About This Club
A rule-light* club for PC/Steam gamers to sing praises of good games, trash bad ones, brag about and/or compare Achievements, etc.
If, and only IF, you're comfortable doing so, you're also free to share Steam details, arrange gaming sessions, etc.
*Follow EcchiDreams ToS, and NO FORCING users to share information if they do not want to. Additional rules may be added IF required, but I don't think there'll be any need for that. Other than that, have fun.
PS: The Club name is a JOKE. xD
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EcchiDreams Specific Community Club
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I guess it's okay to bump this? I have a few "Shitlist Games". Oh boy, here we go! Escape Dead Island - Holy shit, where do I begin? This was supposed to be kind of a spin off of the Dead Island franchise, and the only game in the franchise after Dead Island: Riptide (RIP Dead Island 2 still in development hell). While the original Dead Island its expansion had its problems, it was at least fun and sort of a more RPG-like version of Left-4-Dead (skill trees, specialties with weapons and unique benefits, etc). Escape Dead Island tried to take the series, which was NEVER about stealth, and make a stealth game out of it. This concept would be fine, except it rarely (if not never) works. It works (kind of) in the tutorial, but outside of that good luck actually getting the stealth mechanic to work. Your weapon of choice to kill the zombies (stealthily) is a screwdriver. A fucking screwdriver. Now, I dunno who made level design, but the fact the actual Army Knife is so hidden within the first level that one can miss it and easily have the inferior melee weapon in the game is beyond stupid. It's been a while, but I also don't remember really any guns (if they were useful or not) either. It was mainly melee and horrible camera angles that often fought with you. The ugly cell-shaded look also was a departure from its "realistic" looking predecessor. They tried to make it a comic book style - possibly wanting to capitalize on The Walking Dead's game? I dunno. The plot makes no sense either and I can barely remember it. The voice acting is terrible, your character's motivations make no sense. And the final boss is not clever or using any sort of mechanic you learned along the way. It is literally trial and error. And the developers had to know this, considering there is a checkpoint for each phase. Each. Fucking. Phase. ARK: Survival Evolved - I hate this game. I hate, hate, hate it. I hate how tedious it is. I hate how poorly optimized it is. I hate that it tries to take Survival and make it not fun. I hate the fact that I bought it. I hate the fact it came out with a $30 DLC before it even left Early Access. I hate the fact that, from what I hear, it essentially got kind of abandoned for a pirate game that's basically ARK but with pirates. I DO NOT recommend this damn game to anyone, especially with those who have limited time or value their time outside of playing a tedious video game. Payday 2 - I initially liked this game. I liked the concept, a co-op heisting simulator with friends or strangers. Then, after a long while, it stopped being fun. Glitches were everywhere, random failing of heists because suddenly a guard can see you through a wall. Not to mention heavy desync with the other players. The AI is also about as useless as Left4Dead's if you played by yourself, too. Then there's the money grabbing DLC that's still being produced even now. They even released a GOTY Edition, which did NOT come with everything as they had to release an Ultimate Edition to "guarantee" even future DLC. No one who already owned the game or some DLC were even offered a discount. You had to pay full price, again, to get the Ultimate Edition. It's being kept artificially alive this way, especially since their road to 1 million heisters way back when reached several goals they still haven't implemented. Then there's the Overkill vs. 505 Games microtransactions debacle. God, this is one of the only (if not few) games where the developers nerfed weapons so far that default skinned shotguns were lower damage than an unskinned pistol. To fix this, you could obtain little vaults, similar to the crates in TF2 or CS:GO. But it cost money to open them AND the skins gave benefits - like more damage! It wasn't just cosmetic! It gave an advantage! Insectiside: Part 1 - Well, this can be summed up as a port of a Nintendo DS game that was never fully finished. While the concept is interesting, the game itself is boggled with problems. It's only 5 missions long, with one missing being a long cutscene (Hideo Kojima, eat your heart out). It has horrible FMV compression for its cutscenes with jarring audio so different from actual in game audio. The camera fights against you (which seems to be a theme here). The jumping is delayed, and it's not at all obvious on where to go half the time. The difficult ramps up and ramps down, surprisingly, even though it's a short as hell game. The reason why I say it's unfinished? Because Part 2 was cancelled. Possibly before the PC port was even a thing. Ugh. Survivor Squad - Ugh. This is the most boring, uninteresting zombie game I've played. It's so generic. It's 2D from a top down perspective, which I generally find lazy and half-assed. You control a squad trying to survive a zombie outbreak and you do the usual things you expect in this genre by now - survive, move forward, survive. It's just so boring and unbearably repetitive. The multiplayer sucks, too. Instead of allowing co-op, all it allows is one player to be the survivors, the other to be the zombies. That'd be fine if it was an optional mode in multiplayer, but it's the ONLY mode. Which sucks.
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Thanks, I now how context to the comments
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In the event that any of those five images fail to load, here's the links to my Steam account where they can be seen: 1st Image: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1103388350 2nd Image: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1197761428 3rd Image: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1547381223 4th Image: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1623322654 5th Image: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1441482084
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So do I, because it's bugging me that they aren't loading because I want to read the post in its entirety xD
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They load for me, but I think I might know why those five specifically won't load, and that's because in the last ten minutes I have edited the descriptions on each of those images (and am going through a process of "tagging" and adding the sources to each image, just because), so... that might be why. It might refresh/restore after some time? I hope so...
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Some real good screenshots there, although for me the first five won't load
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I've got a few screenshots from various games I have played on Steam over the last two years. Because this post is so massive I had to split all of the screenshots by what game they are in and add Spoiler tags to them all. Either way, hope you'll see some funny stuff in this collection, I know I sure did, otherwise I probably wouldn't have taken these screenshots in the first place! xD BattleBlock Theatre Bloody Trapland Cally's Caves 4 Cally's Trials Cuphead Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Freedom Planet Hand Simulator I Wanna Be The Cat Khimera: Destroy All Monster Girls Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time Psychonauts Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Shantae & The Pirate's Curse Formatting this entire post took FOREVER. >_< But hey, it's done now, and I probably won't need to update on this thread for another year. P:
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It's been nearly two whole years since I last posted here, but I have a few more games I can add to the Shitlist now, all of which are on Steam: ✿ Airscape: The Fall of Gravity While I have beat this game and 100% completed it, I don't think I have played a game so irritating and needlessly frustrating in a long time. It's not a terrible game, I'll give it that, and yes I can see that the developers did at least try and put the effort into making a genuinely fun game, but my gosh if it isn't one of the most frustrating games ever when it's not even supposed to be that difficult. It's like Super Mario Galaxy, but 2D, over ten times as hard, and the controls are extremely touchy and difficult to get a hold of. I dunno I won't ramble on for too long because I've got other games to mention in this thread, but, I felt that there could have been a lot of improvements made to that game... ✿ Cally's Trials I am a fan of the Cally's Caves platformer games, and have played through the whole of Cally's Caves 3 & 4 which are both on Steam, but the next one in the series, for whatever reason, is named "Cally's Trials", and I think it pales in comparison to all of the other games in the series. The biggest issue with it is that there's no Checkpoints/Save States, so when you die, you go all the way back to the very beginning of an entire world in the game. I was so baffled by this that I seriously thought it was some kind of mistake and the game wasn't meant to do that (especially considering all of the other previous games had Checkpoints). I actually contacted the guy who made the game on Steam a while back, and he confirmed that the entire "challenge" to Cally's Trials is that there are no Checkpoints. I personally thought it was overkill, rendering the game almost unplayable unless you're extremely good at it, which I'm not, so I ended up giving it away. ✿ Hand Simulator I actually found this game a bit funny for the first... 15 minutes of playing it, but trying to play it seriously and aiming for the Achievements is a near-impossibility. Online mode (which is most of the entire game) is barely playable, and if you're playing it outside of the United States or the United Kingdom good luck ever finding players near you. I wouldn't bother taking this game seriously at all, but rather just something to get a quick laugh out of and nothing more than that. I guess you get what you pay for... it did only cost $2.95AUD after all... ✿ Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again Can't really say much about this one, but to give a brief summary of it, it's a cheaply-made action-platformer that's really unfair. Almost everything kills you and you can lose all of your health in a matter of seconds due to glitches, or just unfair enemy advantages. Throughout almost the entirety of the game you are at a constant disadvantage, even with items you can purchase at the shops which you find throughout stages. It's not very fun... I think that's enough ranting from me for one day. Will anyone read through this whole post? Probably not, but oh well.
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From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
From the album: Manni's PC Games Images
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I have another addition to make to this thread: Tadpole Treble - A game that my IRL friend got me on Steam as a Christmas gift. This was made by a YouTuber and webcomic artist I have followed on-and-off for a few years; BitFinity (Matthew Taranto). It's a musically-structured game, based on timing and rhythm, somewhat akin to that of the Rhythm Heaven games on the Nintendo DS. I'd say this game is very underrated... Heck, Matt's YouTube channel and webcomics are underrated as a whole. Guy's got some incredible talent... [June 5th edit: Found yet another game to add to this list]: Happy Melancholic Kid - This is a small, free-to-play indie RPG that I discovered through watching Vinesauce (one of my favourite YouTube channels xD). It looks like it has a lot of potential and I would love to see it become a full-fledged series one day. At the moment it's only in Beta, and I'm not sure if it is ever going to be developed any further than what it already has; seeing as development on the game has been idle for over a year now, I think. If you want to kill an hour-or-so playing a game, check out this fun and pretty little adventure!