Open for two partners!
×Hello! Hello, my fellow roleplayers. If you have come to my little corner of the site perhaps you are interested in writing with me on some of the things I'm about to cover or maybe you need a partner for ideas you have. Either way, I'm glad you're here and I want to thank you for reading my request thread.
The best way, I think, to get in touch with me is you can send a message here or if I don't get to see it a pm will work too. If you do write something here or send a message let me know about ideas you have please. This is where we'll get the ball really rolling I got ideas you got ideas, it's great.
You probably already know but I'm Eilauver. Although new to the site, I have roleplayed over fifteen years on different platforms and written by myself even longer. I'm here to find some partners and make some friends. Without further ado, let's talk about some details!
×I am looking for roleplayers eager to write like me on some fantastic tales. I don't care whether you are female or male, that doesn't matter to me so as long as we can become partners and write to our hearts content and have fun. If you want to know about me, I'm female. I can and enjoy writing for both female and male characters.
I am also open to MxF or FxM or FxF.
•Post Frequency
×I can post a few times a day on up to a couple of times a week. I don't like to do rapid fire posts because for me I feel I'm not able to write what I need to write. I'm not knocking anyone that does them, they're just not for me. My post length can be three paragraphs at the minimum on up to ten if I'm really inspired.
At minimum, I can work with two paragraphs. Nothing less sorry. One liners or a two sentences would be hard to respond to so two paragraphs or if you want to do more that's always welcome. I enjoy reading details, character thoughts, and anything else you feel the need and want to convey to me. Also, I don't mind if you write some posts a day, a couple every other day down to some a week. That's perfectly fine. Anything longer, let's say two weeks or more my interest will wane only if you do not communicate with me at all.
×Unless I'm working or doing something else, I'm online whenever I need to be. I still do need time in between to post though :)
•Grammar and all that good stuff.
×I don't know anyone who doesn't make the occasional slip up now and again, I do. I mean as I'm writing one thing I'll be thinking about something else then when I go to read it I'll find mistakes. It happens. The only thing I have an issue with is if I have to decipher what the whole post is on a constant basis.
Mistakes will happen that's only natural, don't beat yourself up over it I certainly won't.
×I feel if there's no communication whatsoever, how can we establish a partnership? With that said, I like getting to know my partner be it discussing the roleplay or on just a friendly chat basis or a need to vent about something I'll be here to listen. I'm big on keeping in touch if a hiatus comes up. I mentioned up above my interest would decline in a roleplay if time exceeds two weeks or more. If you let me know that something has come up I have no problems waiting for you please just be open with me.
I'll tell you about any time I need or can't post, that open communication helps. If you don't want to write anymore tell me it's easy.
•Preferred Genres
×These are the ones I've found to be my favorite. I'm not limited to just them. If you have some run them by me, we can see what we come up with.
-Science Fiction
-Modern Fantasy
-Slice of Life
With the romance I don't mean dedicating the plot to it strictly. I enjoy having a good amount of it in a roleplay certainly not the entire focus but a side plot if characters decide they have chemistry and develop feelings for one another.
As far as the fandoms are concerned, I am limited with those on the count of what I know and have seen. I have a list below of my preferences. I'm open to any other fandoms if you feel I don't need to know a ton about them in order to make a story.
With fandom characters I will not play canon characters, I prefer originals.
•Fandom List
×Tales of Berseria
×Final Fantasy XV
×Silent Hill
×Chrono Cross
×Absolute Boyfriend-something darker.
×Howl's Moving Castle
×Avatar: The Last Airbender-moving away from the classic cartoon. Something more darker and gritty.
×Final Fantasy X
•Genres I don't hold interest in
×Furry or Antro
×Strictly Master/Slave
×High school, college is fine. I'm also not interested in the teacher/student thing.
×Vampire/Werewolf-I might be interested if it doesn't involve this pairing put together or the usual vampire romance.
×Click the kink list in my preference list to see about what I'm interested in and of course my list of no. While sex is fine at the right time and place, I do prefer plot over it. I'm not looking to do something raunchy. I have to have a story and if sex plays a factor eventually that's alright with me. I don't want to skip ahead to get to the sex either.
×If you don't want to go over my kink list again, I will put below my absolute list of no don't like.
-Animal Transformation
-Body Part Transformation
-Body Swapping
-Canon Characters
-Gender Transformation
-Inanimate Object Transformation
-Species Transformation
-Supernatural Transformation
-Underage Characters
-Vore (Being Predator)
-Vore (Being Prey)
-Damsels in distress
-Passive characters
×I'll be looking for your ideas and input if any of the following catches your eye. I want to hear what ideas you have with a pairing. I'll mark out some of the characters I would like to play. If nothing is marked the characters can be played by either or.
×Detective x Thief
×Assassin x Target
×Private Investigator x Client
Victim x Detective
Brother x Brother's Girlfriend×
Newlyweds in danger~>see Great for more plot details.
Heiress x Islander
×Dark Wizard x Royalty
×Dragon x Human Rider
Elf x Elf
Human Royal x High Elf
×Human x Wolf
Knight x Knight
×Elf Princess x Human Knight
Princess x Knight×
Arranged Marriage~>also see I'll Follow You To The Ends Of The World.
Assassin x Princess×
Royal x Commoner
Royalty x Thief
Princess x Prince
King x Princess
Queen x Prince
King x Queen
×Warrior Princess x Princess~>See I'll Follow You To The Ends Of The World plot for more details.
•Slice of Life
Best friends
Unexpected pregnancy~>see Midnight Number, Familiar Voice plot for more details.
•Modern Fantasy or Urban Fantasy
Something along the lines of Bright. I have this on my fandom list too. If you're not familiar with the world they do have it on Netflix and also here's a bit of a read:
Spellcaster x Summoned
Landmaid(Former Mermaid having lost her fin) x Royal descendant×
Death incarnate x Contract
Pirates of the old world x captive
×Snow beast x Curious human
×Magic Assassin x Mark
Arranged marriage
×Royal Guard x Person of wealth~>see A Tale of Irrevocable Horror plot for more details.
•Science Fiction
Colonist x Colonist
Ilyndrathyl life support x Last human~>The same universe as Defying The Odds.
Soldier x Charge×~>see Defying The Odds plot for more details.
Soldier x Scientist
•Defying The Odds
Without word without warning it happened quickly, a sudden and swift attack against the last human stronghold, The Ainesilver. The Ainesilver, an enormous interplanetary ship, built by humans long ago was designed to bring mankind into the universe beyond should the planet of their birth, Earth, become uninhabitable. Along with mankind, The Ainesilver carried with it Ilyndrathyl-a mysterious life support system set to create life. How it came in the hands of man or who built it was unknown but from it life could be created in the event man ceased to exist.
The attack on the Ainesilver left its inhabitants with little preparation while in the middle of the chaos one soldier stumbles upon the closed quarters where Ilyndrathyl is housed. Within it, a woman has been created. At first thought, the soldier pulls her unconscious form from the temporary captivity the will within becoming protective. Running into a few other survivors, the forced party makes way to an escape pod while all around the ship is on the verge of collapse and destruction. With little time the pod carrying the group shoots into the unknown ramparts of the universe leaving behind the Ainesilver and most of all Ilyndrathyl.
The pod miraculously lands on foreign planet almost a replica of Earth. The survivors are shaken and leery of the world before them. They wonder how they'll continue on with little to no supplies while the soldier resigns to protecting them alongside the woman of Ilyndrathyl unbeknownst that she is more than meets the eye and the forces behind Ainesilver's demise would seek to pursue her.
The honeymoon is over before it even got started. Love at first sight, a sudden engagement, and a marriage in the span of a month what could possibly go wrong with that? Well, for one newlywed couple having hit the wine on the second date and hitting the sheets on the third, everything. Confusing love with infatuation, the pair much to the horror of their families marry in a hasty ceremony. While on their way to the cruise, they get into a huge argument about twinkies no less.
For the first time, with the blinders off, they see each other and the differences they both bring to the table. As the fight erupts into much more, the two realize what they thought they might have in common they might not after all. Moreover, with the arguing they've missed the cruise forced to watch it and they money they paid sail away.
Angry about the situation and with one another, they set up in a nearby hotel considering seriously about getting the marriage annulled. Having the share a room, the couple nitpick about everything with the wife storming out leaving the husband to his own devices. Needing fresh air, the wife sauntered away from the hotel happening across a green-eyed man shooting another point blank. The killer discovers her and about to shoot her too, she retreats back to her husband finding him doing the robot dance. Frantically, the wife explains her plight to her husband. Initially skeptical, he tells her they'll go to the police to get it sorted but as they open the door the killer stands before them with a gun raised on them. He backs them in the room silently. The husband, thinking quickly, yanks the phone out of the wall throwing it at the killer who ducks and the object catches someone walking by square in the face. Both the killer and the wife look at him, the latter disappointed.
How will they get out of this if they can't stand one another?
•Midnight Number, Familiar Voice
Everyone who wanted to be someone got the hell up out of Lake County. Nothing ever happened and those that stayed would live out their mundane days daydreaming about the big city and how to be famous.
She always wanted to leave. Every since her parents divorced and high school passed by easily. What kept her behind was not only her mother but him, the boy she loved every since they were children. He came from the wealthy side of the wrong tracks rolling with a crowd she never fit in with but somehow when he wasn't getting in trouble the two of them spent time together. It was as if when they were with each other he was a whole different person, one she could count on.
And he told her in secret he loved her too unfortunately in the end he chose someone else over her. She was devastated. Every time she tried to move on, he would come back in her life somehow pulling her in confusing her feelings.
While her life seemed stuck, his progressed and for the most part she was satisfied having any part of him even if she was the other woman.
When he got engaged, he broke it off with her and resigned to letting him go she attempted to leave town until her mother grew sick. Miserable, another man unintentionally walks into her life treating her as she should be, number one. For a while everything is going good until her first love returns looking for another chance.
She relents against her better judgement.
An unexpected pregnancy has her to make a decision which way she should follow her heart, to the old or a chance at something new.
•A Tale of Irrevocable Horror
In Uthorim, a metropolis of grandiose, there lingers a peculiar unspoken darkness from which at night people seemingly vanish into thin air. While authorities are on high alert, the young king refuses to create hysteria that would place lives in danger. He has set about a curfew. With it in effect, people are not allowed to venture outside at certain times of the night. Though the citizens of Uthorim are angered by the restrictions, the king promises the matter will be rectified soon and swiftly.
A young heiress has bore witness to her mother's terrible hallucinations and bouts of drunken stupors. Among Uthorim's society, the gossip reaches far about her mother's illness chalked up to the craziness of a sullen woman. One night, the heiress is woken up by her mother's screams. Hurriedly, she goes downstairs to find her father, older sister, and one of the servant men carrying her mother to the car in the night. Her illness has taken a turn and even with the curfew in full force, she must be taken to the doctor. The heiress begs her father not to go, but he promises to return, that she should look after her younger brother. The heiress is left alone with the servants. Once morning hits, there's no sign of her family. No call on the phone or even a message. Even a call from the heiress does not reach. Morning is soon noon followed by afternoon night and the next day. The authorities claim they cannot do anything because it was her father's choice to go out after curfew.
After weeks of no contact, the heiress decides for the sake of her brother to ask for an audience with the king the only person she feels can help. Although against it, the young king has political pull however before he was king their fathers were once friends and the young king has always held a devious eye for the heiress. Without question she is granted an audience with Uthorim's sovereign. His manner with her versus his public appearance are quite different, he longs for her expresses his love while she is determined to merely have him help her.
He is not deterred. He will help. He'll send one of his best royal guards with a small group to investigate, but at a price. She will and without question give herself to him otherwise he will take everything she thinks she has back leaving her and her brother destitute and send them into exile.
•I'll Follow You To The Ends Of The World
It is the world of man. Warriors, clerics, blacksmiths, knights, and kings. At their sides are the women that walk at their side, keep their home in order, and bear children silently placing dreams of lives other than taking care of families. For one princess the time for suitors was near. Groomed into the perfect heir, a hidden defiance has lingered within to go against the rules of society to be more than a woman bred for marriage but she knows her father will hear none of it.
For her coming of age ceremony, all the royalty from the allied kingdoms attend. Much to her disappointment there are princes, warriors and anyone of high standing vying for her hand yet none spark her heart or interest until scandal threatens the celebration. Of a well to do kingdom in the southern moorlands, arrive three souls not really invited however with good faith as an ally brought on by that kingdom's king the guests are allowed to enter. It is a kindly king, his warrior son and the reason behind the scandal. The king's blue-eyed daughter. A warrior on her own in armor as any male and a sword sheath at her side. Beautiful she is, the princess of the south only cares about standing at her father's side. It is through the crowd that she sees the other princess where they greet one another with a smile.
Throughout the festivities the pair sneak glances at one another. The warrior princess keeps her distance however while her brother asks the other princess for a dance and their fathers privately discuss an arranged marriage. Upon dancing with nearly every suitor, the princess at long last is brought near the blue-eyed princess of the south where their eyes meet again.
The warrior princess smiles slyly. She cocks her head to the side. "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen before in my life. There's a light in them, they are special don't let any of this let that light die." With her hand reaching out she touches the princess's hand gently. Forced to break contact by the arrival of the princess's father, the warrior princess disappears in the crowd. The king tells his daughter he has decided she will marry a suitor by the end of the next fortnight.
Well, that's about it. I look forward to hearing from you!
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