. At once, the young lord wants to go out past the wall with the rangers who do regular scouting missions out there. His advisors and family and vassals wish to stop him, he had never been impulsive before, but the young lord is desperate. The prince was in his castle, and he missed him, let him slip away. And now there were rumors of a dragon in these lands during the harsh winter when dragons loved volcanos? And, of all things, crossing the wall which prevented any magical creature to cross from one side to the other? To everyone else it was just rumors, but the prince was a dragon lord before his death. No, the young lord must go after him, and even though to everyone it is madness and suicide, he insists. His servants and guards wish to stop him and try doing it by force as he is precious to the whole North, their leader they look to and would be lost without, winter or not, but he overpowers them and heads out. And no raven will reach the watch on the wall in this weather. He must find his prince and bring him back, and if need be, keep him at his castle, protected from the savages in the capital who call themselves nobles and would tear out a man's throat with their bare teeth if they so much as suspect someone taking their power away.

    The loved hucow


    A farmer bought himself at the market a lovely pussyboy hucow and brought him home. He bred the hucow with his minotaur and on his own to grow his cattle. In time, the hucow has become like a golden goose for him, bringing the farmer no less than 2 or 3 additions per pregnancy. And though his pecs are small, at most growing to triple-A tits, he produces lots of milk. The hucow always has lots of work cut out for him, but he lives a happy life being loved by his farmer and minotaur, always fed, warm in the barn, basking in the sun, never lonely. But then, one unfortunate day, orcs overrun the human town. They burn the farm and steal the hucow. The hucow thinks that his life is ruined. He will either be penned up and made to do the same by the orcs as the farmer did to him but be abused, or they will kill him for meat. Little does he know that they were just hired by the dragon prince and he is the spoils of their raid. The prince takes the hucow for himself when he finds out about his fertility as he wishes to take the throne but he far down the heir line. However, if he can produce a male heir before any other prince, even the first in line, he will be made first. The hucow goes from being plunder, to a concubine, and later the prince falls in love as no one else he has bedded or continues to take to his bed, no matter how skilled or in love with him, matches with the tender, strawberry blonde hucow whose bossom is always full of warm, delicious milk, soft and hot vulva big enough to fill the prince's hand, and vagina giving his cock a comforting, warm hug.

    The first omega


    One day he is an ordinary young man, and the next he is the first omega in a world of alphas and betas. Before him, betas only mated with betas, and alphas only mated with other alphas. Lords of great houses from all over Westeros and members of the royal family are pining after him and yearning and longing for him. Many alphas spend sleepless nights and can't stomach a bite in their lovesickness for him. A lot of betas become curious about him and some grow infatuated as well. He must choose at least 2 or 3 to be his mates. From an insignificant second son, he had quickly become one of the most powerful people in all of the 7 kingdoms, if not THE most powerful one, even above the king.

    Many alphas go throughout their lives never hearing that omegas exist. Being some of the first alphas to ever catch the scent of the only omega in Westeros, it is both an honor and is thrilling. And the smell of the omega's pheromones is unlike any the alphas have ever experienced before. There was a difference between flowers and him. He smelled of warm milk and honey one some occasions, then like acacia blooming in the early chill spring morning on other occasions, and like lilacs blooming mixed with the smell of rain and wind on the third kind. How could one person be so different? Yet there he was.

    Very soon, many alphas found that for them it did not matter even if the omega had a cock as big as an alpha's and wanted to facefuck them, or even wanted to put said cock up their behinds. The omega was not an alpha. There were no social consequences to letting him enjoy himself that way. Because when it came to alphas, unless it was within a mating bond, if one alpha got on top of the other, it was not out of love, but for the sake of b.tching the one at the bottom and establishing strict dominance. At the same time as alphas contemplated the possibilities of their dynamic with the omega, all sorts of made up rumors spread about the omega. Some were so outrageous they painted him out to be on the same level as the children of the forest or the mermaids. Could they be blamed though? The folk were overtaken with amazement and barely had any information on what an omega actually was. The maesters at the citadel had just a few records even mentioning omegas or one of them at least once. And the most reliable sources were in the hands of the Targaryens, dating all the way back to old Valyria since before Aegon the Conqueror, and now deemed even more valuable than they ever had been.


    Kinks and fetishes


    - expressive tops (don't hide their pleasure)

    - oral sex

    - hucows/cow humans

    - lactation

    - multiple orgasms

    - different opsitions

    - sex focused on deepening intimacy

    - jealous sex

    - glory hole

    - long dicks

    - power bottoms

    - feminine/androgynous

    - hermaphrodite

    - lingerie

    - sex toys

    - cosplay and role play

    - public breeding

    - chastity cages

    - cuckolding



    - cunnilingus/slick eating

    - breast sucking

    - breast squeezing

    - breast slapping



    - rimming

    - blow job and deepthroating

    - sexual massage

    - balls in pussy


    Love all things pussy!

    - Pussy on face humping
    - Clit mouth fucking
    - Slick eating
    - Squirt drinking
    - Clit nostril fucking
    - Riding mouth gag dildo and giving bottom closeup view
    - Pussy eating (licking, sucking, etc)
    - Pussy food plate
    - Vaginal penetration
    - Creampie
    - Hardcore fingering
    - Vaginal fisting
    - Pussy play in public
    - Public fingering
    - Public sex
    - Swinging x cuckolding
    - Facesitting
    - Pussy slick face mask
    - Clit stimulation with cock head/balls
    - Sex toys
    - Cockwarming
    - Vulva slapping (hand or cock)

    What you can expect of me

    - Semi-literary writing
    - 3rd person POV
    - Response size (between 1 and 4 paragraphs usually)
    - How often I respond -3-6 days a week
    - Plot suggestions and contribution
    - Playing main and side characters
    - Fairly quick responses
    - Original characters and canon characters

    My requirements

    - Semi-literary writing
    - 3rd person POV
    - Response size minimum - short paragraph - 5 sentences
    - Be okay with intersex characters
    - Be okay with playing the top or switch / let my bottom character dominate
    - Please be understanding of my work schedule and that I have a life outside of RP

    My preferences: https://ecchidreams.com/roleplayer-services/preferences/my-preferences-r4158/ 

    Some fandoms that I like:
    - House of the Dragon
    - Game of Thrones
    - The King's Affection (kdrama)
    - The Romantic Guesthouse (kdrama)
    - Castlevania
    - Vampire Hunter D
    - Interview with the Vampire
    - Castlevania/Castlevania: Nocturne
    - LOTR
    - Jujutsu Kaisen
    - Naruto/Boruto
    - Batman
    - Beauty and the Beasts manhua
    - In the Deep (manhua)
    - FBI: Internation
    - FBI: Most Wanted
    - The Rookie


    I prefer to do stories in private messages. Send me a PM if you're interested. Feel free to share if you have any fantasies you wanna try or taboo kinks/fetishes (within what is permissible on this site).

    • Love 1

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments


    Big fan of this!! I did something kinda like this but with a bunch of niche elements, so I'm excited to see another person into this type of omegaverse!!

    • Love 1


    Craving 'The weight of duty' story

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