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    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    The once-proud Kingdom of Veloria has fallen. Its royal family was overthrown under bizarre by the neighboring Empire of Eryndor, and the remaining nobles were either executed or forced into hiding. You were one of the few that managed to escape, at least for a time. As war broke out in earnest across the realm you fled, escaping the violence and simply trying to find sanctuary where you could. Having been a friend of the royal family you still had some who were loyal to you and for a few years you avoided being captured. Sadly it was not bound to last and while trying to settle down in a small village someone finally caught up with you. Not soldiers, nor members of any of the various kingdoms still skirmishing across the realm. These figures were too skilled in magic to be the regular forces that may have been sent after you, assuming any of the kingdoms even still cared anymore. Put in a position where you couldn't fight back these hooded figures brought you back to what you quickly realized was some kind of cult lair. All you could discern from them was muttering about some crown, something you were needed for. 

    You never learned more than that. After a few days chained in their hideout and your plans for escape were in the works some chaos spread through the lair. Something was causing the cultists to panic.

    I'd been tracking them for some time, though I was as of yet unaware of their true plans. As a son of House Vittaria I had taken up my family's oath of routing out evil from the realm. We'd be neutral in the war up till now, though we had suspicions that something wasn't as it seemed. Much of my family was looking into it already, but I was following my instincts. All sorts of evil had sprung up, monsters were even more active then ever since the start of the war and the fall of Veloria. A simple cult shouldn't have seemed as important as it did to me, and yet I could not shake my instincts. So I began looking into them, tracking their sightings, and eventually finding one of their lairs. Most seemed willing to die before talking, but when I heard one shout and order to 'Get the Echo out!' I knew I had stumbled onto something.

    That was where I eventually found you, pushing my way through the lair and soon finding you imprisoned.

    So, who are you?


    Hello and welcome! And thank you for reading! If you're interested come on by and let me know, you can probably guess I imagine this having a healthy mix of story and smut so if that's you're kinda RP you're more than welcome here. I left some things open so you can customize your character however you like, I don't enjoy telling people exactly who they should play outside a little guide. Perhaps our characters even know each other, your own family having been familiar or even having met mine at some point in our past. Or we could be total strangers. I'll admit to having a preference for female partners who are more than just demure princess types but I'm not against that either. If that's what you'd enjoy then by all means!

    The only thing with this one obviously is that you'd be playing a noble and someone of importance enough to have significance to a cult and something to do with a Crown and an Echo. And Echo of a Fallen Crown perhaps? What exactly that is we can work on together as well, I've got some ideas but if anything came into your mind I'd be happy to go with that instead.

    So come on by and lets have some fun!

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