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  2. As it turned out what the captain had offered to show Xyvee was something she might have learned had she managed to force herself to shower with the others: a male Human penis! Of course this was much closer up. She didn't even need to look away for the sake of privacy! Not that her people generally cared about that sort of thing, but she did! This however was a learning experience. All of Luanari society was counting on her, and so despite the glowing pink of her face Xyvee kept her gaze firmly set forward upon the man's crotch area! When it was finally unveiled Xyvee's eyes widened in a mixture of awe and excitement and perhaps even a
  3. The bunny's head nodded slowly. That was fair. It was good for the public to know that experienced knights and magical girls were still working. Also it was probably good for his career too! It sounded like he was here to have fun too though. Private meetings and telling stories. Also whatever other things meant. At least she hoped he was going to have fun! Making it only about work would have been sad. He was right about her and Rin as well: they really should try to experience a little bit of everything! Maybe even the scarier things like singing and dancing and stuff she had no business doing. Heck he even pretty much nailed why they
  4. Today
  5. Honestly could be just before, during or right after the convention. Whatever you think would work best, or easiest, works for me.
  6. Exzel took a deep breath, and stood up straight from her combat stance. Looking around to make sure the other threats were really gone. Dismissing her shadow blade back to the either, it disappeared from her hand in a shimmer of energy. She ran a hand up through her hair on one side the straighten it out after all the action. Seeing Elie bound and hanging from the ceiling, a devious smile was back on her face. "Thank you, oh Wheel of Fortune. Can you make her full of lust before you go?" Exzel slowly walked up to Elie, letting her fear build. She could feel it pouring off of her, as she walked around eyeing her with a hungry look. S
  7. There was a hunger that grew inside him as their arms wrapped around one another. His mouth opened to lure her tongue in and as soon as she ventured inside his lips closed around the wet muscle playfully as he suckled on it briefly until his mouth opened once more so his tongue could lunge and wrestle against hers. There was a gentle groan of pleasure from him as he felt her hands rake across him and forced his body onto craving more! He was ready to finally have a proper dessert after such a rough day and Miranda was delicious and sweet. Her care for the crew could be tasted in the coffee, the meals, and her dutiful nature to make sure
  8. Oh no, he offered and now he was starting to quickly realize the position he put himself in. Right here? On the bridge!? You can make every excuse you wanted but at the end of the day he just offered to expose himself to their extraterrestrial representative. He gave a soft and quiet breath while he considered his next action carefully. It's not like he was opposed to the idea of having sex with their cute Luanari if it was possible but... he was the captain, there was a certain level of respect and distance he was expected to maintain right? Right? ....right!? Oh hell. Draven does a quick spot check on the door to the bri
  9. zenti


  10. Hikaru did not have a wife currently. It was not something she did especially often, but there was no harm in spending a little time with some of the girl fans, especially to confirm if they had the power. This girl with Emi, was her power discovered in a similar fashion? If so, he guessed what might have happened. What Rin was. “I am here, because it is best the people see I am still active, out there to protect them. I won’t be involved in many activities though. A few private meetings. Telling stories here. Maybe a few other things.” He did a personal even, give some fans some basic sword training/practice. He was not going
  11. She had tried, hadn't she? Well, sort of. There wasn't any harm in it though! No, he just seemed like a nice person. She wanted nice people to team up with! Alas, it appeared as though he already had his team. His family. Emi could understand that, head nodding a couple of times. Well at least we may work together! Of course he was right too. This would be a good place to recruit more people! She didn't really want to overstep her authority however. If anyone was a leader for them it would be Alexandrine. She had invited Hikaru because Alexandrine knew him, and she had met him and liked him. Anyone new? Well, they would have to pass
  12. Seeking female for roleplay you can use Loli or 18+ i have discord if it would be easier to roleplay there
  13. How about strip poker?
  14. Rin silently watched, but recognized the figure. The Knight known as the Sword of Maxim. Supposedly from a long line of Knights. In person, she found herself strangely impressed by him. He looked so strong, powerful. Apparently Alexandrine had introduced Emi to him already, though she could only guess the details. She let the two of them do the talking for now. Hikaru of course still hoped Emi would agree to be his bride, but he would not bring that up here, unless she did first. He looked over her ‘true’ form, but did not stare. He glanced at the other girl too, he could see the bond between them. That was good, team members sh
  15. Can't we all agree a strip is a strip?
  16. Once you have an idea for the character you want to create. Go ahead and put them down below. Please not you can start almost anywhere on floor 0, 1 and 2. If you want to have been in the dungeon for a while, that's fine. But if you want to have just arrived you must start in 0 the prison.
  17. Name: [Character Name] Core: [A brief description or essence of the character’s personality or role] Alignment: [Choose from Lust, Domination, Chaos, Ambition] Race/Species: [Applicable if your world includes different races or species] Appearance: [Description of the character’s physical appearance] Background: [Character’s backstory and major life events that shaped them] Skills and Abilities: [Special abilities or skills your character has, relevant to their Core and Alignment] Tools and Artifacts: [Important equipment or special items that the character possesses] Personal Goals: [What drives your character? What are they
  18. So you've been sucked into the Donjon with no idea what to do! Oh no! Don't worry with our convenient [] step program we're going to tell you the basics to figuring out your core attributes and how to work with them! so STEP ONE) Figure out your core. This is the core idea of your character, feel free to draw on any number of troupes to make it work if you want. The Donjon is something beyond time and space, so don't feel constrained to fantasy. Have an idea for a Cyberpunk character to explore the Donjon? Bring them in, fantasy warlock that needs to fuck the tentacles to get her power? Bring her in! STEP TWO) Choose your Crue
  19. A museum! I wonder. . . Of course the first person she looked for was Alexandrine. Or, rather, The Diamond Sorceress. Interestingly enough that was also where she would locate Hikaru! She didn't initially notice who it was, but once she did the bunny's face heated up a slight bit. He apparently recognized her pretty swiftly. Last time they had spoken she had been far more modestly dressed. He had also been trying to marry her, sleep with her even. Now? Emi was far underdressed by comparison. Parts of her white outfit hadn't completely dried. Also she had experienced the joys of sex. Hikaru was pretty handsome, even without being tra
  20. She would someday get a chance for Rin at least. A Ryan version would have to be handmade though, or custom made at least. She did not intend to let the public know her secret identity was a boy. As for the room, well, he could at least sneak her in some time her parents were not home. She did not have completely pure intentions. But she figured there would be no harm mixing a little sex in with more innocent stuff. She led Emi around more of the area. There was a mini-museum as well, giving a bit of information about all the established teams. A little about who they were, but not the civilian life, except for the few who did not
  21. Was there always an upper limit of the number of strips that can exist at once?
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