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  • I have found out recently that I enjoy playing multi characters in rp’s, finding it fun to build and play as characters with different personalities and how they interact with my partners female character. So, I’m looking for a woman that would be interested in doing a rp where her character has to deal with five or more guys.

    Settings(These are basic ideas that can be changed or added upon):

    1: A Queen or princess is nearly killed by a assassin from a rival kingdom and her father hires the best warriors in the kingdom to protect her. 

    2:A lonely woman meets a nice guy and the two start to date. They grow closer and get engaged. But after that, the man introduces his new fiancée to his five sons that he had been keeping a secret from her, afraid that would scare her off.

    3:A new female Teacher/student runs into a group of trouble makers at her school, who take a liking to her.

    4:A woman finds a crashed ship with 5 alien guys inside. She takes them home and has to get use to living with them.

    5:A woman is hired by a mad scientist the is creating bioweapons that are mutants. The woman is in charge of caring for these monsters and starts form a bond with them.

    6:A female superhero gets stuck with the task of training 5 new male recruits.

    I’ll be adding more ideas and if you find one of them interesting, let me know.

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    I really love the idea of the woman finding the 5 aliens. What type would they be, humanoid or tentacles?

    I also love the idea of a new student but instead of a group of trouble making classmates what if it was her 5 teachers?


    I like the idea of 1, 3, and 5


    On 11/01/2024 at 01:16, Ernald said:

    I like the idea of 1, 3, and 5

    DM me and we can play out #3

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