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  • Tens of millions of years in the future and the Earth is far too old... Magic and science have struggled against each other for far too long and many cannot distinguish them from each other. As the sun dims, a depleted world remains filled with the ruins and relics of many, many ages in the past. Think fantasy with technology that's indistinguishable from magic--stranger, psychedelic, a little melancholic, but perfect for bursts of passion and adventure as those few inhabitants who remain make the most of the time they have.

    I'm looking for a female roleplaying partner interested in playing out an erotic adventure in a setting of a Dying Earh. If you're not familiar with the genre, the works of Jack Vance and Gene Wolfe's Books of the New Sun are great, as is the Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City or Numenera RPG settings.

    I'm envisioning taking more of a game master role for these RPs, where I portray the characters your character(s) meet and the setting you explore, but if you'd prefer a more 1x1 style, I can certainly focus on a primary character.

    For all of these, I would want a good mix of story to smut, in the 40/60 range to either direction.

    If you're a fan of the genre and have an idea for a scenario you think will fit, feel free to reach out and propose it, otherwise below are some scenario seeds. They're meant to be evocative of a feeling and setting more than they are prescriptive of characters that would be involved, at least for the most part.

    Harem of the King of Mazes

    The city of Azner lays at the edge of the Glass Sea upon the Cliffs of Memory. Once it was the mightiest power in the world, but that was nearly a millennia ago... Now it is fallen into decadence and melancholy. The streets are half empty, especially as they near the Labyrinthine Palace of King Morl where artificial servants tend to the winding corridors. Still, due to binding agreements made long ago, city-states, kingdoms and guilds send women to the Palace each year, to join the King's Harem. It's unclear what waits them there, an ageless, undying King Morl? An empty palace haunted by synthetic workers? A vibrant court hidden away from the world the King has abandoned for pleasure?

    Select if you want to play a princess, noble woman or other person selected to be sent as tribute to King Morl. Has the possibility for you to play multiple characters if you want. We can discuss if it's a melancholy, empty place where a mysterious ruler must be drawn out or a hidden and vibrant pleasure palace long sealed off from the rest of the world.

    Caravan to the City at the End of Time

    The Ultraviolet Grasslands stretch far to the west from the ancient cities of the Rainbow Lands that cling to the short of the Circle Sea. Across this vast and psychedelic steppe at the edge of the world lies the Black City, a place thought to be beyond time itself. Along the way, travelers and caravans follow perilous routes to the Porcelain Citadel, through the Death-Facing Passage, detouring onto the Near Moon that hangs just above the grasses and farther west. The roads are dusty and time-worn, where roads remain, and the merchants, bandits and eldritch creatures that haunt the roads make the pilgrimage farther west into the ultraviolet haze.

    Select if you want to play out an adventurous journey, a mix of exploration and danger with a chance for your character(s) to encounter many different people and locations as you go along. Basically ripped straight from the Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City RPG.

    Song of the Mirror Mountain

    Across the bismuth wastes lies the Mirror Mountain, a place of shining unearthly metal that most avoid. Some few find themselves drawn to the peak by a siren call, a song few hear, but that calls inexorably to those who do hear it. Whispered rumors hold that some extra-dimensional daemon lairs in the bizarre place or that it is a trap laid by an artificer long ago whose unnatural constructs still remain to conduct strange experiments on unwary visitors.

    Select if you want to play a character drawn against their will to a strange place where they might solve a mystery or where they might merely find that they are the plaything of some powerful entity.

    City of the Moonfall Sea

    Sprawling along the edge of winedark waters a day's sail from where the hemisphere of the Fallen Moon rises from the water, the City as it's merely known encompasses dozens of districts and hundreds of neighborhoods. From palatial manors, to crowded slums, to haunted, abandoned ruins. Travelers from across the worlds and dimensions visit to do business or take in the sites. Nobles, Guilds, Wizards, Mercenaries and Revolutionary groups all vie for power under the enigmatic and seemingly immortal Crescent Queen who is the only inhabitant of the Spire Palace at the center of the city.

    Select if you want to play a character (or characters) exploring a grand and strange metropolis. Much less travel than the caravan option, but still a chance for your character to interact with a myriad of places and locations. Draws a bit on the city of Sigil from Planescape in addition to the various cities depicted in works of the Dying Earth Genre.

    The Last Manse of the Cerulean Sorcerers

    Deep in the heart of the Thrumming Forest lies the Last Manse of the Cerulean Sorcerers. Once a powerful cabal of wonder workers who toppled empires, now the last have retreated far from the kingdoms and cities of the world to study and stay hidden at their manor which floats above and extends down below the waves of Heartbeat Lake in the center of the primeval woods of the Thrumming Forest. It is said there are few masters left of the order, but dedicated students still attempt the journey to learn the secrets of the sorcerers.

    Select if you want to play a seeker, either in need of some services of the strange sorcerers or who wants to be taught magical secrets. Potential for a very focused one on one relationship with an eldritch magician that could easily work in some transformation or other supernatural kinks.

    Maestro Ronaldo's Creation

    Along a dusty road, near a bridge that crosses a vast chasm where a trickling stream is all that remains of a once mighty river, far from any city or trade route, lies the laboratory of Maestro Ronaldo. Obsessed with the life creating techniques of a civilization that fell long ago, the man has finally discovered the last secrets of those long ago technicians and has set about to create his own synthetic life...

    Select if you want to play an artificial woman who was brought to live by an obsessed man. Your character could be programmed for obedience or discover that she has a mind of her own. We could play out her time with Ronaldo or she could leave to discover the other wonders of the world after she's awoken.

    Tower of the Torturer

    Far from the capital of the Diamond Crest Potentate is a grim, industrial city known as De'sparr. Once a provincial capital, the borders of the empire moved far past and the city lost its luster. What remains among the minor nobles, common folk and middling merchants of the city is a dark tower at the edge of the old town, overlooking an ancient graveyard. The locals try their best to ignore the ominous site and the guild that runs it has no official status in the town... Whispers say it is the Torturer's Tower, where discontents, rebels and criminals who cannot be tried in flashy trials at the imperial capital are sent. Those who live nearby tell of strange screams and unnerving laughter that emanates from the edifice at strange hours. Draws heavily from Gene Wolfe's Books of the New Sun

    Select if you want to play someone brought to the tower. Perhaps you discover that the torturer also brings pleasure to contrast, or if you want a romantic and doomed relationship between prisoner and jailer. This scenario brings some very obvious opportunities for bondage play.

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    tower of torturer sounds cool


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.


    Bumping this as I have been craving this setting lately for RPs, looking to discuss and plan out long term RPs from this prompt.

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