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  • Hello there folks this is a little idea I have for a specific character of mine Therra (I will link her for ya if you want to read a bit about her) 

    This roleplay will be either slow or fast depending on what you feel like. I have a couple of ideas so let's start with the character list to choose from

    Knight from another kingdom

    Some simple stuff before the rest 
    I will often adapt to the length you give me, so if you want me to reply long write long. 
    I am a sucker for great stories so let's write one together. 
    These options below are mere ideas to get the juices flowing, if you feel like changing anything do so
    all these have the option to be dom or sub, or switch, so have it your way and have fun with the idea. 
    The characters motives etc are up to you, they don't have to be nice they don't have to be evil so choose freely what you enjoy

    Here comes the ideas enjoy ❤️

    Your whole life has been behind these walls, never outside besides big events and public things. Your father and mother forbid you from spending time outside, it's to not taint your pure soul. But so many years behind these walls can only lead to boredom, most of the male guards do not dare even look at you. You have a hunch your father told em not to, but there is one specific knight that always looks directly at you and does not avoid you. Therra the elf guard that has been here longer than most guards, and the only favorite your father has. What if she could fulfill your wishes, either spending outside the wall or maybe she would actually do as you command?  

    You are usually well-loved and considered strong among all the knights and guards. Even some applaud you after every session, but she just glares at you. You have never been able to beat her, she is strong, smart, and very infuriating. She always had that ugly smirk as she walks away, you deserve respect from all. Father says she is a different breed, and once you learned to beat her you can choose whoever to marry. You've been at this for months now, and nothing works. It's like she does not even try, which stirs many emotions. How does one beat this one?

    She has been at your side for the longest time, you took her in when she was a mere child. Over the years you watched her grow up into the fine soldier she is today, she often obeys everything you say without hesitating. She succeeded in more missions than some of the others, and she is perfect in every way. But as the night grow colder, and the Queen (either passed or grow distant) Your eyes for your knight started to open, her body behind all that armor is rare to see but what she shows is perfect. Some scars do not disturb you, after all, you have a couple too. You can't help to wonder will she obey everything?

    She is/were (depending if the king is dead or not) your husband's pet in some twisted way, the all-strong Therra. All seem to admire her in every way, and all the suitors that come she turns down. But she was/is so loving towards your husband, so you can't help but to wonder if there is more to it. Either way, you need to get her under your control, it's not good to have a knight that will only hail to the king. But what can you do against a knight that faced many wars, what can you really do?

    She is the strongest among you, some say she has even been here for longer than some of the elders. Her face always looks a bit harsh, but when she moves and fights her eyes get a glow. No one is that good yet to defeat her, and she will often scold the others for not training enough. Once the day is over she leaves, and comes back at dawn. Where does she go? Some say that she leaves for the forest, others say she is an informant to other armies. But many dare not even lift or try anything since the king thinks so high of her. But there is something about her, that makes her so much more desirable. 

    Knight from another kingdom
    The air smelled of blood and flesh, the battlefield was filled with fighting people. Most of your people (have either won or lost depending on what you want), but none dared to go against the renegade elf that was on the opposing side. Her swings were ferocious and her eyes glowed with a strange passion, it was almost beautiful in a weird way. But the next question popped into your head, what happens if we don't down her soon? She could probably take all on if not careful, so you had to come up with some way to down her and make her fight for your side. But how does one persuade a knight that server her kingdom well for many years?

    IF YOU READ THIS FAR THANKS ❤️ and I hope to rp very soon much love 


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    I have several yuri RPs that are on indefinite hiatus (kind of like 1 Direction...) and I could happily play your princess. I can think of some ways to make another guard or knight work too if that's more appealing, but I'd be inclined to keep it FF

    • Love 1


      On 6/19/2023 at 9:05 PM, WritesNaughtyStories said:

    I have several yuri RPs that are on indefinite hiatus (kind of like 1 Direction...) and I could happily play your princess. I can think of some ways to make another guard or knight work too if that's more appealing, but I'd be inclined to keep it FF


    Well the choice is actually yours 🙂 but I would love to discuss over pm if you want?

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