1: RP IS NOT MY LIFE. I have had many instances in ERP where people act as if I am doing this for sexual pleasure and they try and talk dirty with me OOC. I AM UNCOMFORTABLE WITH DIRTY TALK OOC. Do not do it, I will drop you as an RP partner. NSFW RP and RP in general are FICTIONAL FOR ME, and I do not want any of the FICTION acts in RP to be treated as non-fiction. Respect this please, or we are by far NOT compatible to write together.
2: When things get difficult in my personal life, I WILL go inactive. It can be for days or weeks ( usually weeks ), but HAS gone on for months ( longest streak was 8 months ). I will NOT tolerate backlash for this, as the reasons for it are always family, work, or just REAL LIFE related. I do my best to be incredibly communicative about when I may be leaving or not replying to RPs to my partners, but if I have to let EVERY partner of mine know, I make a post explaining what's going on.
3.) Please do not tell me about how you're feeling from the RP. For me, this is complete fiction and I do not feel anything for it. I know that NSFW RP is a way for people to feel intimacy or sexual pleasure in a life where they might not have much of it, but the reason I can write this content so much and so well is BECAUSE I don't feel anything for it. I get really uncomfortable when people tell me how they're feeling about it though, because that's when the line feels like it's crossing from "fiction" to "reality". I've had issues doing NSFW RP with people who then took it as serious and genuine relationship. That's not how it is for me, so I do not want to hear about how you're getting aroused by our RP idea. AGAIN- I understand if you are, but I don't want to hear about it, as it will push me away from you due to it hitting too close to a red flag I've spent 3 years dealing with.
I don't like having a huge thing here so I deleted it.
now, in 2023, I’m rewriting it.
I’ll keep it short and brief. I have several female characters who are developed with stories of their own for the sake of sex rp. Certain girls go better with different plot ideas. Typically speaking, I prefer to write only lewd RP on here and don't really seek out SFW RPs here - however, there MAY be instances where I do, and in those instances I do not want any sexual content forced into the RP unless we discuss it OOC.
Though I perhaps don't need to explain this to anyone, I feel the need to share the reasons for SOME of my Don't for kinks. Over the years on here and elsewhere, people have complained about my limitations in sexual RPs and I want to clear up the air a bit.
Before I joined this site a person commented that RPing with me ( ERP ) was like 'walking on a landmine' because one day I was okay with something and the next I wasn't. This has been a feeling occurring for my entire ERP experience. There will be a time where I am okay with something, and then suddenly I find it revolting. I don't judge others for including it, but I will feel uncomfortable re-reading the RPs, and furthermore won't enjoy what I've written. Other topics involved may be a little too close for personal comfort. RP is meant to be an escapism and fun. I don't need topics hitting too close for personal comfort to be included, so I don't like writing them. Below I will go over the ones I want to clarify, as some more recent RP partners have commented on confusion with my limitations due to certain plots I have written.
Anal / Ass-related : Personally I just don't enjoy this kind of content. I used to be okay with anal but not too interested in it, but around 2020, someone disrespected my discomfort with anal and when I brought it up, they treated it like a joke - excusing their behavior because it was "adult humor". They knew my discomfort with anal before this joke was made, so they knew it was an unwarranted joke and knew not to do it. Since then I have taken a major disinterest in anal, and don't write it in any form. I know not everyone will treat me badly for that, but it still makes me uncomfortable, and the plans or sudden force of anal reminds me of this uncomfortable situation, which teeters me away from writing nsfw rp. And even when I was okay with it, it was purely penetration, nothing like tongues or fingers, instantly excluding ass-to-mouth or anything of the sort.
Humiliation : If my character naturally feels ashamed or humiliated through the result in why she's having sex in the first place, it is fine - it was natural build up with natural response on my end. It was not a forced feeling, simply the feeling that she would end up having. What I do not tolerate is the person I'm writing with going out of their way to humiliate my character. This hits a bit too close to home ( for non-sexual reasons ) and it makes me uncomfortable being forced to write a situation that brings me real life discomfort. I bring all this up because I have some plotlines that suggest bad ends, public sex, and other potentially humiliating scenarios - I do not mind bad ends, as long as the intent of humiliation is not the main focus and I am able to freely write out how my character is feeling.
Pregnancy / impregnation : I don't like doing this content at all. If my characters get pregnant, they no longer want to have sex, and I mainly write here for the sexual RPs. I will not allow my characters to get pregnant regardless if the male character or other being cums inside her. If you're seeking someone who will go by the laws of real life, I am definitely not the person you're looking to write with. For me, cumming inside =/= impregnation. For me, the act of getting the girl pregnant enforces a romance story, even if that's not what is meant to be intended - and I simply don't want that happening in my RPs. My characters often are lucid enough in RPs to ask or expect the other character to wear a condom or to pull out of her pussy before cumming. If that is not respected in the rp that's fine, but do not get mad at me when my character has no consequence of yours' actions.
Mind-Control / hypnosis : I do not like RPs where I am not in control of my character's feelings and actions. If she is under the control of another who gives orders, I will not be enjoying the RP. For me, my characters react naturally through how I feel is best fit for their personalities. By doing things such as mind control or hypnosis, this takes away that entirely. My girls can become mindless and reliant on sex, but that is my choice lead by the situations in the RPs, and often they will return to normal or at least semi-normal by the next scene. I do not make them sex slaves who are obedient for their master.
Yaoi/Yuri : It is incredibly rare for me to do a futa RP but I am open to them. I say no to Yaoi because I don't write male characters for sex, only females. Any male character I write is strictly a background character or a supporting character of my OC's story. As for Yuri, I just don't care for lesbian sex. I've tried writing it before and didn't find it fun for me to write. Since I am ASEXUAL and writing ERP is about the entertainment it brings more than a sex drive, I have to be interested in the content. As mentioned earlier, I have done futa RPs and don't necessarily mind them, I've just done MxF more than FUxF
- Everything else : The things not mentioned in the bullets above I just don't have any interest in writing. They are either unappealing to me or I don't know enough about them to feel comfortable or safe writing them. I do not ever want to make people feel like they're "walking through a landmine" with me, and by not really knowing or feeling interested in those topics, it will for sure trigger that landmine feeling. I'm not often comfortable telling people how they make me uncomfortable ( if they do ), so it's better to not include these topics if it can be avoided.
- Bulletin Posts linking to this preference: RP request.
- ' place of work ' and other sorts of places RP