Kellina Dansken (1)
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Character Identity Information
Name: Kellina Dansken. She often goes by the nickname ‘Kelli’.
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Religion: N/A
Species: Human
Origin/Nationality: She comes from the Kilsyth Colony in the Glamis System. This star system is a binary star system with two type M stars, Glamis A and Glamis B. There are four rocky planets. In the outer system are 5 gas giants, ranging in size and colours. The largest one, Alyth, is purple in colour and is three times the size of Jupiter. Alyth has several moons orbiting it, with one being an Earth-like moon. This is where the Kilsyth Colony resides.
Occupation: Bounty Hunter around the Andromeda Station.
Faction: Independent.
Physical Appearance
Height: 6ft (182.88cm).
Weight: 126lbs (57.15Kg).
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Pale blonde
Physical Description: Due to the type of career that she has chosen, Kellina keeps herself at a very healthy weight. She keeps her muscles well toned, and able to see her through some of the toughest situations. She has a very prominent hour-glass figure with wide hips and F-cup breasts, along with a slim waist. She has a pretty, angled face with kissable lips, a small nose and angled, cat like eyes. She is usually seen wearing make-up such as lipstick and mascara/eyeliner to make her features stand out. Her hair is usually done in a certain manner. On one side of her head, the hair is plaited back, with a lot of hair flipped across her forehead and over one eye. This can be done on either side. The rest of her straight hair goes down her back and goes beyond her arse. She is usually seen wearing tight and revealing clothing, usually black in colour.
Personality, Traits and Abilities
General Overview: Kellina is a strong willed, independent woman. Ultimately, she relies on only herself to be able to get things done. She is very happy being on her own, and doesn’t rely on others to do things for her or help. She gets a great sense of satisfaction when she is able to do something on her own. As she is so self-reliant, she never trusts anyone to make an opinion for her. When she is faced with something such as an event, she prefers seeking out all the information she can about it before she makes up her mind. She is quite bold with her opinions and language. She is not afraid to speak her mind, and is very forward with her desires and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. She can take the initiative and act on her own behalf, but she will claim responsibility for her words and actions. Her bold nature makes her sometimes take risks, but she feels that if it achieves the end result either better or quicker, then it was worth it, which was one of the reasons why she is very good in a fight. She dresses and acts in a very bold and confident manner. She looks people in the eye, and sees everyone around her as her equal, even if they were the head of a state. Her confident nature allows her to take criticism, and allows her to admit mistakes without any trace of embarrassment. She is very honest with others, preferring to let others know the full story instead of covering it up even if it made other people uncomfortable. As mentioned before, she will always claim responsibility for her words and actions, and she will always own up to mistakes. She is loyal to her remaining friends and those that she considers her friends. She would never abandon them in their time of need, and will do what she can to help them. She will leap to their defense, either in battle or to defend them with her words.
Kellina is very adventurous, always having a taste for adventure. She can never settle down in a place for too long, before the need to go out and go places gets to her. She becomes bored very easily, and thus is always seeking out something entertaining, whether that be going out to a bar for the night, or fucking someone. She always becomes excited when she and her sister are heading out to go after a bounty as it possibly means that they are going to go somewhere new, and she always loves seeing new sights, and meeting new people. She can be quite spunky, becoming easily excited about new experiences and always having a high energy and drive. Kellina is very courageous, fighting for what she believes is right, and standing up when she needs to. She will defend those she is close to, and will sometimes risk her life to do so. Kellina does not back down from a dangerous situation, only doing her best to come out of it as unscathed as possible while defeating her opponents. Even when badly hurt, she will suffer through the pain and will carry on if it meant that she could save those that mean the world to her. Due to her adventurous nature, she can be very reckless. She takes risks, with little thought as to the consequences to herself and others. She engages in risky behaviour such as drinking, having unprotected sex and drug use. She gets a thrill from doing reckless behaviour, and doesn’t seem to want to stop. That said, she is quite adaptable to new situations, thinking quickly on her feet and responding quickly to a new situation. As she loves going to new places, she tends to explore and learn as much as she can about them. Even though she is spontaneous, she tries to plan ahead with anything she does so that she can be prepared. It helps that she is quite perceptive, able to observe an environment or situation without seeming so. She can use this to be able to plan ahead of her opponent and allow her to gain the upper hand. Kellina is able to see things that others miss, and connect things that other people would miss as well, allowing her to accurately and easily come to a solution to a problem. When she is doing a task, such as piloting the ship, she can be extremely focused. She will block out everything around her as she focuses on moving the ship, looking out for obstacles and any enemy that are nearby. Once she starts to do something, she doesn’t stop easily, and thus she can completely lose track of time. Kellina knows what she wants, and will singlemindedly chase that goal, and never gives up easily even when things aren’t going her way. She will try and find a solution to problems, by studying it as hard as she can until she comes up to a solution. This often means that she loses sleep, but she can become so focused on a task that she ignores the needs for food and sleep.
Kellina is quite passionate about her opinions and her love of flying ships. She has a passion for ships in general and loves piloting good ships. She will talk about ships for hours, and is so passionate about spaceships that she extensively researches about them and knows a lot about them. When it comes to her views and opinions, she will stand up for her viewpoint. While she will listen to other people, she will argue her points readily and can become very emotional when doing so however she will never break a friendship just because someone disagrees with her. Kellina is very stubborn, never giving ground easily in an argument and will continue arguing her point even if it may be a bad point. However when arguing, she will always bring up examples and evidence to back her argument up and expects others to do the same. She doesn’t accept help from others, preferring to do things on her own, and often reacts in a hostile manner if someone attempts to give her help when she doesn’t want it even if she may need it. Her stubborn nature means that she never gives up easily, and goes after her goal with a single-minded determination. She will also always stick to her principles and morals. Kellina can also be very impatient. She gets bored easily, and doesn’t like being made to wait. If she is made to wait too long, then the chances are very high that she will go off and do something else. If she cannot focus properly on a task, she wants it done immediately. She can be short-tempered and irritable, snapping at others even if she doesn’t mean to. She loathes being made to wait, especially when someone is doing something that she knows she can do quicker. She will often take over the task, showing the other person how to do it quickly and ignores when they express outrage to her actions. She can be quite selfish at times, thinking of only herself and not of others. She rarely gives her money or possessions to others, even if they need it. She usually only does things for others if it will lead to some kind of benefit to herself, such as money. She will not do things that she doesn’t want want to do, and will often find excuses for not doing them. Kellina prefers to be the first to do things, and the first to get things. At times, she can be quite frivolous; unable to remain serious in many situations. She tends to laugh and joke at inappropriate moments, and she doesn’t seem to take things seriously. As such, she can appear quite callas, however she doesn’t try be serious because she tries to protect herself from the effects of something traumatic. She isn’t very interested in the larger, important events of the Galaxy such as politics or religion, preferring to live her own way and survive in the world around her. Kellina tends not to stress or worry about things, telling people to relax and not be so serious. She doesn’t see any point in stressing herself out by worrying about something, preferring instead to do something about it.
Kellina is quite extroverted, loving to spend time with others doing fun activities. She will be the first to agree to any outing, and loves going to places where she can interact with a lot of people. She often visits bars and clubs, especially popular venues that would allow her to meet and interact with a large number of people. Sometimes she hates being left on her own, and craves to socialise with others and to go somewhere fun. Kellina is quite vain about her appearance, taking careful measures to make sure that she looks her best at all times. She works out a lot, is careful about what she eats so that she keeps her body in the best shape possible. Not only does she feel it makes her look good, but it keeps her in top physical peak for Bounty Hunting. She also wears just enough makeup to enhance her natural beauty instead of covering herself with make up. She tried it once, and didn’t think it made her look good; only fake. Kellina will often inspect herself in the mirror, or a reflective surface just to make sure that she looks good. She will usually buy expensive, good looking clothes and adornments. She likes it when people compliment her on her looks, but doesn’t like it when people tell her that she looks awful. She would drop everything to try and make herself look more appealing. Kellina is quite flirtatious, and will flirt with just about anyone. She tends to make comments that can be taken sexually, as well as give out all the signals that she is available. As she is so honest, she doesn’t tend to beat around the bush about her intentions, and lets it be known that she is after sex quite easily. She likes to see the reaction from others to her flirting, and if they react in a favourably way such as flirting back, she will become more flirtatious towards them. Even though she can have trouble forming lasting intimate relationships, she is a very sensual woman. She loves being touched, and touching others, losing herself in the moment especially in the bedroom. So when with a person she is getting intimate with, she will act in a very sensual manner, allowing them to take pleasure in her love to tease and touch them. Kellina is very promiscuous in nature and loves to have casual sex with people, and not restricting herself to a single partner. She likes having multiple men, especially at the same time. Whenever she doesn’t have anything going on, she often goes out seeking sexual gratification from others, either from friends or complete strangers. As long as she gets what she wants, she doesn’t care who it is.
Having grown up working for the military, she is very rebellious and resists authorities. She tends to ignore warnings, especially if they come from someone in a position of authority. She will also ignore orders given to her. It also means that she will take part in activities that are considered illegal, usually just as a ‘fuck you’ to the state. She tends to question facts, and will argue with someone very easily. Kellina can be quite rowdy, making a lot of noise and being quite boisterous. She likes to throw loud parties, and do things that will grab a lot of attention from others. She likes to tell crude jokes to get a good laugh, even if it offends someone. She can often be quite mischievous, playing tricks and pranks on others to get a reaction. She can make cheeky jokes to get a reaction from others. If she gets away with a trick, or prank, she will often try bigger tricks and pranks to see just how far she can get without getting caught, and often doesn’t see how her pranks can frustrate others. She can also be quite tactless, saying and doing things that can cause offense to others. Kellina prefers being upfront and honest, not caring what others think of her behaviour. She will say whatever comes to mind, not knowing or caring if the other person wants to know.
Kellina has an addictive personality, allowing her to easily become hooked on drugs and become dependant on them. She often takes a number of drugs, and frequently drinks alcohol. The only times she doesn’t like to do that is when she is flying her ship, but when not doing her job she will drink and take drugs as much as she can. She has also become addicted to having sex. She has trouble forming lasting relationships with others, due to the fact that she has trouble expressing her love to them. She tends to express it with sex, so will even have sex with someone she considers a friend. But even when she tries to form a relationship with someone, she often gets bored and goes out seeking new partners as she cannot make herself stick to having sex with the single person. She spends much of her free time having sexual encounters, and will often allow her behaviour to impact her health and job, but she doesn’t feel like she can control this behaviour, especially when drinking or taking drugs. When she does give into her addictions, she usually does it to the extent where she overindulges. She will often wake up with strong hangovers and in various other beds that are not her own. This often means that she is late for meetings or appointments, as she often oversleeps and misses the time and then often spends a while making herself look presentable. All of her addictions, plus the fact that she is very reckless, is very self-destructive. She often gets injured, or acts in a manner that could get her killed like seemingly piloting in a dangerous manner. Sometimes, it is almost as if she wishes for death, but if you attempted to tell her that, she would deny it. She claims that she is just living how she wants and having fun while doing it.
Kellina can come across as cocky at times, especially when she has the upper-hand in any situation. She will mock her opponent, and tease them in order to get a reaction from them. She will point out their flaws, while bragging about her superiority over them. Sometimes she isn’t very good when working in a team, especially with those she doesn’t know. She prefers doing things on her own, and gaining all of the glory. She sometimes things that she knows better than others, and will often assert that in a very cocky manner. She can be rather competitive, especially with an opponent, and is always striving to the one that comes up on top. She can be quite abrasive, acting in an irritating manner to anger others. It is one of the reasons why she doesn’t form many friendships. She tends to act in a manner with little thought to those around her, doing what she wants, when she wants to. She can also miss certain social cues, such as seeing when someone is uncomfortable in her presence, or overstaying her welcome. She feels that if they have a problem with her, then they would tell her and not keep quiet about it. When in an argument, she can be quite confrontational, passionately defending her position. Kallina, when someone is being very rude towards her, she use low blows and insults to get a reaction. She gets a thrill from angering people, and from getting in fights. She will not hesitate to confront someone if she believes that they are in the wrong, and she in the right. She does not back down from problems, preferring instead to face her problems head on, instead of falling back. Kellina can be quite volatile, moving from one emotion to the next within the blink of an eye. One moment she can be extremely angry, and then calm and composed the next. Her emotions can be quite unpredictable, and thus she can unknowingly blow up at something, even something small. She can hold grudges against those that she perceives have wronged her in some way, and she can be quite vindictive. She can find it hard to forgive people, and usually ends up trying to get revenge on those that have wronged her. She will find a way to get back at the person in a manner that would make them think twice before doing something against her again. She can come up with some interesting and elaborate ways to get back at people. She can be quite ruthless in her revenge, but if she is able to forgive, then she would stop trying to get revenge.
Strengths, Skills and Abilities:
- Athletic/Gymnastic: Kellina is very athletic, keeping herself trim and fit. She is also a gymnastic, allowing her to be able to do complex maneuvers that she can use against an opponent or use to get away. That, coupled with her athleticism, makes her very flexible. Using these skills, she can also do parkour, allowing her to move quickly and easily through an urban environment.
- Stealth: Using her athletic and gymnastic skills, Kallina can be very stealthy, keeping herself hidden so that the enemy doesn’t spot her. If she keeps herself hidden enough, she can sneak around someone, or easily kill them without much danger to herself. She is usually very quick and agile, making very little noise as she moves about.
- Piloting skills: Due to her reckless, adventurous behaviour, Kallina is very wild with the controls of a ship. However despite the fact that it seems dangerous to fly with her, she knows exactly what she is doing. She can pass within a metre of another ship without touching it, and she can easily navigate something as dangerous as an asteroid field.
- Combat Training: Due to the fact that she has lived most of her life in a war zone, she has had to learn how to fight from a young age. She is very proficient with hand weapons such as guns and melee weapons, as well as being able to use ships in space combat. She is also very good at hand to hand combat, using her athletic and gymnastic skills to full use to gain an advantage over an opponent. Against an enemy that is stronger than herself, she uses quick thinking and being agile in order to defeat them. She is always trying to think several steps ahead of her opponent.
- Combat: While Kellina is very quick on her feet, and able to avoid thrown punches, she may be physically weaker than her opponent so they could use that against her. She usually only carries a laser pistol on her person at all times, leaving her heavier weapons in her ship until she knows she needs them. So most of the time she is weak against long range attacks. Due to her volatile and confrontational personality, she gets into fights very easily, especially in bars and clubs.
- Sexual addiction: As Kellina is a sex addict, she usually has sex on the brain and rarely declines an invitation, unless it was someone that didn’t fit her tastes. This can be used as a way to distract her, or waylaid her.
- Alcoholism and drug use: Due to her addictive personality, she tends to drink and use drugs a lot. So if anyone offers her a drink or drugs she rarely declines. As such, she may skip on certain things in order to get her fix, and means she can often be late to meetings or not turn up at all. She often finds herself waking up in places that she had no idea how she got to.
- Tactless behaviour: As she is rather tactless, and confrontational, she finds it hard to find new friends. However, when she thinks that someone is a friend, she is very loyal unless they do something that breaks her trust. She tends to easily offend people and anger them towards her.
Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams): At the moment, she doesn’t really have a dream that she is working on. Sometimes she thinks about settling down somewhere, but doesn’t feel ready to do so yet. She is currently content in working as a Bounty Hunter and enjoying life.
Hobbies and Interests: Her main hobby and interest is ships. She knows everything about her ship, and how to fly it. She loves hearing about new ships and ship technology and researches about various ships that grab her interest. She even has a private collection of model ships as well as datapads filled with information on various ships. When she is not working or indulging in her passion, Kellina loves going out, meeting new people and partying. She will often go to clubs and bars, drinking and taking drugs. And more often than not, she ends up having sex with numerous people when she does so.
Personal Sexual Information
Sexual Orientation: Hetero-sexual.
Turn ons:
- Having unprotected sex.
- Making love with people she doesn’t love, and complete strangers.
- Being touched physically by her partner, such as hands moving across her body. She loves the feeling of being close with another body.
- Having sex for physical gratification.
- Being fucked hard and rough. She likes having nails digging into her skin, hard and wild thrusts, her hair being pulled and being talked dirty to such as slut shaming her.
- Despite her confident and dominating manner, Kellina loves it when a man takes control in the bedroom.
- Being used for sex.
- Giving and receiving oral.
- Having sex with alien species.
- Sex in a public place.
- Multiple partners, orgies and gangbangs.
Turn off:
- Scat
- Necrophilia
- Gore
- Vore
- Having sex with someone underage. Not only is that a turn off, but it makes her feel physically sick.
Penis Length: N/A
Breast Size: F-cup
Sensitivity: Average
Additional Sexual Information: Due to her rather openness when it comes to sex, she tends to want to fuck any cock that comes on by although she can still be picky about her partner, to a point. Most of the time, the fact that they have a dick is enough to her. However she doesn’t tend to get close to most of her lovers and might not even notice when someone becomes infatuated with her. If she suspects something though, she will be blunt and honest and tell them that she is not interested in a relationship, nor is she interested in settling down.
STD History: She has had a minor STD not long ago, however it was easily curable and she suffers no ill effects from it.
Extra Information
Father: Michael Dansken (Deceased)
Mother: Cathy Dansken (Deceased)
Siblings: Moira Dansken (25).
Grandparents: She has never known her grandparents as she grew up on a colony.
Ship: Stella-Kelpie, a human fighting vessel.
Place of Residence: The only place she even considers her home in her quarters on the Stella-Kelpie.
Pet: None.
Additional information: Kellina partakes in a number of drugs, most of them minor ones as she doesn’t want to really touch the ones that would make her unable to pursue her hobby. The hardest drug that she takes is alcohol, and often spends her free time getting drunk. Most of the time when she gets drunk or is taking drugs, she usually ends up having sex with people as she also suffers from a sexual addiction. She is constantly seeking sexual gratification from numerous partners, and becomes withdrawn and frustrated when she cannot satisfy herself. She is also unable to remain with a single partner, and will laugh at anyone who suggests that she should.
Awards/Commendations: None.
Criminal Record: She has been arrested for possession of an illegal substance, as well as having sex in a public location. Both resulted in fines that she has since paid.
Medical Record: PTSD, sex addiction.
Kellina is the youngest of two sisters that were born to her parents, Michael and Cathy Dansken. While human, she was born in the Science Colony that her parents lived and worked in. The Kilsyth Colony was in the Glamis System, in the Andromeda Galaxy. The Star System was a Binary Star System with two type M stars, Glamis A and Glamis B. There were four rocky planets, and five gas giants. The largest Gas Giant was a planet named Alyth. It was a beautiful purple in colour and was three times the size of Jupiter. Alyth had several moons orbiting it, with one being an Earth-like Moon. This is where the Kilsyth Colony was located, and where Kellina grew up with her older sister, Moira.
When she was young, Kellina showed a lot of promise. She was always an active child, and very curious. Her mother, Cathy, was one of the researchers that was researching a strange, heavy metal that was discovered on the planet. Her father, Michael, was a ship mechanic. Ships were vital to bringing in resources as well as moving people around the Moon. Both Kellina and Moira were fascinated with the ships that came to their fathers work yard for him to fix. While Moira was more interested in playing with the actual machinery, Kellina was more interested in the whole ship. One of her fondest memories was when she came into the work yard as her father had finished fixing a ship. He had turned around and smiled when he saw her, before inviting her to test fly it with him. Excited, she agreed and followed him into the ship. She then sat on his lap as he started the ship up and flew a few laps around the workyard to make sure that the ship was working as intended. It was from that point that she truly developed a love for flying ships. Even to this day, she has a picture from that day. Her sitting on her father's lap, smiling, as her father was flying the ship. Her memories of her mother were sketchy. The most she remembered of her mother was her beautiful smile.
Despite the promise that the sisters showed, their life was fated not to be happy. When Kellina was 4 years of age, with her sister being 8 years of age, the colony was invaded by a species that lived in a neighbouring system. They were a lizard-like species that seemed hell bent on killing everyone. No one knew what their name was, but they later became known as the Malum. Due to the low level of technology that the Colony had, the Malum sent in an invading force to go in and take everyone out so that they could claim the Moon for themselves. At the time the invasion started, Kellina and Moira were at home with their parents eating dinner. As the screams and shouts started, a booming alarm blasted across the entire colony. Their parents grabbed both children, who had little clue as to what was happening, before shutting them in a small cupboard. Frightened, they clung to each other as they heard their parents shouting to each other. Explosions sounded outside of their home, as well as shouts, screams and the sounds of weapons firing. The frightening sounds only served to get closer to their home. The two girls, still curious despite their fear, peered out through the gap of the cupboard to watch what was going on. They saw their parents using the window as a shield as they fired some kind of weapon outside. Kellina, being so young, had little idea as to what was going on.
Suddenly, one of the walls had blasted inwards, showering everything inside the once neat home, with dust and debris. One alien, a huge creature with dark green scales and malevolent white eyes stepped into the room. With a casual flick, he fired his weapon, killing their parents. They didn’t even have time to react to his presence before he mercilessly killed them. The two girls drew back, more frightened than before. Kellina started to cry, but Moira tried her best to comfort her younger sister, whispering for her to be quiet. Kellina, still upset, still obeyed her older sister. The Malum prowled around the room, his breathing heavy as he seemed to be looking around, clearly after any survivors. He came near the cupboard where the two young girls were hiding. He seemed to pick up their scent, as he began to reach out to rip open the cupboard, but another alien called him in a harsh, thick language. The soldier glared at the cupboard before turning and leaving.
The two girls were left for hours as the battle raged on around them, too frightened to move from where they were hiding despite almost being discovered. Unknown to them, despite the initial advantage of the aliens surprise, the humans were more armed than they had anticipated, and had managed to drive them off. In the dead of night, roughly six hours after the battle had started, search teams went out to look for survivors. Kellina had fallen asleep in her sister's arms, but Moira had remained awake the entire time. They were discovered by one of their neighbours, who found the bodies of their parents before calling for the girls. When Moira responded, he opened the cupboard to find the pair. He took the two of them and returned to the main camp where the two were fed before being put to bed.
Unfortunately for the Colony, the invading aliens were persistent on taking over the Moon and removing the local population. It was not long before they regrouped and attacked the Colonists again. This turned into a war that lasted years, with heavy losses on both sides. The invading aliens were only relying on ground forces, so they were not able to make as much progress killing the colonists as they had originally hoped. The colonists moved underground, using some of their research facilities to shield people from the hostile forces. They were also able to change some of the labs to grow their own food, to help feed the surviving population. With being so young, Kellina was unable to help, but she was young enough for them to begin teaching her. They taught her how to hold and fire a weapon, as well as how to fight in various situations including hand to hand combat. She grew up, learning this from the moment she got up in the morning to the moment she went to bed. She occasionally saw her sister, Moira, in between her training and the duties that she was doing. Kellina took advantage of every moment they had together, feeling almost incomplete without her sister. But both of them were trying to help the colony survive.
When Kellina was ten, they began giving her piloting lessons, teaching her how to fly one of the few ships that they did have. She turned out to be very talented, and had an innate sense when flying. She was able to turn tighter than other pilots and was far more daring and dangerous than others, but she was able to outfly the best pilot in the colony. When she was twelve years old, she finally began to defend the colony from attack. Her sister, Moira, had already been fighting for four years and Kellina was keen to join her. At first, she was assigned to guarding the facility, killing any of the aliens that came near enough to the facility to endanger the lives on the colonists. Due to the training that she had been given, she saw the aliens as nothing more than pests that needed to be wiped out. An evil force that would take away everything that she loved. They had already taken her parents away from her, she didn’t want her sister taken from her either.
One of her fellow soldiers was a young man called Jake Wilkinson, whom was the same age as herself. The only colonist that was the same age, as there were precious few children. The two of them struck up a strong friendship, spending whatever time they could together. Like her, he had been trained to be a pilot for one of their few ships. They served together side by side for years, becoming inseparable. Her neighbour warned her not to become so close to him, because she risked losing him in battle and making herself miserable. But she ignored his advice. When she was 15, she allowed Jake to take her virginity. The two were huddled together in her bed, whispering quietly and touching each other. One thing led to another, and they made love for the first time. For the first time in a long time, Kellina was happy. However, the happiness was not to last.
Several months after she had first made love to Jake, the two were flying a ship over one of the enemy camps. Their mission was to drop bombs and wipe the camp out. They had managed to destroy most of the camp, however they were shot down and ended up crash landing near the camp. Both pilots were unconscious, but otherwise they were alive. When Kellina awoke, she was tied in some kind of chair. In front of her, Jake was tied in a similar manner. The aliens tried, without success, to force information from the two. Their techniques were often brutal, and painful, inflicting mind-numbing pain on them in order to try and get them to talk. They were starved, deprived of sleep and were only given enough water to barely survive. But the two of them refused, adamantly. This went on for a week, before they grew tired of their resistance. So on the seventh day of their capture, they killed Jake in front of Kellina in an attempt to try and get her to finally start giving them what they wanted. But, despite her overwhelming grief and anger, she still refused to talk. They then threatened that they were going to force feed her the body of her lover if she didn’t cooperate. But Kellina, so angry and bitter towards them, cursed them in every word she knew.
She was left alone, then, locked in a cold, dark room. She knew that if she didn’t talk soon, they were going to kill her just like they did to Jake. But she was at the point where she didn’t care anymore. They had killed Jake, taken away the one person she had truly shared her heart with. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, and she spent hours in that cold, dark room crying. Before the Malum could come back to her and finish her off, the small camp was attacked by the human colonists. Kellina had been snapped out of an exhausted, restless doze, by the sound fighting and explosions. She lay there, listening to the sounds of fighting, mixing with screams and cries of pain. It seemed to drag on before the door to her cell suddenly opened. For a few moments, Kellina was blinded by the light but when she was able to see clearly, her sister Moira was standing in the doorway. Moira wasted no time in picking her little sister up, before pulling her out of there. Moira took Kellina back to their base, where Kellina immediately received medical treatment. It took her a few weeks to recover, before Kellina demanded to be allowed back on duty.
That incident had changed Kellina. She distanced herself from others, unwilling to form a close bond with anyone. She would make friends, but she wouldn’t allow anyone to get any closer to her. She feared the hurt and pain of losing a loved one. She had been warned, and she didn’t listen. And now she was paying the price for it. Every night she had nightmares. She saw Jake’s face, everytime she closed her eyes. She became afraid of sleeping, knowing that sleep only brought the horrors of this war into the front of her mind, making her a captive audience. She put every ounce of strength into the war, not caring if she became injured. The friends that she did allow to become close to her, almost like best friends, she saw fall in battle. With each friend that died, Kellina felt that a part of herself was dying along with them. It was becoming useless. What was the point in fighting back? They were slowly being wiped out, killed. They might as well kill themselves now, instead of allowing themselves to continue suffering.
But by the time she was 18, the answer to their cry for help finally came. It was fourteen years too late, but it finally came. Great ships came down onto the moon, blasting away any the Malum that were on their final march. The colonists, now few in number, were happy to see that help had finally arrived. But in response to this help, the Malum began sending ships into the system to fight against this new threat. The colonists told their reinforcements that there was no point in staying; there was little left for them. Their research was all destroyed. The aliens were intent on attacking until they had gotten what they wanted. So the reinforcements extracted the remaining survivors and took them back to human space.
The only person that survived that Kellina was remotely close to, was Moira, her sister. The colonists had received compensation for how late their reinforcements were. Kellina and Moira pooled their money together and were able to purchase a small ship together. After much discussion, the two had decided that they wanted to become bounty hunters; to hunt down people wanted by the law and deliver them back to the authorities if possible. Kellina knew that it was just as dangerous as their war, however she didn’t care. It was what she had grown up knowing, and only after a few weeks of peace, she grew uneasy. The sisters, Kellina and Moira, now operate around the Andromeda Trading Station. There, they are open to receive a large number of Bounty contracts which they can do to get a lot of money.
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