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About This Club

The Kingdoms is a world parallel to ours, just as real as a world is in a book. The lands are vast and varied, ranging from Kingdoms in the desserts, mountains, plains, forests, coasts and even the skies and beyond. Once upon a time, the Kingdoms were United under one banner, but a great calamity befell the world and tore the very foundations of the Kingdom asunder. Aeons past an event that is nothing more than myth, the Kingdoms keep each other at arms length, some friendly with some than others. In this world, kingdoms come and go while the powers that be bid for power, investing in special people to foresee their claim for power. One of these people, a guy by the name of Eddie, is sent on a quest to marry the princesses, making a harem of sorts, in order to unite the kingdoms under one rule again! But unknown to them, there are stronger powers at play as Chaos & Order fight to sway and control the Kingdoms world. Who will you play? What will you do? Will you create a new kingdom to rule to try and rule others? Will you join the ranks of the Divine or the Damned? Will you play a sexy damsel in distress, or a part villain princess to rule others for her own gain? Or will you just be neutral, and join in as a simple commoner, doing their best to mind their business? The world is your oyster! Join us and make your claim on the world!

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Despite Takeshi stopping it didn't seem to make Aisuru stop, so Takeshi jogged back up alongside her, their gear bouncing against his back. Takeshi dipped his head side to side, thinking to himself about this precarious position he had landed himself in. He had said that his best attribute was that he was observant, but he didn't mean like that she did! Besides, he had other good attributes about himself, like his deftness in his limbs, his quick wit or his dexterity. He was a lot more than just "an observer" and a part of him couldn't help but feel a tad bit belittled by such a simple categorization. Then again, he was talking to royality, so he wasn't exactly surprised that she saw him so one dimensionally. Then again, he could very well be seeing her just the same, as some one dimensional person. Tis the plight of the poor against the royal, they both tended to stick their noses up at each other. That last part though, the part about deciding their fate in battle, seriously put a strain on Takeshi's mood. "Gee, no pressure," he muttered under his breath. But a spark ignited inside of Takeshi's gut, responding to the sudden weight that had been put onto his shoulders. His face twisted in grimace, his voice spiking with attitude. "Oy, your the battle-ready warrior princess here! Why the hell am I supposed to be one 'deciding our fates', huh? That's absurd! You're absurd!"
  3. The vixen felt his grip on her tighten, it was almost like he had intentions of keeping her there in the off chance she would change her mind. The grasp alone was enough to cement and reaffirm her decision on staying. They had been away from each other for enough time that Kyu took notice. "Oh? That was an awfully straightforward response to have" Kyu's ears went up as a soft gasp went past her lips feigning surprise. But her light laugh soon interrupted her act. "Hmm, I wonder..." she gives a soft shrug deciding to play facetious. "Perhaps I just need a bit of a break from traveling so much. I've been far away from this place for quite a bit of time to where I can say that I am quite fond of it." Having him know that he was partially part of the idea would have been giving away far too much. But, she very much missed this closeness. "The requests that some people make sometimes are simply ridiculous. Some people aren't satisfied unless they get the information that they want, not necessarily need. Despite my advice, they'll want to do it their way, despite how long of a route it took" she sighs "It's tiring..." She shakes her head before smiling softly "Well, I guess it was all worth it since I got paid so much, and everyone seems so happy."
  4. Takeshi's eyes had a spark in them that wasn't normally there. Kyu might have seen that in passing a few times before, but that there were emotions Takeshi had done his best to keep tied down. Moments like these though made it impossible to hide. He looked around to their guests and nodded in agreement with Kyu. They really had done a good job there. It felt fulfilling. Takeshi laughed at Kyu's retort and pulled her closer when she leaned in. He pressed his lips against her head, burying his nose in her silk hair with a wide grin and closed eyes. He didn't say anything, he just quietly and happily listened to her go on as he soaked up the atmosphere. When Kyu mentioned Takeshi he opened an eye in interest and then buried his face into her hair. Excitement was welling up inside him as he listened to Kyu go on. The more she talked about staying there, the tighter his grip got on her until finally speaking. "I'd love that." Takeshi said, his voice and low husky. But a thought crossed his mind that made him pull himself from Kyu's sweet smelling hair to look her in her eyes. "Why now? What took ya so long, huh?"
  5. The djinn laughed, thinking he was some sort of sex god already, and saying Ren did not think he was one already. This djinn met him some time ago, but he could think himself such an amazing man in bed? But, he listened to him more, thinking about a path he could take. Yes... with this harem, and some practice on his wives might make him this god of sex, if he wasn't one already. ...No...as Mimun said...maybe he was one already. Perhaps he just needed that confidence to believe he would be! Still could be nice with practice, but perhaps he had untapped powers of fuckery! Eddie's one track mind got him again, as always... He didn't just mean being a god of sex... Mimun would help him go through a process, not just give him what he wanted. Training every step of the way in anything... Yes! Perhaps...he was right. Maybe...it was fate that brought them together! Fate needed Eddie to be more of the person than he already was. And, when Eddie became that person, he might be able to seek out Mimun's lamp and give him freedom! He stated he was made of air and fire, and Ren of flesh and blood. Flesh and blood could be crushed, but yet fire could be distinguished. Air, however... He saw no way to get rid of air. Air was immortal. Even if Ren died... Mimun could stick around... Eddie looked back up at the Djinn, smiling. "No... my contractor should be a being like you. Someone who is willing to make me go on a journey to better myself as a person, instead of just *poof* you're amazing at everything. Thats no fun!" He extended his hand, even though he was vague about this djinn. For now... he would be his "contractor" as he said. "So, yes! Will you be my contractor?"
  6. Kyu blinked as she felt Takeshi's arm slip around her shoulder, a soft smile coming from her, it was a strong arm. "Ehh? How rude. And here I thought you were absolutely admiring me or something" her tone was far from angry, a soft chuckle coming from behind her sleeve feeling his finger press at her cheek. She leans up against him as she glimpsed around. "Everything seems to have been done well enough. Everyone is happy," she mutters as she places another sandwich inside her mouth. "Just so you know, I get many compliments on my looks. It's a shame since it seems like I have a strange face. Hm, or maybe you just have strange tastes" she giggles. Her ears twitched as she heard a group of kids playing with the games in the corner, her eyes constricting as she tilted her head. Everyone really was energetic. "It has and hasn't been all that long since hearing all this" she sighs. "It took me too long to get back, I suppose" she shakes her head. "How about I help around here for a while? I mean strengthing my relationships here and giving and getting information around the area should be possible. I won't be too out of a job. It's been a little while after all. Besides I need a small break from traveling such long distances" she shrugs. "Plus, I'd be able to relax with everyone... and you" she adds in her usual honey and oil voice as her eyes flick over to Takeshi, her eyes narrowing a soft smirk on her lips.
  7. Everything was going swimmingly. People were smiling and filling their bellies, thanks to the work Kyu and Takeshi had so suddenly put into such a night. Takeshi had always enjoyed being able to give back to the people he lived with but this was something else. This feeling left him feeling warm in a way he hadn't felt. Perhaps it was because he had never done this sort of thing alongside Kyu before? They shared information and helped each other out but most of their work happened separate of each other, not that Takeshi preferred that way or anything. The thought of doing things with Kyu made Takeshi look back to her without a second thought. When Kyu matched his gaze Takeshi froze for a moment, caught with a sandwich half way up to his mouth. He let out a nervous laugh and skipped over to Kyu before slinging an arm around her shoulder. "Kyu, you always look strange!" Takeshi teased with a poke of her cheek as he tossed his head back and laughed.
  8. Aisuru heard his groan of dissatisfaction, which she could only sign softly as he continued on with his words. She herself knew she wouldn’t make it alone, the many ‘suitors’ she had made it obvious. Though regardless of what she thought, she heard Takeshi’s question, before stopping herself and turning her head towards him. She understood his reluctance. After all, what good would be an observer if he didn’t know what exactly to be observing? “I do know what I am looking for, just not exactly... where. There is a old legend, a mythos so to speak. To put it simply, there once was a king who had ruled the entire lands under his one extravagant kingdom. Though problems as always occur, and caused his unknown downfall.” The dragonborn princess would finish, before looking back ahead of her, then back at Takeshi to speak to him again. “You are an observer is what you say, so that means you must be of use when it comes to it. If you really are as such, then look around and describe everything you know. Not just simply just the environment, but if we are to come across a unavoidable battle, it will be you to decide our fates.” Aisuru said, thinking about how such a time has been placed upon her. To search for something she wasn’t sure where it was, and only going off of a mythos. Though she only knew that this once great king was kept contained somewhere, in something. She knew it. She felt it. Though for all she could do for now, was simply wander. Her emotions would tell her if she was closer or not, but even then, it would be difficult to navigate with just that alone.
  9. She watched as everyone began scrambling for the food; everything smelled amazing. Her sleeve rose up to cover her mouth, hiding her laugh. Everyone really was lively, much like before she left... not that she was gone for all too long. It was comforting. A soft hum came out of her as she glances at Takeshi from the corner of her eye; he really was husband material. It was amusing, to say the least. She would have to chalk it up to the unexpected domestic side of him. Waiting for the line of people to settle down taking their seats inside and outside the home, the vixen walked up to the table to get herself something to eat. She leaned over the table, Golden eyes blinked as Takeshi caught her eye only for a moment, a smile went to her lips. "You've been staring an awful lot, Takeshi. Do I look strange or something?" Kyu giggles as she picks up a sandwich taking a small bite from it "Or maybe your mind is in the gutter?". The fox glanced around watching as everyone conversated.
  10. Between the mocking and laughing it had taken Takeshi a moment to get who he could under control. By the time things were calm more of their friends and neighbors had come to enjoy in on the food, and some had even brought their own instruments to play! What had been seen by some was quickly forgotten as they got distracted with the new guests and the smell of fresh food sifting through the air, to Takeshi's relief. Takeshi was doing his best to put what had just had happened out of his head, not wanting to get anymore distracted than he already had, and to quite the success! When Kyu had stepped out Takeshi was still squatting down, hugging and chatting with some the new kids. Some of the people, kids, teenagers an adults alike, had turned to look at Kyu, prompting Takeshi to turn his head to look at Kyu from behind some loose hair. With the ladle still in his hand, Takeshi brushed the hair back behind his ear, giving himself a better view. Takeshi wanted to gasp, feeling his heart jump into his throat as his eyes went wide for a second. The sight of Kyu back at their place, poised picturesque against the door frame with the light radiating out from around her, made Takeshi's face turn a faint pink. He wasn't sure how long he or anyone else had stared but hopefully it was't for too long. When he snapped back to it and finally replied, Takeshi nodded with a big grin. "Mhm!" Takeshi stood up, and with eyes closed tight with joy, motioned with his ladle to the small abode. "Come on in! We've got all kinds'a food for all'a ya'll." Takeshi brushed past Kyu, guiding who he could fit into their hovel. With his bronze face still lit with that faint hue of pink, Takeshi would steal what chances he could to look to Kyu as he helped feed and give out food to their guests. It was still hard for Takeshi to believe that he wasn't dreaming, but he was starting to become okay with that.
  11. Her clothes had begun to look unkempt from their movements, even more so when her sash had been tampered with. The fox didn't move an inch until she was sure that everyone had been chased out of the room, a soft sigh of relief came from her at the excuse that Takeshi made up. Although, she couldn't help but wonder how much water it would hold. "Well they are kids after all" she mumbles before shrugging it off. "Ahh... really," Kyu breaths out as she places her hand on her forehead. Just when they were about to enjoy themselves too. "Getting interrupted is the worst" she mutters under her breath as she begins to completely loosen then refasten her clothes. Her body was still feeling warm, her nipples were stiff on softly showing more than they normally did under her shirt. She had even begun to feel moisture in her underwear, but that was all she could tell were the signs of her beginning to be turned on. If they had ended up going any further there was no telling how much those kids would have seen. She could still feel his touch... She wanted to continue and have a bit of revenge, but that would just have to wait later. Kyu gave one last check of her clothes, smoothing down bits of her hair as she did. Walking to the door, she gave a soft smile putting her body against the frame as she watched Takeshi and the small group for a few seconds. "Alright, then. Everything looks like it's all set up and ready, so it's fine to come in. It'll still be a bit before the main course, right?" she questions as she glances at Takeshi.
  12. The two's hips had started to move on their own together. Without a second thought Takeshi would grind himself up against Kyu as she pushed back against him. The sensation of feeling his member press up against her butt only enticed Takeshi to do more. Before the door had opened Takeshi's fingers were already finding their way to Kyu's clit through her underwear by sliding past the sash that hung from her hips. The more Takeshi pressed and rubbed the more the two grinded against each other until Takeshi's length was hard and pressed to Kyu's perky ass. A soft 'mmmm' slowly came out from Takeshi's lips that he had locked with Kyu's neck, absolutely lost in everything Kyu was giving in response. It wasn't until Takeshi had heard taunting that his entire body tensed up. Frozen in place and utterly caught off guard, Takeshi was both surprised and embarrassed to find himself actually aroused by the moment. But Kyu's sharp "Hey" snapped him out of it, giving him just enough time to think of a way to out of their predicament. Takeshi spun around on a heel and fiend a scowl, pointing his finger at the sudden intrusion. "Haven't ya'll heard'a knockin'? How am I supposed to help a girl get her clothes nice an' right when we got people bustin' in like this?! What? Ya'll tryin' to get a free show? That'll cost ya in food!" Takeshi dove for the ladle in the pot and splashed its contents at the kids, running at them until he was outside with them. They all screamed until they were all outside and away from the open door. Once away, Takeshi grabbed what kids he could and squatted down, bringing them in close for a whisper. "Look, Kyu wanted to look good for this night, ya know? She's feelin' good an is wantin' to look good but she's all about lookin' good like it takes no effort. So be polite and don't make a scene about it, ya hear? If ya do I'm takin' your food!"
  13. The Rules & Notes topic has been added to the Topics section of the group rp. If you haven't already read them, please give them a look as it changes a few things about the group rp. For a quick summary, the Rules & Notes add a rp reply length requirement, discusses character creation, and explains the rules for "god-modding". The notes also make mention of character death, and a NPC and Kingdom section; these are not in the Topics section yet but are soon to come as @nicjomo & I work on developing the concept. There, people will be able to take Minor-Role slots or join already existing Kingdoms. I will be messaging those who have created their own Kingdoms for a few extra details to add to a Kingdoms section, so as to give new comers a good idea of the current state of the rp. There will also be a map that you can choose to place your kingdom on, or you can leave that to Nicjomo & I. As for @nicjomos idea, I'd gladly fill in as any mobs/bosses/npcs in a side story or encounter per request ^^
  14. Rules Length of posts are required. You have to be able to write a minimum of ONE PARAGRAPH or FIVE SENTENCES. People cannot move a story along if a segment is just your character nodding. Remember, we are all writing this story together. Let's make it entertaining for us an any outside readers. If you join the group RP, you must make some kind of character. Player creation is done within the Bios topic section. Lurking is not appreciated as it inflates the groups numbers. If you're just wanting to read the rp as it progresses, that can be done without inflating our numbers. If you do not make a character within a week of joining, an admin will message you about it to help you out. If you do not intend to make a character, you will simply be removed. Do not God-Mod. Sometimes, instead of smut, fighting happens between characters. This means being fair with both your character and other player characters is paramount. If a fight is to occur and you are unsure of how things should go, please double-check with the other player before doing something that prevents any sort of opportunities for retaliation. If a player god-mods and they do not edit their response after being called out by you, please contact the Leader, @Matty, or the GM, @nicjomo, and they will mediate on behalf of the roleplay experience. Everyone gets three chances, which is more than enough time to learn from your mistakes. An "Offense" in these regards is if you are caught god-modding and do not fix the mistake. Mistakes happen, but if you do not own up to the point where an admin must be called in, that is an "offense". Three time offenders will be kicked from the group rp for the benefit of others. Remember, just like smut, fighting should be a fun & exciting time, not an annoying & stressful time. Notes After you join, we highly recommend that you post an introduction in the topic Planning to Unite Kingdoms. It can be a simple "Hello" or something more in depth. This is not required but it sure is a nice way to start things off, as player communication typically makes for a better atmosphere and roleplay experience. The topic Planning to Unite Kingdoms is also were players can communicate ideas openly with one another, such as side stories or plot points. There is no judgement there and compromising on ideas, as well as brainstorming with others, is very encouraged.  Character creation is very open, leaving just about all of that in your hands if you are wanting that level of freedom. Introducing a new character can include creating a new faction or kingdom in the group rp to accompany their creation. Or, if you prefer something more streamlined, you can create a character in an already existing kingdom or even just play a minor-role as an NPC by taking one of the open slots. You could even make your own minor character slot! Anything from an annoying animal character that follows someone around, like the main character Eddie, or a farmer who likes to keep to themselves. The world is your oister! If you want to introduce something that isn't already in the rp, simply run it by @nicjomo or @Matty and they will work it out with you~! Character death can happen but that does not mean that is the end for your character, unless you wish for it to be. If a character is to die, that will need to be worked out between any of the involved parties. Deceased characters will likely be brought back in either the Chaos Divine faction or the Order Divine faction, unless you decided otherwise. P.S. The "Rules & Notes" topic may be updated or changed as the group rp progresses. If any updates or changes are made, a post will be made in the Planning to Unite Kingdoms sections letting the players know. If you have any questions about the Rules & Notes, just message @nicjomo or @Matty and they will answer any questions you might have. Thank you for reading & have a great time writing together!
  15. Hey, so...Been talking a lot with Matty, wanting to add a chance for other people to play NPCs and stuff, when my DnD brain kicked in. What if people wanted to played random enemies, and there were DnD style fights? Maybe not for any big bosses, but for smaller enemies?
  16. "Hn? And who exactly is being mean now?" she comments. She sighs feeling his mouth connect to her neck once again, a pant coming from her. One of her hands raised up, her fingers tangling through his hair, the other raising up to cover her mouth feeling Takeshi bear his teeth to her neck. It was warm. His tongue was soft. His breathing tickled her. She felt the warmth and pressure of his hand close to her vagina, there was a bit of friction from her underwear, her butt brushed against his mound in response. There was no way she could resist like this, his hands tantalizing her. Every time her hips moved they bumped against his groin or his hand. Even with her panties on, it was enough to make her murmur in need. His hand started moving! This wasn't enough! "Fine," she says, her body shuddering "But, be prepared when I pay you back later" she whispers, she let out another squeak as he began to suck her neck again before letting out a soft giggle. Her ears tensed upwards hearing the door open accompanied by loud jeering, it made her body freeze. She had gotten so distracted that she didn't notice! Thankfully, Takeshi's back was blocking any view their guests might have. She isn't shy about her body by any means, but at the very least she could be considerate and avoid an awkward situation. "H-Hey!" she hisses under her breath as she begins to straighten her clothes, her other hands trying to pry his hands from her, as she clears her throat.
  17. "Ohh, ya teasin' me with all that proposal talk then?" Takeshi's moved from Kyu's chin to her throat, his palm pressing down against it while his fingers now gripped at her jaw. Firm, but gently, Takeshi tilted Kyu's head to the side, exposing more of her neck to him. "You're so mean, such a heart breaker~," he said with a smile before sinking his teeth down onto her. A hum came from Takeshi, vibrating against Kyu as he sucked at the curve of her neck. Meanwhile, the other hand had found its way between Kyu's caving legs, his palm pressed against Kyu's mons as his fingers curved around her. With Kyu's sweet honey pot cupped in Takeshi's hand and her neck locked under his lips, the two were practically locked together, leaving Kyu to Takeshi's discretion. Takeshi slowly pulled his lips from Kyu, sucking at her skin until all that was left was a thin bridge of saliva between the two an a small hickey. His other hand had started pressing down against Kyu, tenderly caressing Kyu up and down through her clothes. "Maybe I should tease you for a change?" Takeshi offered before locking his lips again with Kyu's neck.
  18. "It would be far too simple if you were able to do something like that" she chuckles as felt his head come closer to her. Her head tilted to the side, welcoming his touch. A hum came out of her feeling his lips against the sensitive part of her neck, her toes curled, it took much of her focus to not let out an eep. His breath was so warm against her! "It's quite natural for a kitsune to have a human mate" she let out a heavy breath, her thighs squeezing together. Something warm was moving inside her. She was beginning to feel twitchy. An unintentional shudder came out of her feeling his teeth nipped at her neck, she couldn't stop the squeak coming from her lips; soon after she held her breath. "Hmm... I wonder. Although, I can say that getting married is on my mind right now" she admits. That kind of thing she wasn't keen on rushing on such an important topic, everything had its due time, and she felt like that would take time. What they had right now, however, was more than enough for her right now. She gives a giggle "I'll be sure to keep that in mind". Her hips remained pressed against him feeling his hand go down her leg "Mm" she groans. She was sure she was having such reactions from being gone for too long; she was giving in; losing it. "Takeshi..." she whispers out, her legs tried to straighten up, but she wanted this "we can't start messing around right now, you and your games" she manages to get out as she tried getting her mind straight.
  19. "Ya know, I have such a hard time tellin' when your jokin' or not," Takeshi said in hushed tones as he brought his lips down from her ears to the curve of her neck. Quietly, Takeshi spoke with his lips against Kyu soft skin, letting them graze against her as he said, "Why is this kistune tryin' to lock down some human, hm? Don't tell me. . ." His words trailed off for a moment as Takeshi's eyes closed, letting himself breath Kyu's scent in. Takeshi's lips pressed against Kyu's neck before he drug them up along its crook. He playfully nibbled at her skin for a moment before giving it another kiss, and spoke once more. "Has the Kyu fallin' for me?! Does she want to be a bride?" Honestly, the thought of marriage terrified Takeshi. He had never given it thought and he had no idea why he was talking such a big game but Takeshi couldn't really help himself when it came to getting caught up in a moment. "I'm always openin' to convicin' ya know," Takeshi added as the hand that had wrapped around Kyu started to snake its way down her legs. The moment had definitely taken the young man as feelings and lust had been colliding together for the entire day. It was impossible to resist her or himself and the feeling of her pressed against him, something Takeshi had wanted for so long, begged him to keep going.
  20. She smiles feeling him tense up underneath her. She was only teasing, but she could see his mind turning, it was much too entertaining to watch. "Hm?" her eyebrows raise at the random words he blurted out. "Kids?" she repeats. She gave a soft laugh. It seemed like her taunting him had been a bit too efficient, but it looked like he was back to working in no time. The fox laid out platters into two large rows, it should be enough to not get terribly crowded allowing people to move and to easily grab what they wanted. Glancing around it looked like everything was getting pulled together nicely. Kyu stooped down to pull out the games. Her mind wandering to see what music should be played. "Hm?" amber eyes blinked feeling Takeshi's arms wrap around her. She hums feeling his finger trail up her form, a soft sigh escaping her lips as her head leaned back against him. Her ears twitched hearing his sweet words. A soft smile appeared on her face "Eh? Is that a proposal, perhaps?" she giggles.
  21. Did it just get hotter in there or was that just Takeshi? No, it definitely wasn't him. Kyu's tone had Takeshi practically simmering with his own heat and the no doubt that was by mistake. 'Stay strong, Takeshi, stay strong!' He thought to himself. The food he was preparing was looking quite good, with an assortment of different meat sandwiches set to the side now. He had moved over the counter to start making room for the rest of the food he needed to prepare when Kyu's words cut straight through his focus. 'Husband?!' The thought almost had him double over, fortunately Takeshi had the counter to grab. 'An amazing husband?!?' His fingers wrapped around the wooden counter top, unsure of whether to look at Kyu or the canvas in front of him. But Takeshi glanced over his shoulder soon enough to see Kyu saunter up behind him before all of her allure was pressed up against him. For a moment his entirety tensed up, a terrible mix of confused and aroused that was quickly dissipated by Kyu's touch. Never had someone touched him like that. Why couldn't she have done this sooner? It was so. . .calming? Takeshi's body relaxed as he felt her hand brush his sweat away, coaxing him to gently rest his head against hers in response. Was it a bad time to start asking about the ethics of human/kistune marriage? Were there laws for that? ? But then Takeshi's body tensed up again when Kyu mentioned taking off her shirt. Did she even wear anything under that?! Oh the poor guy was back to being both confused and aroused. There was almost no way to read this fox! One moment she was teasing him, the next cooing him and right back to teasing him all over again! Of course he would love that, for a number of reasons from lust to simply being that comfortable around each other. But then there was the issue of people seeing. Would she care? Did she care? Of course she cared! Right? What about the kids?! In his state of arousal and confusion Takeshi blurted out, "But the kids have to wear shirts!" And then doubled over the counter a second time. He pinched his brow, now disgruntled with himself for stumbling over his own words like that. But Takeshi did his best to shake it off. The two of them had guests coming, after all. So Takeshi hopped back to it, getting some crates and stools from outside and inside to set up in and around the hovel for people to have room in or outside. In between passing in and out of the home, Takeshi suddenly stopped by Kyu and pulled her back against his chest. He didn't know where it was coming from, but he felt compelled to wrap his arms around her waist, locking their hips together. Maybe it was the way she looked bending over to set things down, or maybe it was just years of wanting finally reaching its peaked. Maybe both? Takeshi would have to think about that later. Still, he couldn't help but have one of his hands trace the curves of Kyu's silhouette up, over her waist and up her side to her chin before gently taking a hold, tilting her head back to his. Against one of Kyu's ears Takeshi spoke low, with a hushed voice, "Ya know, I'm not the only in here who's marriage material."
  22. Her ears twitched at the reply, her lips were licked. "We hardly have any time for something like that" she hums her tails slowly swaying behind her giving a mischevious grin. "I'd much rather wait till later," she says clasping her hands to her cheeks. "Watching you now is all too tempting. Ah, you'd make a nice husband. Ah! An amazing one" she coos, her voice like honey. Her tails disappeared as she got closer, she'd rather not feel any warmer or manage to burn her tails or have them accidentally bump something, to Takeshi listening to what he wanted her to do. She gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Alright!" she says as she wraps her arms around to his stomach, pressing her chest firm against his bare back, her chin rest on his shoulder. It was quite warm, almost uncomfortably so. Watching him work though... it was enough to make her giddy. It all only fed her wanting. Her hand raised up to wipe the sweat from his brow. He smelled nice... it was quite the masculine scent. Aw, she wanted him to herself now. "Hm, it's awfully hot, perhaps I should take off my shirt too," she says in his ear, her lips then met his cheek. A second after she said that, Kyu let go of him, taking a step back, and moving over to the plates and bowls arranging sandwiches, vegetables, and fruit to look presentable, spreading them out.
  23. Takeshi's hands shot up to his feel his face the moment she mentioned his blush. She was right! He actually feel its warm radiate against his hands. Takeshi kept them there, covering his face, waiting for Kyu to leave before flipping himself over onto his belly. "AAAAAAAHHH", a muffled scream mixed with excitement, euphoria an absolute embarrassment seeped out from his make-shift couch. That entire day had felt so fast but yet so long, like a dream that Takeshi wasn't sure if he should or shouldn't wake up from. There was a moment of silence, save for the heavy breathing of an exasperated young man. With a huff Takeshi threw himself from the cushions an onto his feet. He gave his face a few good smacks, threw his hair back out of his face, and dove to work. Over the half hour the little hole in the wall slowly came to life. The clinkity-clank of pots and dishes collected over the years mixed into the air with a soft hum Takeshi had known since he was a kid. He wasn't sure where he knew it from. Maybe he thought of it himself an it had just stuck? Regardless, something about the tune comforted him and came instinctively. First, the meat was put int the pot with a mix of herbs, vegetables and cactus fruit before being put over a fire. The fire was easy, since Takeshi had a number of little survival tools he kept lying around, just in case he ever needed to make a quick escape into the desert. The little stove that he used, on the other hand, was of his own making, put together from pieces of iron and scrap. With the meat slowly cooking and soaking up the the different flavors of the ingredients, Takeshi moved on to start preparing other foods. He skewered some sweet rolls to keep over the pot, to let them get soft and warm from the steam of the boiling pot. Sauce was made inside a molcajete an its matching temolote, some splashed into the boiling pot while the rest was left for the others to add to whatever foods they wanted. Fruits for those who liked something sweeter were cut up and put together at random in different bowls and, in between the different condiments, Takeshi would make his way over to the pot to stir the meat around to keep it from sticking. By the time Kyu had returned, Takeshi had already cut up a number of vegetables and put together a plethora of sandwiches to hold everyone over until the main course was prepared. When Kyu walked through the door, Takeshi was shirtless to cope with the heat of the fire, his top wrapped around his waist and with most of his hair pulled back into a high pony tail. "Me, for starters," Takeshi replied instinctively. "But if people are on their way there's a few things." He finally said, looking up from his work with a warm smile. Takeshi directed Kyu to his bowls and dishes, asking her to fill them out with whatever looked like it would go well together. He let her know that the shark meat would take a little longer to cook until it was just right, but that there was plenty to hold everyone over until it was. Takeshi also suggested maybe getting some music and pointed to a cup of dice with cards next to them just in case anyone didn't bring their own games to play. For some reason, Takeshi was a bit of natural when it came to hosting. Who knew!
  24. Kyu let our a deep breath as she placed the bags down inside the little hovel, any of the remaining tension she had from her travels had instantly melted away. She was home. A grin spread across her face she couldn't wait till tonight; it would be lively. Her eyes narrowed in amusement as the other seemed to decide on not looking at her directly. She gave a mischevious laugh. He was so much like a child sometimes! It was cute! "You're still blushing" Kyu points out her hand covering her mouth. "Hnnn, alright! I'll go, I'll go" she grins placing her hands behind her back, she took the bag of money off of her waist before walking over and setting it beside Takeshi, for safe keeping. "I'll be back to help out!" she gives a wave before making her exit. It was easy enough for the woman to find most of the kids, they were all in their normal hang out spots. She was greeted with tight hugs and laughs, all from a range of people that she and Takeshi would help out. She did sometimes wonder if she would have had as much investment and closeness to everyone if it weren't for Takeshi. Well, she was certain that the relationships simply wouldn't be the same. She wondered if he was aware of that fact or not. The people that she missed, off doing this or that task, she just made sure that the ones who knew would start spreading the word that she was back and they'd be having quite a bit of food for everyone as a celebration, keeping the reason vague. After a half hour or so had passed, Kyu had made her way back to Takeshi, poking her head through, her keen nose was already picking up the scent of food, it wouldn't be long before the smell would spread and other people would notice too. "It smells good" she muses as she walks completely in, her hand going through her hair. "What would you like me to do?"
  25. The little shack Takeshi had put together over the years was modest. At best. It wasn't much, but he acquired a number of decorated rugs and canvases to add to cover up the lousy roof and walls. However, he had done his best to make the inside comfortable with pillows everywhere. In a corner was his bed, across from it was a small table to eat and read at as well as a cooking pot kept in another corner. . .and that was about it. His location was wonderful though, nice and snug in the crook of a broken wall, separated from most other people, if only by a few feet. Takeshi glared at Kyu as she laughed. Unsure of how to take it, he simply pouted more an averted his gaze. Until she mentioned more kissing. Then his eyes were locked on Kyu again, darting between her eyes and her shapely lips. Still flustered, an in dire need of decompressing, Takeshi threw himself onto a pile of lavender pillows. He stared up at the tarp ceiling, eyes wide in both embarrassment and shock of the events that had just transpired. "Why don't you. . .send the word out while I start cooking? I'm sure everyone's dying to see you again." Takeshi just kept staring at the tarp, his face tingling from its red hot blush. Yes. Cooking. That would balance Takeshi out. He hoped.
  26. There was a moment of silence as the two sat across from each other. They both seemed to be weighing their options, analyzing the other, plotting and scheming. Mimun recognized that kind of silence and especially those eyes. Eddie was contemplating things, he could feel it. This was good for Mimun though. The last thing he needed was a brain-dead fuck machine. A level of autonomy was absolutely necessary for his schemes to pop off. Mimun nodded, indicating his intent listening as Eddie spoke. But he couldn't help but laugh at the guys question. Mimun tossed his head back, puffing his chest out as a booming laugh echoed around them. "Ohohohoho! Eddie, you think yourself not one already?" Mimun leaned back in and shook his head. "Don't you see, this is how that conniving fox works, with subtly. By saying that she can turn you into a sex God she is presupposing an antithesis to the unspoken notion that you are one already. She is tricking you with that promise by implying that you are not what you really are." Mimun wasn't too sure what Ren could do to make a mortal an actual God. Such a promise seemed far fetched to Mimun, but he was still unaware of her full potential. The thought gave Mimun reason to worry. He would need to look into that later. And while Eddie was not a literal God, Mimun did see the potential of a natural Casanova latent within the man. Such a breed of person were special, the kind that had the potential to embody an aspect of Life, to ascend. If Mimun wasn't lucky, then surely this was fate. "Do you believe in fate, Eddie? My name might mean 'Lucky' but I sure do. It is fate that you were brought here, not just luck, I see this now." Mimun nodded a self-assured nod as he continued. "I am the closest thing to a God that Ren has ever seen. If there is anyone that could ascend a mortal to Godhood, it would be me, not some lack luster kistune." Venom hung from the way he said that word, practically spitting it. "I do have friends in High places after all. But!" He held up an open palm, matching his stop. "Ascending to Godhood is not what Ren implied it to be. It is a process, not something one simply does with a ritual. Rituals are only necessary sometimes, but to achieve what you want you must follow a path. I can guide you along that path and then some. Let me put it into perspective for you. I am made of air and fire, I am intangible. Indomitable. Ren is made of flesh and blood. She can bleed and be crushed to dust just like any other mortal. Do you really want that being your contractor, Eddie?"
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