Hello! Hi! Welcome!
Hey there! I want to preface that I won't be on 24/7, there will be some days/nights where I am much more responsive or online and other days where I am not. At the very least you can expect a dozen or so messages a week unless we catch each other at a good time! For me a good time is anywhere between 6pm and 4am EST! If I can't respond on certain days I will try to let you know in advance!
With all the preamble out of the way I am looking to RP with someone willing to play as a female character. I will more than likely be playing a male character myself, however the specifics of which I am more than willing to mess around with and change to your preferences!
Alright so thing that most people will probably care about is kinks so here you go! I may have forgotten a few but this should be most of it! Also if there is a kink that you like that I didn't list anywhere let me know and we can see if we can incorporate it or not into the RP! Or I'll let you know if I'm not okay with it!
Favorite kinks-
Casual Sex
Casual Nudity
Revealing/Useless clothing (like clothes that barely or dont even cover things up at all)
Excessive Cum
Size Difference
Deep Penetration (And fullbody bulging)
Freeuse between partners
Mild/light hyper genitals (Nothing like the stereotypical stuff but BIGGER ya know)
Some Romance
Harems (Very much optional, but would love to include if possible)
Kinks I like but can live without-
Cum Out Both Ends
Impregnations/pregnant (If included it would only be for like one scene, not a constant)
Light/some Lactation
Light/some Drool/Saliva
Light Mind Control/Hypno (What I mean is not normal hypno where the Dom is 100% in control, that is boring. I mean more so characters are easily persuaded to do things they normally wouldn't do or are considered taboo. Like as if it were normal)
Heart Shaped Pupils (Or anything really)
Comedy/Humor (Not 24/7 but would definitely want to keep it light hearted if possible!)
Kinks I Can't/Won't Do-
Vore (Of ANY kind)
Inflation (Pretty much if it's not cumflation I ain't into it)
Guro/Death (Sexually, if the story has a character die in a "normal" circumstance that's fine)
Necrophillia (I dont even know if I spelt that right)
BDSM (Sorry, light bondage is fine but full on I can't)
Rape/NonCon (I don't mind like Dubcon or whatever it is where it's only Noncon for a sec but straight up Rape is a No No)
So have a few different plots that I'm interested in, you let me know whichever one peaks your interest the most! My only thing is I like when RPs have a 65/35 ratio to sex and plot. Sex is definitely more my focus but I do like fleshing out a story and world as it makes the sex aspect of the RP more enjoyable and immersive (As dumb as that may sound!) Also all my kinks would pretty much apply to any of these RPs, though some kinks lend themselves more to others.
"How We Became The Overlords Of Caelum"
This plot is long term and would focus around our two characters in a fantasy world meeting up by some circumstance and becoming adventuring partners. Upon meeting each other and more so getting close to one another we find we have a strange connection in which magical energy flows through both of us, either giving us unlimited mana or more powerful magic or just both! This power becomes almost God like when our two characters are intimate with one another, it seems sex has a major role in giving the power... With this power my rather devious character would convince yours to join him on a quest to take over the kingdom and maybe even eventually the whole plane (aka world.) The story would follow our journey and how we take over everything!
How our two characters meet can be discussed along with what our characters are! Usually I play a big Tiefling in this RP but I am more than fine with changing that up to something that suits your preferences!
I would LOVE to be able to grow a party as well during this, preferably all female but I can be flexible (Whether that be making some of the girls futas/dickgirls or having femboys, or having other guys in the party!). I can help with RPing some of the party members as well so that it’s not just a one sided thing, I want you to be able to have fun as well! The purpose of getting a party would be both to increase the effectiveness of this strange mana enhancing that our characters have and also play into any other plot we have going on! That could be anything from just a normal adventure where we’re doing one job or a few, or maybe we’re trying to defeat a big evil, or my personal favorite we’re the bad guys and we’re taking over! Now I will say this the party wouldn't be made immediately, it would be made slowly over time/the RP. I also understand that not a lot of people are okay with multiple characters or harems so if that's not your cup of tea just let me know!
"Climbing Past The Apex Of Humanity"
This plot is long term and would focus around our two characters in a sci-fi/cyberpunk type world(s). How our characters meet or already know each other is up to us to decide! This story would be more so focused on how our characters become extremely successful in this society/world in which cybernetic enhancements, aliens, AIs, and technologies beyond our wildest dreams thrive. The RP can lean either more towards plot and story or slice of life depending on what our definition of success is!
The beginning of the RP would take place in a metropolis type city with giant apartment complexes and skyscrapers, the physically lower parts of the city being more of a slums/dangerous area while physically high parts of the city are where suits and rich beings reside. There would be other surrounding towns and cities as well but this would just be our starting point. The skies wouldn't even be the limit in a world like this! Also the character I usually play in this setting is a highschool drop out who is a bit of a himbo. Again though I dont mind changing it to match with something that suits your preferences!
"A Family That Works Together Stays Together"
This plot can either be long term or short term. It would focus around our two character that are related to one another, whether that be a father/daughter relationship, brother/sister relationship, or even son/mother relationship. This would be the most lax and slice of life of the bunch and can be taken in may different directions. Mostly the big thing with this RP is it being heavily centered around incest, more specifically a freeuse relationship between our two characters.
How we want to do this one is up to you! We can do a handful of different stuff like it being a freeuse world where this is more a normal thing. Or maybe my character gained an "anime" like power where he can freeuse anyone without issue and primarily uses it on his family. Or keep it simple where it's more grounded!
The general plot I usually suggest for this one is my character trying to get your character away from the remaining family and keeping them as their own new "wife" though this could extend to other female family members. Or even male ones that can be given to the female family members.
"Stumbling Upon Paradise"
This plot can either be long term or short term. It would also be rather taboo like the previous one. My character would stumble upon an AD online talking about a "secret paradise" hidden away on some mysterious islands that would "give you whatever you wanted." Piquing my interest I would use the last of my money to go and check this place out, it was this or go broke (literally.) Once I arrive to the island by whatever means I would discover whoever is on the island is extremely friendly, very friendly, and are fine with freeuse. As in all of them~ The plot would just follow my character as I explore the island and just mess around with all the different people that live on it.
The island inhabitants can be anywhere from tribal/primitive or a secret society hidden away or a normal town and city that just isn't popular or even go even more out there! My character can be whatever you find most attractive/whatever your preference is. Also since this would more than likely involve multiple characters in a scene I would more than likely be RPing and extra "major" characters in a scene, though help is always welcomed!
If you have a plot that you want to do that you think I'd like don't be afraid to tell me! I'm not just limited to these ones listed above, I'm down to try whatever if I'm interested enough in it! You can mostly sell me if it has kinks I like honestly haha!
Preferably I like to write at least 3-4 sentences but I can go upwards of 2 paragraphs or more with good partners! It really depends on how literate and detailed we're making things, along with what is going on in a scene! What I'm looking for is for someone to be able to at least write 3-4 sentences. More is definitely welcomed but not required! Writing a bunch doesn't make you a good writer, what does is what you say with the writing. Which may sound dumb I know but you can be concise and make a good response ya know? Also with all this said I would love for the RP to be as literate as possible (Though of course no novels or anything like that.)
I am hoping for this RP to be long term and something that we can both pick and and drop if needed! I don't want you to feel that this RP is a commitment that you need to slave away at every second of every day. RPing is meant to be something enjoyed not dreaded! Of course it would be nice to have some bursts of long sessions of messages but it's not required at all! Something like 1 maybe 2 days of intense messaging and then maybe a few extra responses throughout the week! Nothing super serious. I wrote it at the top but I can usually do 1-3 messages a day at the very least and if we are on at the same time I can go ham haha! Communication is a big thing, so if there is anything you need to do just let me know and we can work something out! This isn't just for scheduling either, it applies for the story, kinks, characters, whatever! If there is something you aren't okay with or want to change do not be afraid to ask! And of course if you lose interest or want to take a break then also be vocal about it! It's much better to know someone wants to stop rather than being ghosted.
You made it to the bottom of the post! Woo hoo! Thank you for reading and if you have any questions do not be afraid to ask! If it wasn't clear throughout all this I am very flexible when it comes to rping and am willing to work things out with you! I hope to hear from you soon if you're interested and I hope you have a wonderful day or night wherever you are!
Edited by HumbleCarrot
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