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  • Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk Roleplay

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Thought I'd make this a serperate forum post instead of placing it inside my other one, this one is can be based around Cyberpunk/Sci-fi Roleplay, This can have smut or zero smut, I'll have a character below who i'll be playing as, backstory is included which we can use to build the roleplay with, either private message me or comment here if you are interested.


    Nickname: Abbadon

    Real Name: Gabriel Alarie

    Age: 30

    Height: 5ft 9

    Species: Modified/Enhanced human

    Body Modifications: Cyber Optic eye (Left Eye), Mechanical Heart.

    Occupation: Former Solider, currently Bounty Hunter/Mercenary 


    Equipment: Kevlar armor, Heavy Ballistic masks, an assortment of knives and a machete as primary weapons, pouch with grenades (flash and smoke).

    Powers/abilities: Enhanced mobility, Enhanced strength, Enhanced vision, Enhanced Intelligence, Master martial artist and tactician, Master Assassin and Stealth, Expert Swordsman


    Gabriel volunteered for the Death Guard Project, a Project that was created to help tackle the rise in criminals and empires working underground, the government had issue's responding to every report of criminal activities, they needed a compromise and began the secret project, the Death Guard, a group of highly trained and genetically modified humans that made them, stronger, faster and smarter than humans. The government originally planned to grow them in test tubes and start training them young. This ended up not being viable due to cost, time, and compatibility, the test tube children would prove to be highly unstable and will more than likely die from the experiments before reaching adolescence. Realizing only one in 100 test tube children will make it, the number wasn't enough, instead, they took in people as part of the project, veteran's from the military that is discharged or whose service has ended, police officers that were heavily injured in the line of duty, not only would these people have a sense of purpose and have the opportunity to return to the frontlines, but they had the knowledge and experience from decades of conflict. 


    Gabriel was a former ex-military commando, involved in classified assassinations, sabotage, reconnaissance, and Bodyguard for V.I.P, during a Sabotage mission, he was tasked with blowing up an underground Rebel outpost alone, Gabriel was nicknamed Abbadon for his destructive capabilities, even before becoming part of the Death Guard, during the mission, the intel provided was compromised as it ended up being a trap, the Rebels expected more than Gabriel to appear so thinking a whole commando group showed up, the outpost was denoted before Gabriel got any further, the shrapnel had lodged into his left eye and heart, the rescue team managed to pull him out but he was permanently blind in his left eye and hooked up to a machine that acted like a heart, allowing blood to circulate through his body, eventually given a ventricular assist device to be able to move without the need of a machine, but it has restricted his life until he was offered to be part of the Death Guard Project.


    Gabriel's eye was replaced with a Cyber Optic eye that allows him to see clearly in his left eye, giving him thermal vision as well as a built-in binocular that allows him to see up to 100 meters. Finally, his heart was replaced with a mechanical one that allow his blood to flow at an accelerated rate, making it 3 times stronger than humans. Gabriel new lease on life made him feel like he can serve once more, but not realize that he and those that went through are barely human, their purpose was to be the sword and the shield of the government, wherever the government pointed their finger, they were either meant to capture or destroy, no in-between. Their appearance gained the members a name the 'Death Stalkers' a group that brought death where they are seen, but years under their service have uprooted the criminal underworld, and both innocents and criminals have died, acceptable casualties the government deemed for the sake of peace. 


    Gabriel eventually went rogue after an incident of the government wanting Abbadon to kill a high-value target, no witness, innocent casualties did not matter, by any means the mission must succeed, Abbadon discovered through the onslaught and bodies he left behind with his bloodied Machete that the target was a mere child, after calling in, he was told that the target was to be eliminated at all costs, the child was the last decent of a powerful criminal warlord, his bloodline and existence was to be wiped forever, Abbadon, despite his duty and obligation, he could not bring himself to do it, allowing the child to escape with his mother, Abbadon was considered gone rogue for disobeying orders and no longer works for the government, despite this, his appearance was well known and took up his life of Bounty Hunting and Mercenary work.


    (Already written enough as is, more can be added but don't want to drag it longer than it needs to and scare away people from the excessive information, but if you want to chat more and do some world-building and do a roleplay on it, I'd love to brainstorm, no specific character required, just bring what you want to the table and we can work on it! Thanks for reading, if you got this far lol.)




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