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    Halloween inspired ERPS!

    Looking for female role players.

    Down below I’ll have a few straightforward erp ideas that are Halloween inspired. These are all admittedly meant to for more quick/simple rps. Although I’m up for making them possible long term once we discuss. HOWEVER I will WARN you that some are on the darker/kinkier side of things so there could be a chance you read something your not a fan of. 


    Plz read my preference sheet. For some reason the link to it is not working so I can’t make it part of the post.




    Costume Party Hookup.

    In the center of the city is one of the most popular Nightclubs to visit if you plan on having a night of fun with a stranger or even for a spicy date. The issue is that it’s typically hard to get in without a reservation or invitation from the owners. However this Halloween is Fright Night, meaning anyone is welcomed. The only thing you need to get in is an ID saying your 21, real or fake, AND a costume! It can be some 20$ costume you got at some store or a full fledged cosplay you worked hard on. And once your in, all that’s left is to find someone to share the night with if you haven’t brought someone already. 





    No Parents = Big Party.

    For this Halloween both of your parents are going to be gone on some business trip. So you’ve taken the opportunity to throw the biggest party for Halloween and practically invite your entire school(high school or college). The one problem is, the whole school practically dose show up! People in your grade, below it, above it, and is that a teacher?! Well now you have two choices. Enjoy the chaos and party or try to keep things under control.





    Different Kind Of Trick & Treating. 

    You have a Neighbor who you’ve been getting rather close with for a while now. He/She have been giving kids and teens candy like everyone else while taking the occasional glance at you(while you are out trick or treating or just from you giving out candy). But once it gets late, and all the kids, teens, and parents are all heading home, you put on a “special” costume and go over to there house as there last trick or treater. Only it ain’t candy you go looking for.





    Spell Gone Wrong.

    A month ago you and your big sister found a “Witch’s Book” in the attic of your grandmother’s home shortly after she passed away. Your sis kept it to have as Halloween decoration but once the holiday was essentially over she invited you to help do a spell with her as a joke. The spell tome in the book says it will grant the female caster the ability to “Give Life instead of Make it.” Thinking it sounds funny you both prepare it and use it on your sister. Suddenly a flash a pink light covers her body before it disappeared. At first she seems fine but soon she realizes that’s she’s been turned into a futa. Not only that but a craving to use her new “tool” starts to ache in her, and your the only female nearby. So the question is, are you Willing to “help”?




    True Horror Story.

    At the edge of town there is an abandoned church that is said to be hunted by a Monster who kills “All who enter at night when the moon is at its highest”. Not believing in the story’s, and making fun of your friends who do, your willing to go to the church alone during Halloween at 12 AM to prove that the story’s are in fact fake. Unfortunately for you however you will come to find that they are true. Shortly after you enter a actual Monster takes you and drags you down to the basement of the church, and unfortunately for you it doesn’t plan on killing you.





    That New Babysitter.

    You’ve recently started babysitting for one, or more, family(s) to watch over there son(s.) (They can be teens or shotas.) You even offer to take them Halloween trick or treating this year which is agreed to. However the parents are not fully aware of why you started doing this babysitting and why you where so eager to take them trick or treating. It’s cuz you plan to live out your dark fantasy now that you have these young males around.

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    I know it's past Halloween, but I'm interested in the True Horror Story. 

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    For those interested interested in the “True Horror Story” idea two things. 1: I’ll post a bio of the main idea of the monster I had made for this. Now IF you interested in that plot BUT don’t like aspects of the monster, rather it be it’s looks or it’s powers etc, things can be changed to fit your liking as long as it stays in with what I’m comfortable with. OR it can be something else entirely. It could be a whole different monster if you wish. 
    2: Soon I might be “closing” it cuz I’ve got a few people doing it/looking to do it. So just to let you know.

    Monster Bio:


    The monster stands at 7ft tall. It has pale skin without a signal trace of hair on it. It’s face is completely featureless with the exception of a long thin line of “lips” from each side of its head. The tip of the “lips” end where the ears should be. Once the mouth opens one would see that it is completely filled with a bunch of tentacle like tongues all varying in many different sizes. The monsters torso is lean and it’s limbs are long and thin but strangely it’s body is toned with muscles. The skin of the monster seems rather strained/tight. Almost as if it’s body is almost too wide/big for the skin to hold. Between its legs hangs a large cock and below that a large sack of balls. 

    The abilities of the Monster range from simple stuff, like fast movement speed(on its feet or crawling on all fours) stronger than the average human, great hearing and natural night vision(even though it seems to lack physical ears and eyes), as well as more unique powers involving its bodily fluids. The monsters saliva and cum seem to have a strange addiction property to them to where the victim’s body starts craving for more physical pleasure. At THIS point it dose not need to be from the monster itself. But after a while this need will start affecting the mind. If an infected female is away from the monster, and the sexual “sickness” has progressed far enough, they could be willing, and possibly actively wanting to, have sex with someone that normally not be attracted to. Example being if a woman has the sickness to this degree she may want to have sex with her own sister. Even though the infected woman may have never been into incest, OR other women for that matter, before.(On that note if a infected person becomes that infected, anyone who comes into contact with there saliva will become “sick”) And once the “sickness” has fully taken over there mind, one of two outcomes may happen(depending on what the other rp person like/wants). 1: The monster will come for them to take them back to its home to continue fucking them while also having the controlled person help rape other females. OR 2: The infected person eventually gives birth to the offspring of the creature. At that point the individual will never be a mindless sec husk again but will still always have the craving for sex forever.(There’s more detail with this option BUT I’ll only go into it depending on the what the other rp partner likes/wants.)


    Not anywhere close to Spooky session but f it, BUMP.


    i like the trick or treating and the costume party ideas. we could involve an accidental incestuous hookup for the costume party too with some tweaking.


    I'd be down to do the spell gone wrong depending on if I can play the futa


    Not Halloween just yet but still gonna Bump!

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