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  • The Lucky Meowth Casino!

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    I got a bit of inspiration from a hentai picture of Meowth and Misty at a casino and thought of this story for it. 

    In the world of Pokémon lies a large casino known as the Lucky Meowth! It is quite popular with its whole entire first floor being filled with slot machines, poker tables, cafe etc while the floor above have rooms for people to stay in. This casino usually has an age restriction, but it ends of being voided when someone announces themselves to be a Pokémon Trainer. Trainers are given a discount at their cafe and given a free room for one night! Even gambling is an optional for them if they wish since they still wish to have business. 

    One would think the owner was a human. No, the owner is actually none other than a Meowth himself! A talking Meowth mind ya! He is known to be quite greedy where he likes to spend all his time watching the suckers play his machines that are rigged. Rumor even has it that whenever he finds someone he is attracted too, he has a button that will make the machine they play fail where he comes down to trick them, saying he is lucky and his luck would only work through sex. Of course, he shows a sneaky way of proof of it. But those are obviously rumors, right?

    The main basis is that I want to play a greedy Casino Owner Meowth who tricks girls and trainers into having sex with him when they lose at his slot machine. It can go a few ways. Could be either multiple different girls being tricked at different times, or just one girl. Can even being tricked and corrupted into a romance since who wouldn’t want to stay with a “lucky” and rich Meowth? Mostly be hoping to find some Canon Pokémon girls to have erotic scenes with, but of course isn’t mandatory for that one. Let me know if interested!

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