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  • Heart warming RPs and gender

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    (I wanted to offer some less smut rich options. If you already have an RP with me and want to add one of these that is fine too)

        Supernatural- using the Supernatural universe MC is a hunter out of NC. The RP opens in a small town of Tennis were people are going missing out on a sleep little lake. I suspect foul play and am in town investigating. I have a pretty good opener. This is an RP for an experienced person in the spookiest or horror genre.

        The super heroines Boyfriend- in the My Hero Academia universe Your Character is a professional Hero, it's up to you if you are still in high school or out. However, instead of playing the role of a hero myself I was saved by you and would like to say thank you by taking Your Character out.

       This RP is almost tugging on the heart strings. The life struggles we have. How it kills me to let you keep doing what you love or see you in danger.

          The Divison- passed on the Tom Clancy Game, the city of New York is left in ruin after a genetically modified plague is unleashed during black Friday by Appling it to money. 4 months later everything is all but collapsed as on the US sleeper agents known as Divison are called on to restore credible governance, keep important infrastructure up, and protect innocent life.

    Armed with high tech gear these Agents are hitting the streets of New York. This is primarily a combat, survival, and political story. Not saying it's NO romance but... less.

    [Like I say above. You or I can play any gender. These are not smut focused stories. If you would like me to write you a starter to see what the RP is in more detail, shoot me a message]

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