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  • Looking for Female rp partner

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Hey still new here but I'm looking for a female rp partner to discuss a incest ageplay fantasy plot. What I had in mind was my character (little boy) gets transported into a new universe only to discover it's full of fantasy creatures. Slowly as he learns the way of this new world he finds out he was actually brought here in purpose. The god of this world Gya gives the people special skills or classes to help on their adventuring but the ones who brought him to this world are trying to figure out how they could give otherwise multiple traits themselves or classes still not fully figured out. Basically a fun adventure smut filled ride with drama action and actually a pretty nice story. If you'd like to discuss the plot or are interested in any way message me I think there is allot we could do with this idea hitting many kinks and creating a pretty cool story along the way. (Also side bar I would play as other males to if it makes things easier for you I don't want you to think I'm expecting you to play a bunch of females for just my one character lol)


    Thanks for reading if you made it this far 😁

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