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The School Valkyrie.

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"Mitsuko Kugimitsu.", a voice echoed through the classroom yet no response replied to the call. The girl owning the name seemed to be elsewhere despite her physical presence in the room. A few giggles from other students did not do much to get her attention but the teacher coming to stand near her desk finally made her look away from whatever she was staring at. "Are you daydreaming in my class...?", the teacher asked, which made the student blush slightly, especially as some classmates were also looking at her. "N-no, sir...", she only replied, definitely guilty but not ready to admit it OR talk about it. The teacher didn't seem to insist on the matter, instead going back to resume his teaching. Mitsuko could not help thinking about what had happened the day before. Something that may have changed her life yet she could not tell anyone. First, because she would look crazy and next, because it would put others in danger.

The day before...

After arriving home, Mitsuko made sure to put her shoes away before she returned to her bedroom to study a little before dinner. Yet, she hesitated after walking half of the way there. Something didn't feel right. "Hello...?", she asked, wondering if anyone else was home. No answers. With a gentle title of her head, she turned and walked to another direction. She was not hearing a noise exactly but something lured her in. It did not feel malicious or anything. Mitsuko knew that nobody else was there. Nobody could have entered her home except her family. That feeling was not one from a person. It was indescribable. Opening the door to the basement, she took a good look downstairs before walking down the steps to an apparently empty room except for the boxes stored there. No lights were lit yet a clear light could be seen. This was it... What Mitsuko felt so strangely. Her blue eyes stared toward the light, nothing else mattered.

What shone before her was not only a light but an object emitting it. As Mitsuko approached, what she saw appeared to be a jeweled sword no bigger than the size of a hand, laying on a shelf. She did not remember seeing it before, though. Somehow, it begged for her to touch it and surely, there was no harm in doing so. In the moment, she was enthralled into what she was seeing. She had to. Her hand moved slowly to the object until she could feel it. At this moment, her irises became smaller as she had a vision in this moment of shock. A new reality to this world that she was made aware of, if only vaguely. And yet, that vision was truth. After a moment that seemed to last eternally yet lasted merely a few seconds, Mistuko saw herself grabbing the object while a magic circle formed under her feet. Before she knew it, her eyes closed and she felt a powerful magic fill her body, causing her to shine, tearing her clothes to transform.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw herself in a new light. The sword she held had grown to be a weapon in her hand and while she felt naked for a moment, free, new clothes now protected her body. She now wore a small armored bra with a ribbon and a skirt, different from that which she wore before. Her legwears felt slightly different, more heroic. Even her arms now wore long gloves of the same style while there was now a decorated headband of some sort on her head. Mitsuko had no idea how it had happened but she had been turned into a heroine of sort. With how much skin she was showing on her shoulders and belly, she felt somewhat embarrassed by this new costume. Looking back, she even found strange little wings there, which seemed to complete the theme she was dressed in. She had become a warrior. Could it really be? Was she destined to fight like she had seen happen in that vision? She wasn't sure.

A while later, a knocking could be heard from above, followed with a voice. "Mitsuko? Is this you down there? What are you doing?" The girl froze, realizing what state she was in. There was no way she could show herself like this. "N-nothing, mom. Just looking through old things...", she replied while praying it would convince her. The mother did not seem to insist but still said, "Alright... Dinner will be ready in a moment, come back up soon." before she left, making the daughter sigh in relief. Now, how would she change back? Her clothes were gone and there were no spares down there. No commands to get them back either. And that sword... Best to leave it in the basement for now. Mitsuko's only chance now was to sneak up to her bedroom. With this plan in mind, she started going back up and took nervous looks around to make sure nobody was there. The mother seemed busy in the kitchen for the time being. Perfect.

Making her way up, Mitsuko thought she could reach the stairs before being seen but a voice echoed behind her. "Where do you think you're going like this...?". The girl froze again, this time more embarrassed than ever. She got caught. Turning around slowly, she looked at her mother who had raised an eyebrow at the costume. "Is this one of your conventions again...? You children and your fantasy disguises...", she said, speaking of popular cosplay conventions. Mitsuko simply blushed but at the same time, saw this as a perfect way out of this situation. "I-It's a cosplay, mom... I don't wear this all the time. I will change back soon...", she told her before she stepped back and ran upstairs as fast as she could, reaching her bedroom at the speed of light but instead of changing, she dropped herself on top of her bed, not knowing how to even remove the costume anyway. Strangely, Mitsuko found herself to be sleepy, falling asleep quickly.

Her mother apparently did not want to bother her after finding her like this. Whatever plans her daughter had, she figured that she was too exhausted to eat for now and left her food close by.

Back to present...

Mitsuko did an effort not to daydream in class again but facts were that she had found herself in this situation. Was it even real? The sword that somehow found its way back to her was proof that something was true. The small piece of jewelry had been on her desk when she had woken up in her normal clothes this morning. What she had seen was on her mind all day but she still did an effort to keep up with the others. She was usually not one to lose her focus but this situation felt so strange and new to her that it was difficult not to think about it. Perhaps it was best not think about it too much even though she kept the sword with her. The energy it radiated felt nice and besides, it was pretty. Mitsuko could not really hide that she liked the idea of wielding a sword. Being a fantasy heroine was not something she thought to do and yet, the sword seemed to call to her. Otherwise, why was she brought to it? Why did she transform?

The bell finally rang and the class was over. Mitsuko only had one idea in mind for now: Find more about what she felt during that experience and if she could transform again. Without being seen...

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  • Warning changed the title to The School Valkyrie.

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Upon getting back home, Mitsuko entered quietly and left her shoes at the entrance before she headed to the bathroom for a shower, as she had intended. Before that, however, she went to her room so she could put her stuff down but more importantly, the sword that was so valuable to her now. As she was thinking back, Mitsuko wondered if it really had been a good idea to go to the convention transformed but at least nobody seemed to have noticed her except the magical girls she had met. For how long this meeting had been, she was happy she could find a start somewhere, even if she didn't understand everything well yet. At least everything seemed fine, now.

For the time being, Mitsuko undressed and picked some pajamas, leaving herself in nothing but undergarments as she was alone in the house at this moment. Afterwards, she finally headed to the bathroom for her shower and readied the water, which was easily done with a few buttons. Even though she was alone, she couldn't shake a feeling off but maybe it was nothing. These last few days had been a little stressful with the transformation practices that she had to keep hidden and school on the other side with the homeworks she had to do. The convention itself helped her find magical girls like her but it didn't really show her what challenges she'd have to face later on.

But for now, Mitsuko undressed completely and entered the shower, getting a feel of the water that was perfectly warm. This was stress-relieving but her thoughts were still on this whole magical girl situation. As she was finally naked by choice, she came to really think about what transforming was about. It did not entail transforming her body... No, it meant summoning the magical power that was now hers and this meant having her own magical uniform or armor. But... The process to gain such armor when she transformed was to destroy the clothes she was wearing beforehand. Thankfully, the power of the sword emitted a magic light when she transformed but still.

Mitsuko unfortunately thought about what she was warned about and what it meant in the end. Would demons really want to force themselves on her? She could not possibly have meant that, right? She had no real experiences on that side and then there was a certain self-consciousness about her own body. She was not exactly a top class, so to speak, among other girl mates at her school. Looking down at herself, she was what some boys would consider 'flat', even. Sure, she had something but it wasn't anything to chant praise about. Feeling her own breasts for a moment, she pouted slightly. The girl suddenly blushed as she wondered why she was even thinking of that.

Moving her hands away, she reached to her bottles of shower supplies in order to do what she should be doing: Washing herself. Mitsuko did it slowly, taking her time to enjoy it, until she'd rinse everything off and finally turn the shower off afterwards. At this moment, she'd pick a towel to dry herself and leave the bathroom as quickly as possible, only wanting to return to her bedroom to rest. With her mind being so occupied, though, she realized that she had forgotten her pajamas and a soft swear played in her mind. At this point, she knew that she should be more focused but at the same time, it wasn't so bad. She dropped the towel and simply headed to bed to rest.

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A little later, a sound could be heard in the room but Mitsuko was sleeping already from the energy she had spent during the day. It was the first time she had transformed for as long as she had and it caused her to sleep a lot. A small figure had "formed" inside the room, floating above the floor at first but soon descended to land quietly. This short figure with a blue theme of hair and eyes, also had strange animal ears and a tail. Unbeknown to Mitsuko, she had somehow magically appeared inside her room. Her eyes peered around quietly but stopped their gaze upon the sword apparel left on the desk. Stepping toward it, she put a hand toward it but a magic protection stopped her.


A small look of annoyance showed on her face before she shifted her eyes to elsewhere in the room until she looked at the bed. Moving quietly still, she reached to it then stopped before she reached to the bump and simply pulled the sheet away, uncovering what, or rather, who she was looking for. A naked woman was sleeping there but soon woke up to the sudden cold she was feeling. It didn't take long before Mitsuko stared at the girl, wondering if she was dreaming. She had many questions at once too, but then suddenly covered herself as she was showing her entire nudity to the girl who had pulled the sheets away. The schoolgirl noticed the ears and felt worried instantly.

Was she one of the demons who wanted to do things or whatever she was warned about? "W-who are you? L-leave my room!", Mitsuko ordered to the girl looking at her but not exactly staring at her body. The young girl reached to Mitsuko with her hand and grabbed her arm before glaring at her, not caring that it would uncover her. The hold onto her wrist was strangely strong, almost painful. "The sword... Give it back to me...", the girl spoke, commanding her. Mitsuko panicked a little, knowing that she meant the magic sword. What else could it be? "W-what? No. I'm not giving it to you.", Mitsuko replied, trying to pull her arm away. Who was this girl, to be as strong as she was...?

The young looking one did not seem to take the answer well, frowning slightly. With unimaginable power, she soon stepped back but held Mitsuko still and swung her, pulling her out of bed by sheer strength, throwing her against the wall powerfully. The impact was brutal enough that the wall was taken out loudly by her body which continued its course outdoors. Mitsuko's scream of pain barely could be heard by the destruction. A hole was left in the bedroom with the girl being sure that she had killed this human effortlessly. The noise did well to alert everyone in the surrounding area as well. With that done, the young one turned her gaze to the sword but blinked as it was gone.

Mitsuko had been thrown through a wall, from the second floor, to land in the yard completely naked... In the split second that she could still feel something, she was certain that she was dead. The pain from it all had been intense, nothing like anything she had ever felt before. But... She was alive... Somehow... Now, if she was capable to move, was another story. Her body was scratched, even bleeding from multiple areas, but nothing was broken by some miracle. Her dizziness was bad enough that no medicine would fix that quickly. She tried to push herself up but she felt horrible. This girl, whoever she was, could just come and finish her now. Some people around gathered, it was over...

Yet... A warm light could be felt within her heart. It did not feel like death but rather relief. Or was it the same? A vision of the sword blurred her mind, telling her not to give up. Did the sword protect her? Surely, any other humans would have been annihilated by the attack... A magical girl would still be standing, probably. Mitsuko was new and unfit to fight a powerful enemy. In fact, she never had fought before. She was weak but she did not want to die just yet. The light felt warm again, telling her to hold onto this wish to survive. This hope. The schoolgirl closed her eyes, prayed and forced herself up. Somehow, she managed to stand back on her feet, unfortunately completely naked...

In front of her, the sword was glowing strongly. This was her only hope. Reaching painfully to it, Mitsuko grabbed it and an intense light filled her with magic, triggering the transformation. In this case, it covered her body with her valkyrie armor, even healing her a little as well but it still left her wounded. It felt better, though. Her purple eyes looked at the house with a large hole. This young girl was staring down at her before she jumped to her level. "Escape!", a voice screamed in her mind. She grew into her magical form but it was not to fight this enemy. It was to give her the strength to live another day. Would this girl hurt anyone if she was left to be? Could Mitsuko really retreat?

The girl was watching her. She wanted her dead, nothing else. Maybe the diamond sorceress's warning did not apply to this enemy. If Mitsuko fought now, she WOULD die. Wait... The convention. She would be safe there. Her mother was not at home yet. She would hopefully be fine, even if worried to death about her daughter. "W-who are you...?", Mitsuko asked, her pain being constant, noticeable in her voice. The girl had not drawn a weapon yet, did she not intend to fight? "I am Lenneth... What will you do?", she asked, looking serious and terrifying. She was not taunting her. The question had been simple. The answer also... Mitsuko felt so weak and powerless... So afraid as well.

She had to retreat, already stepping back to do so. Lenneth did not look like she intended to stop her, simply observing. The schoolgirl was ashamed but without much choices, she ran away back toward the convention. The girl watched her leave before she looked around at everyone staring at her with fear. They were meaningless to her. Not a single one had magical powers. The alarms of emergency services could already be heard to come to her location but Lenneth could not bother staying there right now. The magic weapon she was after had slipped away, choosing a human girl in the process. The young girl would leave her be for now. Soon, she teleported away of their sight.

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