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About This Club

One of Manni's long running ideas that has finally come to fruition (hopefully)! This Roleplay is a superhero Roleplay, based on Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, video games and a whole lot of other things. This is an Advanced level Roleplay open to all Dreamers, as long as you read the necessary materials carefully. I will be considered Dungeon Master for this Roleplay and so will be responsible for setting up the plot and general occurances.

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Ruby was mildly impressed by the grace in which Shorty dove behind cover. His short, squat form did not seem that wieldy, and yet he had hid himself with surprising grace. She paused in the firing of her guns when she no longer had line of sight of him. But she remained where she was, her weapon pointing towards the crates so that the moment he emerged, she could fire at him. Her eyebrow then rose a little when he began speaking. At his instruction that the cover could be destroyed with enough power, she smirked a little. That was a useful thing to know. Not only could she eliminate the cover that her foes could hide behind, but she could also get useful items from it. If they were like any games she usually played, they could range from ammo, to health pickups or even temporary perks. “Good to know, Shorty. Any other useful tricks to know?” Ruby asked, even as she changed the aim of her twin guns to point the weapons towards the crates that Shorty was hiding behind and began to rapidly fire at them. She wasn’t firing at them just because Short was hiding behind them and she wanted to hit him more, but she also wanted to know how long it would take them to break when she unleashed everything she had at the breakable objects.
  3. *As the AI fired its weapon at Ruby, it prepared itself to move to behind a nearby set of crates a few metres to the left of its current position. It knew that, while the crates themselves could serve as cover for a little while, all environmental objects spawned on this Game Field were destructible with enough firepower. It also knew that destroying environmental objects could cause Field Items to spawn, which could turn the tide of battle. Now, the AI was going to tell Ruby this as soon as it could as it felt it would be unfair not to give her such vital information. Though the AI knew that, in the battles to come, Ruby and whoever else got these Game Images would not always be able to rely on 'rules' and 'fairness' to get by. If anything, the AI should have thought it necessary to give this person the 'hard lessons of life'. Though, the 'AI' knew things that could not reveal yet as its instructions were clear. Though it did feel like this was a rather indirect way of helping, it knew enough to know that this was going to be the only way they could help them. While the AI thought it distasteful and unnecessary to involve 'civilians' like these which something so important, it knew that the decision was not its hands. All it could do now was give those under its care at the moment the best advice and education it could, given the constraints.* Enough time thinking, time to act. *As soon as the AI noticed that Ruby had gotten behind cover, the AI made its move towards the crates to its left. The AI knew that it had a huge advantage in this fight, given its level of experience in combat. Even though its level was set at the lowest level, it knew enough about how this environment worked and about its own abilities to give even higher level opponents a hard time. As it moved towards its destination, it could hear her fire her own weapons at it. Now, the AI knew that it could make it to the crates safely my using one of its abilities, but it decided against its use. Why? So it could teach Ruby about Field Items, which included Health Pickups. It knew she had gotten hit by one of its bullets so it figured...heck, let her hit me a bit and show her how to use Field Items at the same time! Now, as the AI dove gracefully behind the crates, it felt a projectile graze its right leg. It hurt a bit but the main thing was...it wasn't fatal and not enough to prevent lots of movement.* "One hit each, huh?" the AI shouted from behind cover. "Not bad for a newbie. Anyway, I should mention that all cover in this Game Field is destructible with enough firepower. Should also mention that, like in any game, destroying cover while useful in itself at times...has another benefit here. Each time you destroy a piece of environmental cover, there's a chance that a Field Item/Pickup will spawn."
  4. Ruby narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw the nerf gun raised and pointed in her direction before the strange man fired it at her. While she doubted it would do any real damage, she still dove out of the way, rolling to get behind cover. Despite her quick reaction, one of the bullets clipped her thigh. And dammit, it hurt! It felt as if she had been punched in the thigh, as if she had been shot with a rubber bullet. It was sure to leave a horrific bruise on her otherwise flawless skin. As she hid behind some crates which, to her, didn’t look like it would be effective for very long. She twisted, getting up onto her feet and peering up over the top of the crate at the midget figure. She then raised her own guns and pointed them at Shorty before she fired herself in rapid succession. She was surprised to note that there was hardly any kickback from the weapons, allowing her to keep her aim relatively straight. She still had to correct with each shot fired, but it allowed her to shoot quickly. She was really liking these guns.
  5. Alas, there would be no free groping during this trip! But then that didn't really hamper the mood any. There was always later! The night was still young and who knew what sort of crazy hijinks they could get up to! At least being good meant she could keep up the snuggling. That was still a win in her book! As they ventured further into the city Katsumi managed to get a few glimpses out at the newer environment. It didn't really interest her too much. Sure, it was all pretty, but it'd look the same getting blown up! Probably! It could be different. If that were the case then she'd be in for a pleasant surprise! It might not be so bad living here though. Anyways, no, most of her attention was planted firmly upon the woman escorting her. In fact her gaze hardly left the poor lady's face, a shark-toothed grin ever present upon her face. She hardly even blinked. Katsumi was a terrifying predator and she made no efforts to hide it. "So ya mentioned second base. Whats it take to steal that? Or third base? What even is third base?! How bout a home run?!?! Or a grand slam! Ooooh ya got me all jittery!"
  6. *It was at this point the AI started to explain about the various functions of the Hero OS, from the Shop where one could use the 'Induls' currency to buy upgrades, weapons and new stuff for your Game Images to the fact that the Arm Computer with the Game Image was able to create a localised distortion in space that created a seemingly perfect battlefield. That function seemed like a good idea so that innocents and targets unrelated could remain out of the line of fire. Why on earth these GIs and the Arm Computer could do this the AI did not specify. Perhaps it was too complicated to explain in a short tutorial. Anyway, the Shop sounded rather handy as it seemed these Induls, gained from dispatching foes and doing missions, were key to doing upgrades and specialisations for the Game Images and the Arm Computers. The AI also explained some of the other features of the device, that included upgrades to the GPS system which would allow Soma to find foes, marks and other weird things that could come up, an scanning system that gave users a good indication of enemy strength, abilities and other useful info. It also seemed to be a game in itself. As the AI finished talking, which was comprehensive though sounded like they were reading the textbook to the class...the AI indicated to Soma that they were going to practice a few things dealing with combat.* "Unfortunately, I have no information regarding your combat experience and your ability to fight. If you don't mind, I would like to see a demonstration of your present ability." The AI said as they seemed to move into a defensive posture. "Don't worry, this is merely a sparring match."
  7. Donovon frowned when he saw that the strange figure was stopped suddenly by a block that appeared out of thin air. It seemed to float, defying gravity as it held up the weight of the strange figure. This was getting stranger and stranger by the minute, and Donovan almost loosened his grip on his sword so that he could see if there was a way out of this place. It just didn’t seem to make any kind of sense and he was feeling more than a little lost. He then frowned at the figures question. Ranged attack options? He glanced down at his sword, once again feeling baffled. How can one turn a sword into a ranged weapon unless one threw it? And that would be a completely silly move to make. Not only was the sword heavy and unwieldy, making it difficult to throw, but it would rob you of your only weapon. Thus throwing them away made one defenceless. He raised an eyebrow as there was the sound of a jingle coming from the strange figure before he seemed to speak as if he was talking to someone on the phone. Donovan was getting weirded out more by the moment. This figure was extremely strange, one of the strangest he had ever dealt with. He was beginning to think he had either fallen asleep at his desk, or someone had slipped him something. He stepped back a little when the figure jumped down in front of him, his aggressive posture disappearing. Donovan glanced towards the block that he had been standing on, noting that it was now gone. He was just filled with questions. Where did it go? Where had it come from, in the first place? How was it able to float like that, and take the strange figures weight with ease? He refused on the figure as it addressed him once more. He tilted his head a little, frowning a little before he allowed his sword tip to lower to the floor, “I’ve never played a game in my life because I’m far too busy for that kind of thing.” He said, before asking, “Basics of what, exactly? What am I doing here? Where is this, exactly?”
  8. *However, the blow that Donovan was expecting never came. In fact it had no way of happening given...that through some twist of fate, this 'Mighty Action X' landed on a 'block' that mysterious appeared in midair! This block looked like something out of a video game, like an old school platformer. Never mind that having some sort of platform block appear out of thin air despite not being there a second ago was against any sort of reality that Donovan was used to, there simply didn't seem to be a mechanism that could result in this. The AI, however, seemed nonplussed by this and more bothered than Donovan's lack of action. He peered over the block and asked Donovan the following question.* "Wait...why are you just standing there? You DO have ranged attack options with that game! I should know, I've played it already!" the AI said, seemingly shocked that Donovan had no idea what he was doing. It was just then that some sort of musical jingle could be heard coming from the AI, who then seemed to know that he was getting a message from somewhere...perhaps on his phone! Perhaps that jingle was a ring tone for the Messenger App on his Arm Computer...though he didn't seem to have one on him. In fact, he didn't seem to have a phone or communication device on him at all. Then again, this thing was an AI and probably didn't need one. "EHHH?! He just got it TODAY?! Oh, that explains everything!" the AI exclaimed, its voice more emotive than one would expect out of an AI. "In that case, let me teach him the ropes! There's no need to read the manual when you have a Pro Gamer on-site!" *The communication between 'Mighty Action X' and this mysterious third party continued for a few moments more before the AI ended the conversation and jumped from the block back on the ground...which disappeared after he landed. Now, given that Donovan was NOT a gamer, this would make absolutely no sense to him but anyway...* "So, I've been told not only that you have just got this Game Image TODAY but you HAVE NEVER played a video game in your life." the AI said to Donovan, looking incredulous that this person had never played a game in his life. "In that case, we're going to have to go back to basics. I wouldn't worry though, you have a PRO GAMER here to help you!"
  9. *In the morning, Xiang would notice that the OS on her Arm Computer had changed from its normal OS to a so called HERO OS. It didn't seem all that different from what the normal OS was, albiet with a few new features and new files on it. Though if Xiang tried to roll back the OS installation, she would find that she would be unable to do so. Some of the new files that Xiang would find on her Arm Computer was a few video files and some new apps. * *In one of the new video files, Xiang would notice it seemed to be some sort of video presentation for the Security Forces of MegaCity 2, run by the Dissidents who had splintered from MegaCity 1. In this presentation which was known as the 'Induction Video' by most and was made the the Consortium, much like most Arm Computer related technology. In the Induction Video, there was a representative from the Consortium with one of the high ranking officials of the Dissident Security Forces of MegaCity 2. It was quite a high production value video, it must be said with all the bells and whistles. Ruby could pick and choose what sections of the video he wanted to watch, much like a Blueray movie. In the video, the representative of the Consortium was talking about the HERO OS product and the related product, the Game Images (GIs for short). Now, if Xiang was up-to-date with his news, he would know that the Consortium had won a large government contract to help develop a new 'defense program' a year ago and it seemed from the video that this was the result. It appeared that this "Hero OS' update was in limited release for security and police personnel. From the sounds of it, this was not so much a live 'beta-test' where there were still bugs but a full release product specifically made for the Security Forces, including police personnel. As the video continued, the various functions of the Hero OS were described and demonstrated. As it turns out, the Hero OS does a few things more than the ordinary OS that Arm Computers have. For example, the Geo-Location and 'Map' capabilities have been changed and modified to allow for real-time information on sighting of threats to be uploaded and tracked. In other words, if anything bad in MegaCity 2 happened, those with the HERO OS would get a notification on the threat, its location and its nature and be able to track it in real-time. Another example of the functionality of the Hero OS was access to a special 'App' Store, linked to the Game Images. It turned out that one could purchase special functionality and quality upgrades for the Arm Computer and the Game Images from this Store, which was unusual as most Arm Computers were not easily upgraded. Also, the video would speak of the Game Images or GIs for short. It seemed that the GIs were essentially kind of like a specialised 'loadout' or configuration that people could use to defend themselves with. It seemed to be some sort of advanced technological development that allowed for rapid deployment of armed units to react and respond to threats. There were limited live demonstrations of the technology in the video, showing how the GIs functioned and what exactly they did. The operation of using the GI was quite easy, almost idiot-proof despite how mindbogglingly compelx the actual technology was. From the video, Ruby would learn the basics of how to use a Game Image and that there were more advanced tutorial features in the Hero OS product, under the How To Guide section in the OS GUI itself. It appeared to offer advanced simulations and helpful advice on how to use the OS and the GIs.* *Also, there was a new notification on her Arm Computer, saying that she got two new message on her Messenger App. However, if she would go and look at it, the message did not say who the sender was or give any information away from where it came from. Xiang also wouldn't be able to delete the message either and none of the in-built antivirus or antispam apps on the Arm Computer blocked it or picked up any threat from it. If she chose to open the app, she would read the following message.* For the Future that does not Exist yet... From the Past that Mortals Deny... Comes A Power That Will Decide If and What Future you Deserve... *The other message on her messenger device was a shipping notification, saying that a product would be arriving at her home today. It was odd as the message did not say what the product was nor who the sender was.* [Reply to Neptune] *Though Ruby wouldn't be able to tell as the face of the AI didn't came expression, the AI wasn't exactly enthused by her response. It thought that was the kind of response of someone that hadn't been 'in the deep end of shit' before, to use their phrase. While they certainly didn't hope for them to land in 'the deep end of shit', the AI knew that neither of them were not going to have a choice one way or another. It was going to tolerate their bravado for now because it certainly was not going to last when it came down to it. Now, the AI didn't care what they thought of their weapon. They knew exactly what it could do to an enemy, let alone a civilian. If only it were a toy and this was just some live action TV show...wait, did they just hold their gun sidewards like a newbie? Oh wait, they corrected it. Still, classic newbie mistake. As Ruby got ready for the upcoming 'training', the AI got ready and pointed their gun at Ruby.* "Simple. Each other." the AI said rather bluntly before they fired a few shots at Ruby. [Way Overdue Reply to @Chiyako] *Fortunately for Angela and perhaps unfortunately for Katsumi, the person who was driving the vehicle was a talented driver. It only seemed they were reckless because of the somewhat outrageous speeds they could get away driving with and yet not lose control over the vehicle. In fact, their control over the vehicle was pretty much total, so Angela and Katsumi were in safe hands. If only the rest of the people on the road could drive like this...oh well. Although this meant Katsumi wouldn't be getting 'lucky', it was probably for the best. Angela wouldn't exactly be pleased with Katsumi if she did and even if she were a kid, Angela wouldn't exactly show her mercy later. Well, at least Katsumi could enjoy the sight of Megacity 2 passing back rapidly...as well as the random vehicles getting out of the way of this seemingly speed obsessed driver. If there was one problem with this driver, it was they tended to like to show off. Then again, they were seemingly paid to get to Point A and B as fast as possible. Why bother with things that got in the way of that, especially if they were slow? It didn't take long for the scenery that Katsumi would see out of the window to change from her usual abode to a more urban environment as they passed through the city Centre to the 'better off' end of town in which they were going to. All the pretty lights and all the new sights and sounds, what would Katsumi think of this? She was going to have to get used her new surroundings quite quickly as she was going to be put to work as soon as she was able.*
  10. From a convenience store Xiang step out with her both arm full of bags of vegetables and meat heading straight back her aparment where her brother is waiting. After a while, she arrive at home, her little brother come rushing as soon as he hear the knocking, “Sis you finally back! Have you bought the ingredients for the hot pot tonight ?” he ask, She let out a small giggle seeing the small boy jumping up and down trying to see what inside those bags she holding “Calm down Yu, i’ve bought every thing we need, we’re going to have a seafood hotpot, your favorite” she answer with a grin on her face, the boy has twinkle in his eyes upon hearing the news but quickly faded away as Xiang continue, “But you have to finish your home work first”, “Ahhhhgg~” he bow down his head disappointed but fast risen up with smile on his face “Fine, don’t start without me ok sis?” he said before going back to our room to do what he need to As for Xiang, she change into a more comfortable clothes then head to the kitchen, put on an apron, take out the ingredients and start cooking. *A few hours passed* Yu come out of the room “Sis i’ve done my home work!” he run into the kitchen to inform Xiang, “Good ! The food is ready ” she look at the watch “And it’s about time too. Yu you go take a shower first i will go in after you” “Ok sis” he said then head to the bath room. Xiang turn off the gas stove, go to the wardrobe to grap some clothes but there nothing iside except for a panties she bought the other day and a tank top left. She remember that she forgot doing the laundry today so that all she got. Signed, she go in the shower with Yu inside and take a bath with him before got out to have diner… Later that night, Xiang’s arm computer turned on midnight with words inside *Hero OS installing*
  11. To answer the first question, you copy the character sheet from the Player Select section and paste it onto the character image you want to use. There should be a details section available when you upload a picture to the gallery. You can also add the sheet onto a existing character image in your gallery/folder on this RP by editing the details of your image. For the second question, after you create your character, you just plop them into the Game as your character. Depending on what their backstory is, they will get their Game Image in various ways.
  12. i mean how to fill the sheet and how to introduce to "THE Game"
  13. I see you found the place to put the character sheet but but did you mean by the second question?
  14. Where do i post the character sheet ? and does it have to be in a story ?
  15. This is my character i use for Manni's Superhero RPG! Character Identity Information Name: Xiang Shi Age/Date of Birth: 21/December 26th Gender: Female Species: Human Origin: A teacher who lost her job and have to move out with her little brother Nationality: Chinese Occupation: model GAME + Genre: erotic, action, comedy Physical Appearance Height: 66.9 inch Weight: 132 lb Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Black Physical Description: Medium height, Medium weight, Fair-skinned, Long Straight hair,plump Personality, Traits and Abilities General Overview: Strengths, Skills and Abilities: strong scaning and can predict things may happen Weaknesses: Slow response Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams): buy a house Hobbies and Interests: teaching little brother stuff Personal Sexual Information (This whole part is optional) Sexual Orientation: heterosexual Turn ons: naughty thought Breast Size: 92 (E cup) Sensitivity: Thigh, Breast STD History: None Extra Information (This whole part is optional) Siblings: younger brother History Awards/Commendations: None Criminal Record: None
  16. "Tch. Fine then" Soma clicked his tongue and replied in a somewhat irritated tone. He wasn't really surprised by the fact the AI was unable to give him the info he desired. After all, pretty much every single company with a considerable value has it's fair share of secrets to keep, and as the CEO of one, Soma understood that very well. Still, it was farely annoying for him, since he doesn't really like to act without a good grip on what was happening. His calculist and cautious nature was something he was actually quite proud of. Soma decided that, for now at least, it would be best to forget the subject and focus on understanding more about this new found digital world and what he could or should do while there. While he was pretty sure that he had the basics on how to operate the Hero OS thanks to his knowledge and experience with computers and video games, he was also curious to find out how exactly he would be putting the loadout he had select to use. "Very well... please go on then. I am curious to learn more about this program" he replied in his calm tone.
  17. Donovan tensed a little when he saw the AI figure running directly towards him, his movements a lot faster than he would have expected. He then forced himself to relax a little so that he could move more fluidly. He shifted his rear feet back a little more, ready to spring into action to block the attack that seemed to be coming. But as the figure jumped up, Donovan’s eyes snapped up to follow them as they leapt into the air. They were able to jump far higher than Donovan would have expected. He figured that they were about to come down on him with a hammer blow, which would be difficult to block with the sword as the AI would have gravity on their side as well. So he jumped back, dancing out of the way. He didn’t want to attack, not just yet. He wanted to get an idea as to how this AI operated first, to get an idea of their attacks and the way that they moved so that he could counteract against it. He came to a stop several metres away, once again resuming his defensive stance as he watched. Of course, as he had no idea about any of special attacks available to him, he couldn’t utilise them to attack the AI, and thus was relying completely on the Martial Arts training that he had done over the years. While he had practised with others, mainly with practise swords, this was the first time he had actually fought with a real blade against an actual opponent.
  18. Hmm...thinking about places I can use my NPCs to further plot! I'm thinking of having 'mentor' NPCs at least to begin with for all the PC in the RP. Also, if any Super Sentai/Kamen Rider/tokusatsu fans are out there, you will notice a large amount of homages and references to earlier series.
  19. "Protein it is! To the nearest bestest steak house!" A finger pointed forth towards the front of the vehicle. Not that they'd listen to her, although they might. Any steak would do really. She'd never had anything super fancy before. But then she'd always ended up spending her money on other things. Like explosives. Of course when it came down to a job Katsumi was at least somewhat serious about it! Perhaps not enough to damper her spirits, but certainly enough to get the job done. After all, why do anything when one couldn't simply let loose and have fun doing it? What was the point? The girl's single eye stared at the woman's chest once she was secured. "Squish" she mumbled to herself, although she did heed Angela's warning, slipping a seat belt onto herself! Then she simply leaned as best she could against her new friend slash date. "Now this is the life!" Dinner! A home! A date! A daredevil driver! Even a limo! Today was just getting better and better! At least the crazy driving gave her an excuse for bumping repeatedly against Angela's body. And hey, if perhaps her face or a hand ended up somewhere a little naughty, well, she could blame the trip!
  20. "You have been chosen to take part in a rather important..." the AI began speaking with a foreign but seemingly high brow accent before they paused to consider the words they were about to say. "....Experiment, the result of which will have a large bearing on Altech's Future. Now, before you ask, there are things that I cannot disclose to you at this present time due to my agreements...no, my programming. Question dealing with subjects such as my employer/designer and the exact nature of the experiment are examples of subjects that I am not permitted to answer." *This...was interesting, especially the mysterious slip of the tongue and the AI's choice of words...if they indeed an AI construct. Now, in Altech, AIs and robots were quite a commonplace thing and quite advanced but there were still certain things that they were not permitted to do or become as part of the law of the land. This was mostly to allay concern of humanity being made redundant by machinery and also to allay fears of not being able to appropriately distinguish between an organic and artificial intellgience. Whether Soma would make much of this was up to them but if they did, they might consider not raising the issue as there were certainly a large information assymetry between the two and goodness knows what kind of information this AI or whoever this was had. Soma might feel they may need to tread carefully in this strange environment, given that they really did not know what they were getting themselves into.* "I see you have been familarizing yourself with the Hero OS and have selected your primary loadout. That is good to be prepared. Now, in the immediate, I will be helping you further familiarize yourself with the Hero OS' other functions such as the Shop and your task for today." *Now while the hammer shaped weapon didn't look threatening as it was comically large and almost game peripheral-like (plasticy toy), the fact was...it was a deadly serious weapon and could actually do damage...and kill someone though it doesn't look like it. The AI looked calmly and unfazed at Donovan, though it would be impossible for Donovan to tell as the expression on the helmet never changed. Which might make Donovan ask what kind of AI construct looked like this? Seriously? Looked like something out of a kid's cartoon. The AI readied itself for close combat, as it looked around the area for 'things it could use'. Now the AI had 'instructions' to take it easy on Donovan and not to mess them up too badly. After all, they needed them and whomever else got the HERO OS alive and well. Its instructions didn't prevent the AI from having 'fun' with the candidate and if they showed them a few tricks at the same time, it would be fine wouldn't it?* Alright, it's GAME START! the AI seem to think to itself, as they started on the offensive by starting to run straight at Donovan, seemingly intent on directly attacking him head-on. Now, this would be normally a stupid idea given that this person's hammer was at a small range disadvantage versus Donovan's sword, which was slightly longer. Also, given the height difference, you would think the AI wouldn't be able to reach Donovan that easily. However, the AI was moving a fair bit faster and was more agile on their feet than one would expect in such a bulky and unwieldy suit. How would Donovan react to the AI's upfront approach? The AI's eyes were seemingly looking straight at him, but Donovan could not be sure if they were eyes or just part of the design of the suit, like a mask. A few steps before the AI would reach Donovan and probably get hit by Donovan's sword, it didn't something unexpected. It jumped! And quite high at that! It appeared that the frontal assault idea was a ruse! But for what purpose? Now Donovan could still seemingly attack the AI as it was seemingly wide open...
  21. Welcome to MegaCity 2, the Best MegaCity in all of Altech! Here, people can find Freedom from the Tyranny and Lies of the Authority. For too long has the Authority hidden the Truth of What's Going On! We, the Dissidents, Intend to Free All from the Gross Injustices of the Authority And Reveal the True Rot that it represents! This Dissident-run MegaCity is one of the two remaining MegaCities on Altech that are enclosed in the Wall, an impenetrable barrier that was deployed upon the two MegaCities to both protect the cities from the larger World War and to cut them off from the Outside World. However, this had the effect of obviously cutting off the MegaCity 1 and 2 from the Outside World and from help. No supplies or assistance from the outside is available...largely. However, due to the immense technological abilities of Altech and the numerous amount of resources available in the lands within the Wall, it doesn't appear that natural resources will run out any time soon. In fact, most people do not think about the outside world anymore! Most people go about their normal lives in the city, not thinking about the outside world. In the middle of the City lies one of the tallest building in the City, Dissident HQ. Here, the Dissidents oversees the security and protection of the City from major threats including those from the Monsters (likely those Outsider remnants, Virals or worse) and from Authority activity. Given that Dissident HQ is in the middle of the City, it is of equal distance from most major places within the City as city planners have made it as to allow easy access for those with the Dissidents to get around easy. Nearby the Dissidents HQ, in an equally tall and imposing building, is the Consortium's MegaCity 1 Division Building which is pretty much the HQ of the Consortium in MegaCity 1. The Consortium is partnered with the Dissidents in making the defensive and offensive systems that protect MegaCity 2 from Outsider attacks. The Consortium is also responsible for the research and development into Game Images, both new and old. Though no communications from the outside world have been received from quite some time...not even from other Altech cities...not many seem to mind or care... Main Places in MegaCity 2: Dissidents HQ: Located in the middle of MegaCity 2...like in MegaCity 1 with the Authority HQ strangely enough. It's one of the tallest buildings in the MegaCity and is a sight to behold. Obviously, being a HQ, it is heavily defended and not very easy to gain access to given that the Dissidents operate here. Obviously, there are quick dispatch points, armouries and supply points throughout the city for those on patrol to use but this building is the central hub of government as well as defence. Consortium Building, MegaCity Two Branch: The MegaCity Two Branch of the mysterious Consortium, the supplier and developer of the GIs( Game Images) and the GAs (Game Armaments) that the GIs come with. They are the ones that develop the GIs and GA and keep the supporting apparatus up and running and to their credit, they do that especially well. Not many people actually go to the Consortium Building unless they are needed or work there. It is a bit odd but people get an rather eerie feeling getting close to the building, hence why not many people go there. Those that work there sign rather restrictive NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements) upon employment which do prevent them from talking much about what goes on there. Though not like the rank and file employees know much... Rebels' Atrium: Kind of like a botanical garden and a large open public space for the masses to enjoy nature without going outside the MegaCity. It's a beautiful sight for sore eyes but really, does it match the outside? It's quite a nice place to chill and relax, though. It's got a nice vibe and hey, the monuments to some of the great heroes of the past are here! Great Market District: Where all the big shops and fancy restaurants are, where people spend their hard earned money on things they want to buy. Convenience Place: Where all the good convenience or chain stores are! Residential Districts: Where all the people live. Military Checkpoint (No Checkouts, Please): Set at the major Exit Points in the MegaCity, which control the flow of things in and out of the MegaCity. Obviously, since the Wall was up, not much comes INTO the City...except for the Outsiders. So, what's the use of the Checkpoints then?
  22. Welcome to MegaCity One and Home City of the Authority, the Original and Best MegaCity on Altech! Here, loyal citizens get the benefit of comfortable and largely hassle free living, free from fear of death from the Outsiders and random raiders and such. Obey the Law and Report any Dissident Activity to your nearest Member of Authority Security as well as any Viral Activity. Remember, It is Also a Citizen's Duty To Help Stamp Out Virals and Threats to Order! This Authority-run MegaCity is one of the two remaining MegaCities on Altech that are enclosed in the Wall, an impenetrable barrier that was deployed upon the two MegaCities to both protect the cities from the larger World War and to cut them off from the Outside World. However, this had the effect of obviously cutting off the MegaCity 1 and 2 from the Outside World and from help. No supplies or assistance from the outside is available...largely. However, due to the immense technological abilities of Altech and the numerous amount of resources available in the lands within the Wall, it doesn't appear that natural resources will run out any time soon. In fact, most people do not think about the outside world anymore! Most people go about their normal lives in the city, not thinking about the outside world. In the middle of the City lies one of the tallest building in the City, Authority HQ. Here, the Authority oversees the security and protection of the City from major threats including those from the Monsters (likely those Outsider remnants, Virals or worse) and from Dissident activity. Given that Authority HQ is in the middle of the City, it is of equal distance from most major places within the CIty as city planners have made it as to allow easy access for those with the Authority to get around easy. Nearby the Authority HQ, in an equally tall and imposing building, is the Consortium's MegaCity 1 Division Building which is pretty much the HQ of the Consortium in MegaCity 1. The Consortium is partnered with the Authority in making the defensive and offensive systems that protect MegaCity 1 from Outsider attacks. The Consortium is also responsible for the research and development into Game Images, both new and old. Though no communications from the outside world have been received from quite some time...not even from other Altech cities...not many seem to mind or care... Main Places in MegaCity One: Authority HQ - Located in the Middle of MegaCity One, the Authority HQ is an imposing sight to behold. It is the tallest building in the MegaCity and the most heavily defended out of all the buildings, given that the Security Forces operate out of this building as it's their main HQ. Obviously, there are quick dispatch points, armouries and supply points throughout the city for those on patrol to use but this building is the central hub of government as well as defence. Consortium Building, MegaCity One Branch: The MegaCity One Branch of the mysterious Consortium, the supplier and developer of the GIs( Game Images) and the GAs (Game Armaments) that the GIs come with. They are the ones that develop the GIs and GA and keep the supporting apparatus up and running and to their credit, they do that especially well. Not many people actually go to the Consortium Building unless they are needed or work there. It is a bit odd but people get an rather eerie feeling getting close to the building, hence why not many people go there. Those that work there sign rather restrictive NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements) upon employment which do prevent them from talking much about what goes on there. Though not like the rank and file employees know much... Patriots' Park: Kind of like a botanical garden and a large open public space for the masses to enjoy nature without going outside the MegaCity. It's a beautiful sight for sore eyes but really, does it match the outside? It's quite a nice place to chill and relax, though. It's got a nice vibe and hey, the monuments to some of the great heroes of the past are here! Great Market District: Where all the big shops and fancy restaurants are, where people spend their hard earned money on things they want to buy. Convenience Place: Where all the good convenience or chain stores are! Residential Districts: Where all the people live. Military Checkpoint (No Checkouts, Please): Set at the major Exit Points in the MegaCity, which control the flow of things in and out of the MegaCity. Obviously, since the Wall was up, not much comes INTO the City...except for the Outsiders. So, what's the use of the Checkpoints then?
  23. This is the thread where you players out there can discuss the RPG! Remember, since this is a OOC area, your characters in the RP will not instantly know what is discussed in this area.
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