I’m an assassin—and a damn good one at that. Sure, I only take contracts on targets that I think are vile, despicable people, but that doesn’t keep you from coming after me. You’re a private detective, and you’ve been on my ass since I showed up in your city, trying to finally get some information on the “Specter” as your ‘original’ homies in the law department have taken to calling me. One day we finally meet when I lure you to my old abandoned hideout. When you try sneaking in through the second story window and catch your pants on part of the roof and flash me spectacularly on your none-too-graceful-fall down, it was love at first sight. Or at first fall? First ass? You have a really nice ass—alright? Okay so maybe we didn’t even actually “meet” it was more like me stalking and staking you out until you showed your pretty little face—and you have a really nice face too.
The point is, I find myself interested in you pretty fast, and it takes a lot to interest me (that’s a lie). I decide then and there that while you’re trying to chase a ghost (AKA: me) I’m going to have some fun with you, because why the fuck not? They’re pretty harmless pranks, not anything lethal like say—“accidentally” firing off a little love shot just a few inches away from that face I love so much while you’re trying to chillax in your apartment (btw nice heart boxers, didn’t think they made those in real life). You got to live a little, right? What’s the fun without any risks?
I have plenty in more in store for you handsome, like let’s say, leaving you little (taunting) love notes in random places you visit, or perhaps filling your car with sex toy’s (got to start off your dildo collection somewhere, am I right?). Though perhaps I went a little too far when I decide to show my face (not that you know it’s me) at a cute little bar you like to drink away your sorrows in (because you’re that kind of cliche detective that I adore so much). Surprisingly, it’s easy to flirt you up (feeling a little frustrated... eh?), and we find ourselves tangled in the sheets together and boy did you impress! Unfortunately for me, I’m not the type to linger (though I definitely wanted to help myself to some seconds and thirds and fourths and—well, you get the picture). Though I do leave you a nice little present in your car when you wake up, a lovely note signed by yours truly—the “Specter—“ (it just oozesoriginality), and I may or may not have left you a nice big dildo on your drivers seat that reminded me of you and I couldn’t help myself (because what’s one more to the collection, right?).
Now you’re even more pissed, not only did the (best lay of your life) Specter get away, you’re left with even more questions than ever before and you had me right in your grasp (and boy does your touch do some fantastic things to me). Unluckily for me, you’re one determined son-of-a-bitch, and you aren’t willing to let me go (who knew you were such a romantic?).
However, when one night after running into some trouble (though I’m sure you’re probably wondering when I’m ever not in trouble), I end up getting hurt pretty bad (did you know that being shot hurts really fucking bad?), and you’re the one that I crawl back too. And despite all of the “pranks” I’ve played on you, you actually help me, nurse me back to health and for sure won’t let me out of your sight. Because despite how much you want to hate me (I’m just too damn lovable), you are extremely curious about who the mysterious “Specter” is behind the gun, behind the sarcastic facade, you realize you actually want to get to know me. And if all those little “love” notes didn’t clue you in, I kinda like your stupid ass too. Soon enough we’re teaming up (taking ass kicking names—wait—I don’t think that’s how it goes...), both of us trying to fight back the true (mushy) feelings we have for one another. And with more than one bad guy on our (albeit—lovely) asses, will we be able to set aside all our differences and truly come together?
Basically just about a goofy, younger assassin guy (me) who takes an interest in an older detective (you) and teased the fuck out of him while YC is trying to track the miscreant down, though they end up working together anyways after MC is shot and YC takes care of him and slowly but surely they start to fall for one another while trying to keep each other safe!
Your character—the older detective.
My character— the younger assassin.
1. This is a descriptive, third person and mature roleplay. I'd like at least 2-3 paragraphs per reply, though more is definitely encouraged and I also tend to write a lot. You by no means have to match me, but please put in some effort. Decent grammar and punctuation as well.
2. Smut/sex will occur in this roleplay. I posted a preference thread as well earlier, but those are by no means all of the kinks I am willing to try. Please feel free to suggest your own if you wish to try something. For bed positions I'd prefer playing the uke/bottom and YC's the semes/tops.
3. Contribute! Please feel free to suggest your own ideas as the rp goes along, ask questions or just chat with me. I'm always open.
4. I will start this roleplay off for us. ^.^
5. I like to write out simple character forms with their appearance/picture, name, age, and any extra information depending on the storyline.
7. This roleplay will also feature some dark themes such as abuse and other possibly triggering themes, as well as violence.
8. Shoot me a message either privately or down below if interested in this storyline!
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