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  • Roll me in sand and call me a sea side.

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    First allow me to speak in my native tongue, its much more efficient.

    Shss.... Shhhss... Shhhh... Shh....



    Polish my Armour 


    A renowned, noble, female knight has taken on a lowly male squire. She is tall and athletic, and he is rather short and sleight. She works him to the bone, while they go on their first adventure. At first she is cold, and him nervous, but eventually he may wind up polishing a little more than her armour.

    Elf Blood:


    In a fantasy world, where wood elves and drow have had vicious conflict, a male drow, and a female wood elf are sent on an ancient quest by a elder dryad. They must go to the heart of the forest, collect seeds, and propagate dryads in the new country. I see the elf as outgoing and athletic, and the drow as a bit strange and reclusive. Will they be able to deal with each other's presence? Will they have loads of sex? Stay tuned.

    Will play as either character.

    The Late Shift:


    An antisocial, and gothic but unfortunately mortal, young woman starts working in a supermarket, mainly stocking the backroom. Her manager is a tall, peppy, former cheerleader, probably, who eventually becomes a attracted to her, and she is begrudgingly seduced over time. 


    Willing to play either character!

    A Nurse in the Hand:


    A rather rowdy, but mature futa has gone on a hunting trip and taken an arrow to the knee. She mends in the hospital, tended to by a sweet hearted nurse. She tries to hide her penis from the nurse, in all sorts of ways, but the nurse eventually finds out and is rather fascinated.

    Lovers To Enemies:


    In a sort of low fantasy magical world, a young woman appears (A), very weak, on the outskirts of a small village. Another woman (B) takes her in, and over time they develop a relationship. (B) finds out (A), who is very secretive of their background, is naturally skilled at magic and she help her learn more. Eventually they become intimate, but it turns out (B) was raised in a cult of dark sorcerer's, and plans to take over innocent people's land in a bid to redeem herself after being exiled. (B) must struggle to learn magic herself, and do something before (A) finds out she knows of her plan.


    Will write as either character.

    Cross Compatible


    What I want is a slice of life role-play, with two characters living in a dorm or apartment. One is a woman with a penis, cheeky and mischievous but caring and soft hearted, and the other is a man with a vagina, serious and stoic, but somewhat vulnerable. It will start with them first meeting, and probably end after they've formed a serious relationship and had sex multiple times.

    I'm happy to play either character.


    Otherwise hit me up with your ideas, after checking out my preferencinos. 

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