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  • So I have had an idea for a longer period of time and finally got to writing it out. Since I am very open to discussing details and such, I will give the overall premise here.

    A princess/queen has been kidnapped by usurpers in the middle of the night and then taken far, far away into "unclaimed" lands, which is basically a huge area where monsters live and roam. Here she is imprisoned somewhere where she is sure to rot up  on her own and her escape made impossible for her.

    The evildoers did not take account for the inhabiting monsters living in these lands and so think the princess/queen would be killed by them, even if she was to escape. Luckily, the stigmatizing idea about monsters being evil and violent to everything other than themselves is made quite untrue as she is rescued by a few of these who has witnessed her being made unable to leave.

    The princess/queen quickly finds out how much she is attracted to said monsters and very grateful, she offers them a nice rump in return for them rescuing her. Something else quickly dawns on her however - mainly that using her body, she can more or less make them follow her orders, when they have her body to enjoy.

    So she plans retaking her kingdom back home after basically rising to the top of the monster chain, climbing her way to be their warchief.

    A few ideas for her looks:


    Should any of these not be your thing, feel free to browse this album:


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    Nice and thick too! 😄

    Are there any otherr stuff you think we need to discuss?

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    I think I’m good for now. 


    Shall we go and use this place then?


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    Who should start things off?


    If you don’t mind, could you start it off?


    Currently a bit tired and such, so it may not happen before tomorrow. Will that be an issue?

    By the way - if you have any other ideas or like other of my bulletins, feel free to say so ^^

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