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  • Volleyball coach and player

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Elizabeth finished practice with the rest of her volleyball team. She adjusted her glasses as they all got into the group huddle together to cheer the end of their practice. Coach Reed look at them all. Especially at Elizabeth who looked incredible in her volleyball shorts and tshirt, slightly sweaty from the intense workout. The group huddle breaks and all of the girls make their way to the locker room.

    "Elizabeth, come here please" 

    The coach motioned for her to come back. The rest of the girls filed into the locker room as the evening bell to go home was about to ring.

    "Yes, coach?" She had no idea why he wanted to see her, she did good at practice today

    "Id like to see you in my office please, we should talk about your technique a little, and possibly a possible scholarship opportunity for you, we just have to go over paperwork. Follow me." He smiles as she followed eagerly to this news, not realizing that the visit to his office was only going to make her more sweaty...and sticky.


    (Details can be worked out in private! 😁)

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