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  • All rps consist of a futa character (Angel) and loli character only. Both roles are open for anyone to play and ill play the other role. All girl ages can be between 5 and 18, so dont be shy!

    Futa mother x Daughter

    1: Angel had been fighting with her daughter for days now. She was being a spoiled brat about everything. Even by grounding her after a few days had only made it worse. She was going tovtake extreme action to get her to behave...it would really help her being so pent up after all... (rape preferably)

    2: it was her daughters birthday today! She had grown up to be such a good little girl! It was time that she got a present from mommy that was meant for a big girl now after the party. Rape or consensual

    3: Angel helped set up a big girls party for her daughter and all her little friends too... Party games like spin the bottle, truth or dare, and things get a bit out of hand...maybe on purpose... rape (or peer pressured) or consensual.

    4. (Open for personal suggestions players might wanna try!)

    Futa x younger sister:

    1: Angel slept soundly in her bed after a relaxing shower. She didnt think much if being in her own bed in her towels, but her younger sister came in to come play with her. Of course her towels came undone, and her curous sister had to find out exactly what was between her sisters legs... (consensual)

    2: (open for personal suggestions players might have!)

    Futa X stranger loli

    1: Angel looks through the local papers for a new babysitting job. She sees an ad asking for female pnly babysitters for a little girl over the weekend...bingo. this was Angel's favorite past time, raping little girls she was paid to watch while the parents were out of town. (Rape preferred)

    2: Angel walked around the department store she owned, watching the customers roam around looking for clothes. She sees a little girl with her mother trying out cute little sundresses for her. Jackpot. She smiled, knowing that the girl was going to have to try on a dress soon. She left to her secret room behind the dressing rooms, waiting patiently for the girl to come try it on where Angel could make full use of the soundproof rooms to gace fun with the girl, her employees keeping the mom busy while she had her fun. (Rape preferable)

    3: Angel walked into the girls locker room at the community pool afterwards, looking tovbe sure everyone was out for the day to close up. A little girl was still in the showers, trying to wash off some chlorine water from her hair... there was a price to pay for being caught after hours, and Angel made sure that the door locked behind her as she went to deal with the after hours tresspasser...

    4: (open to others suggestions!)

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    Id love to play any of these!


    I would LOVE to play any of the Three first ones there, I think all of them could be quite fun as I am quite intrigued by the peer pressured one 🤔 😈

    I have played a Unwillingly Underage Girls in like 95% of my RPs so I think I am quite good at it~ 😘


    I play futa characters and have a free slot open.

    i quite like concept 3.


    I would love to try the community pool scenario, maybe dig through some of the lockers and have the little slut do a bikini try on before the fuck fest

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