Shadow Puppet's LFRP Vault Version 1.0 - December 2020 Edition
Hello, everyone! My name's Shadow Puppet. Who am I, you may ask? I'm an avid role player that loves the heck out of smut and plot! Sometimes more smut than others, sometimes more plot than smut. Depends on the mood, y'know?
I now work night shifts, so I won't be available between 10:00 PM EST and 6:30 AM EST Tuesday through Saturday nights. I'm off on Sunday nights and Monday nights, however.
Methods of Role Play
I'm proud to announce that I'm willing to role play via Personal Message (PM/EcchiText) or via Discord! However, if you wish to RP via Discord, you'll have to ask for my Discord name via PM/EcchiText. I rather not leave it here on the post.
Discord Note: If we're role playing through Discord, however, we will be creating a private RP server to keep things organized. I don't RP directly through Direct Messages (DMs) via Discord.
The Lab's Rules
The following rules are what I expect to be read and followed if you wish to role play with me. Please read these rules before messaging me.
Rule 01: English is the primary language I speak. I will only RP in English and you must have tolerable English. If you have broken English, then we will not be role playing.
Rule 02: Role Playing partners MUST be literate. This means they will have to write out cohesive sentences. If you use shorthand or "1337 Speak" (eg using "u" instead of "you"), we will not be role playing together.
Rule 03: Each plot centers on a primary character, but they are multiple character plots as well. This means both partners would have a Primary, but also play Secondaries and NPCs (Non-Primary Characters).
Rule 04: Please read over my profile thoroughly and also pay attention to my Kinks/Fetish List before messaging me. If you have not done so, then you will kindly be told to have a nice day.
Rule 05: I have a strong preference of playing Female characters, as most if not all of my plots deal with having female protagonists. However, I can play Futas and Males as well.
My preference ranking for Gender from Most Interested to Least Interested: Female, Shapeshifter, Futa, Male.
Rule 06: Most of my plots do not require Extreme Kinks. The ones that do, however, will be noted and likely highlighted to alert you. Extreme Kinks involve Death, Gore, and Vore as a few examples.
Rule 07: If you refuse to play more than one character, then have a nice day.
Rule 08: If Faceclaims are involved for any characters in a plot, they will have to be Drawn/Anime Faceclaims. I do not enjoy Real Life Faceclaims.
Rule 09: Out of Character gender does not matter to me as long as you can play the part. If it matters to you, then we will part ways.
Rule 10: If a Fandom is not listed, you can always ask if I'd be willing to role play it. Chances are I will say no if it's not on this list, but you will never know unless you ask.
Rule 11: If you ask about one of the fandom plots on the thread, and you refuse to play canons, then we would not be compatible. Canons are required for fandom role plays for me.
Rule 12: While I don't turn away MaleXFemale, I do not like plots where this is the sole focus. This also applies to FemaleXFemale. I don't mind it, but I don't want an RP focused around it. I greatly prefer the FutaXFemale and FutaXFuta pairings.
Rule 13: Futanari must be allowed in some form in the RP. I'm just generally interested in Futanari more than I am Males. This still only includes FemaleXFuta and FutaXFuta pairings, however.
Fetish Quick List
This is a Quick List of my Fetishes. This will only cover my absolute favorite and absolute hated fetishes.
NOTE: Any linked images are immediately NSFW. Do not click if you do not like NSFW imagery. These are also not all required for any plots. These are just Fetishes I really like and hate.
Quick List 01: Absolute Favorite Fetishes
Aliens - The use of aliens within a plot/setting
Body Horror - The act of a person's body being twisted and mangled, rather than full on transformation. Examples being Junji Ito's works (Uzimaki, Tomie) and The Thing.
Breast Growth - The act of breasts growing larger (maxing out at I-Cups). Breast Reference Guide.
Eye Stalks - The act of one's eyes bulging outward and forming into eye stalks, with the eyes resting upon the stop of the stalks.
Elastic Body - The ability to have an elastic or rubber body. Generally, allowing the character to unrealistically stretch their neck, limbs, and torso.
Horror - The use of horror within a plot/setting, generally to scare the reader or the protagonist.
Lactation - The act of milk leaking or pouring from a Female's or a Futa's breasts. This can be caused by pregnancy or just happen for no apparent reason.
Impregnation - The act of impregnating a Female. This can also happen to Futas.
Non-Consensual - The act of having non-consensual sex performed on me.
Pregnancy - The act of a female becoming or being pregnant. This can also include Alternative Pregnancy, such as Oral or Anal Pregnancy.
Sluts - The act of the protagonist being a slutty character. This can vary, with Closet Slut or Unwilling Slut being my favorites.
Surreal Mouth Growth - The act of one's mouth opening/growing abnormally wide.
Tentacles - The act of growing tentacles from one's body, usually used lewdly. Variants of this can be Tentacle Tongues, Tentacle Cocks, Tentacle Limbs, and Tentacle Hair.
Transformation - The act of transforming within a plot/setting, usually supernatural of science fiction related.
Unbirth - The act of pulling a person into a Female's or Futa's womb. I'm also into Mass Unbirthing, when a Female/Futa become addicted to Unbirthing and keep unbirthing people.
Vore - The act of fully eating another living thing, usually Human/Anthro or Feral Animal. This can be Hard Vore, Soft Vore or another variant such as Hair Vore or Anal Vore.
Quick List 02: Absolutely Hated Fetishes
Harem Focused Roleplays - Roleplays focused on harems. I do not like this direction.
Lolicon - Young girls under the age of 15 performing sexual acts.
Pairing: Male on Futanari - The act of a male having sex with a Futanari. I'm not a fan.
Pairing: Male on Male - The act of males having sex with other males. I'm not a fan.
Quickies - Roleplays that have no intention than being a quick session between partners. Even in Kink Driven RPs, I would like a solid plot.
Scat - The act of defecating. Whether it's onto people or animals or used sexually at all, I'm not a fan.
Shota - Young boys under the age of 15 performing sexual acts.
Single Character Role Plays - Roleplays that only focus on two characters and have no supporting roles, secondary characters or NPCs (Non-Primary Characters). I have no interest in this type of roleplay.
Watersports - Anything utilizing a bodily fluid like piss in a sexual manner. I'm not a fan.
This section is for plots that are original ideas, even if some could be inspired from existing media.
Current Cravings for Original Plots (Smut/Story/Fetish Focused)
Bimborella - A high school girl named Marci is injected with a strange serum, either unknowingly or after being kidnapped, and begins to feel the effects of the serum shortly after injection. She begins slowly transforming into a bimbofied version of herself both physically and mentally, soon losing herself to the new, dumber super powered bimbo she's become. Her body had morphed and she looked like a completely different person - massive breasts, hourglass figure, seductive voice, and she looked like a full grown adult. She only had one thing on her mind: sex. She began to flirt and have sex with every doctor, nurse and even other patients while she was transformed. However, once she was fully satisfied, she would revert back to her teenage form and passed out on her bed. Due to the drastically different forms, no one knew it was Marci that caused all of the sexual shenanigans. When she was finally released, no one knew about her new alternate persona and appearance, including Marci herself. She'd experience random transformations into the bimbo version of herself, constantly having sex with anyone she saw fit. However, the bimbofied version of Marci began to show extraordinary powers such as super strength, endless stamina, x-ray vision and so on. She begins to sense other's arousal and she emits pheromones of her own, targeting people and making them quite horny for her. This snowballs and she winds up stopping a bank robbery due to her seductive ways and pheromones, earning the nickname Bimborella as a "dumb bimbo like her stopped dumber criminals". The transformed Marci embraces it, even donning a costume. However, the true Marci is still unaware of Bimborella, even as her friends begin to find out about Bimborella's true identity.
Breast Quest - A high school girl named Sam gets into an accident after a lack of sleep leads to her not paying attention as she crossed the road. She wakes up not in a hospital, but in her room somehow. She sits up and notices a strange floating icon that resembles a CD and said "Save" on it. Confused, she heads downstairs and notices that when she puts on her glasses, she sees a Heads Up Display - a HUD - giving her a Level, Health Points and a Quest Log. She also noticed icons above interactable items and that her mother, washing dishes, was doing so and stuck in a loop. She would approach her, then talk to her, and as she listened to her speak, she'd see subtitles in a box within her glasses. She freaks out, finishing her conversation and runs outside to get air. This causes her to find out about Encounters. She runs into a group of cheerleaders, which cause a RPG-like fight. Sam manages to win it and the HUD indicates she levels up, which causes her breasts to inflate noticeably. Freaked out again by this, she tries to find someone to help her. Can she figure out what's going on?
Breeder Everywhere – One day after going on and on about wanting a big family in the future, a high school student notices a new application on her phone called “Breedr Everywhere” Thinking it’s some prank, she deletes it and carries on with her day. However, when she checks her phone later that day, the mobile application is on her phone again. Curious this time, she checks the mobile application, noticing that her information is all there – incredibly specific information, too. She’s also noted that she can’t change any of the information and it’s of note that her role is “Breeding Cow” and “Abnormal Pregnancies” is switched to on. Not knowing what was going on, she deletes the application again. Some time later, she begins to notice people talking to her and looking at her strangely. She even notes the bulges from her male friends, father and brother, too. Her female friends, sister and mother also seemed to grow sizable bulges in their pants. Suddenly, she’s pinned down by one of them and a cock is shoved into her mouth, with the person noting she’d make a great breeder. What did that application do to her? Did everyone want to breed her now!? [NOTE: Abnormal Pregnancy is fine for this RP – ie Breast Pregnancy, Oral Pregnancy, Ear Pregnancy, Anal Pregnancy, etc]
Chemical Pheromones - A high school student is subjected to a strange chemical after an incident (science experiment explosion, chemical injection, etc). This causes her body to become enhanced, allowing for bigger breasts and a curvier body. This starts to get her some recognition within her school, but soon enough the sweet smelling pheromones become a serious problem. Boys want to always have sex with her as their cocks grow to at least 12 inches in length and girls grow large, 12 to 24 inch cocks and want to have sex with her as well. As she tries desperately to find help, she finds out her friends, family and even the teachers rather keep her this way and not help her find a “cure”. Is she stuck as the school’s and the town’s cum dumpster?
Eva Online - A high school senior named Eva receives a strange new game in the mail and it turns out to be a MMORPG that seems to be in the style of an anime she really likes. She gets excited about the game, not questioning why she randomly received it. She puts the game in her computer and puts on her VR helmet. She then begins to play the game and levels up. As she does so, her body tingles and her breasts suddenly inflate a cup size in game, as do some of her other assets like her ass, curves and even height growth. Wondering why this happened, she quits the game, only to feel the enhancements on her body in real life. She's shocked at first, but then a calming emotion sweeps over her and she seems to forget about the enhancements. She then continues to play the game after getting some rest, leveling up with her assets, most notably her breasts, continuing to grow as she levels up. No one else seems to find this strange, as they act like Eva's always looked the way she is. What's going on with Eva and this video game?
Hypnocock – A high school girl has a normal life until one day she wakes up sporting a massive (12/24/36 inch) cock between her legs. Panicking, she tries to find someone to help her find out why this happened and how to make it go away. The first person she runs into at first seems interested in helping her, but within a few minutes of being exposed to the massive cock, they begin to dismiss her pleas for help and begin to fall under a hypnosis from the cock, causing the person to want to be bred by the cock and wanting the girl to keep it. This results in quite the steamy exchange and the girl can’t get away as the afflicted person is suddenly much stronger than her. Once finished, she manages to slip away and tries to find help from someone else. The pattern continues – at first they’re willing, but as soon as they see that cock, their tone and attitude change as they’re put under a hypnotic spell. Will the girl ever be rid of this cock? [NOTE: Females and Futas only for this plot!]
Out of Control - A beautiful high school teacher is lusted for by fellow teachers and the entire student body. She gets requests to have sit downs with students who do not require them and often she gets visits from other faculty members, men and women alike. Because of this, someone hatches a sinister plan and one day sneaks a control chip onto her body (anywhere, though commonly on the back of her neck). One day, she feels a little light headed and excuses herself to the restroom. While in there, her mind is jolted and her free will is taken away. Whomever planted the chip begins to alter her personality and control her thoughts, making her act on the requests of the student body and faculty, turning the teacher into one of the lewdest, naughtiest teachers in the school's history. Grades skyrocket, as does teacher morale. The chip fuses to her skin over time, making it almost impossible to return her to normal. Her body also begins to be modified - breast growth, enhanced curves, etc. Even with female students, the teacher can grow a cock to satisfy them, but only temporarily. Who did this to her? And why are they doing it to her? Will she ever be her old normal self again?
Potion Commotion - A teenage girl wishes that she was the center of attention and happens to be jealous of all the attention the more popular crowd is getting over her. Deciding to listen to the rumors, she visits an Antique Shop that just opened in the local strip mall. She purchases a potion of which will have everyone notice her, but not in the way she'd necessarily like. After she downs the potion in one swig, she begins to feel odd, as if her body is tingling and changing. She naturally becomes taller, curvier and definitely bustier than she had been previously. This is compounded, however, by the girl running into a friend, thinking lewd thoughts and suddenly she was further transforming into their dream girl and cannot resist a single order or command they give. She reverts back to herself after the person's done and leaves, but she's freaked out by this and tries to begin figuring out what's going on while dealing with transforming into the perfect dream girl for various people. She even noticed her transformations also sometimes affect females, causing them to be come Futas, too! Can she break this curse the potion put on her?
Reincarnation - A high school sophomore discovers she has magical powers. Memories begin to crop up randomly, showing her a previous life and a previous world that she lived in. She was formerly a very powerful ancient magical being that threatened the ecosystem of the original dimension she came from, killed by other ancient beings in another dimension and her soul was sent to the current dimension and she was reborn as an Earthling. Her powers and memories were thought to be gone, but manifest themselves on the girl's 16th birthday. She begins to use her powers, experimenting with them and finding out she can manipulate others, control them directly, alter their bodies and her own. She begins to slowly abuse these powers, her corruption coming back and eventually begins to desire to conquer the Earth and make literally anyone or anything do her bidding. [NOTE: This is a story where almost anything goes. Magic, Body Manipulation, Mind Control, Mind Alteration, and potentially Body Horror must all be considered for this plot. Body Horror might be the only fetish that may be optional.]
Sunshine – A powerful, addictive drug called Sunshine has been developed by a corporation hired by the US military. It is utilized to combat stress and negative thoughts, but the effects seem to have unusual consequences which involve the user’s body mutating in various ways – gaining muscle mass, bones stretching and rearranging themselves, growing multiple limbs or heads, etc. The speed and severity of these mutations entirely depends on the individual. The drug is finalized and rushed out for production, as the country needs a way to curb negative thoughts. As more and more people become reliant on it, mutations begin to happen more frequently and panic begins to set in those among that aren’t mutated yet or have yet to take Sunshine. A scientist decides to put the formula to the test, infusing it into a fertilized egg within their womb. They then give birth to a daughter who will develop while having the chemicals from Sunshine flowing through them, resulting in the daughter growing up to be a natural Futanari among a city in which only females seem to live. Her true gender’s kept secret despite how well endowed the teenage girl becomes, though her Futanari gender is discovered on accident at school one day. When a classmate convinces her to give her a blowjob, the classmate finds out that the girl’s cum tastes just like the drug Sunshine and begins to demand more, though no one knows if it also brings Sunshine’s side effects. What’s going on with this world? What is Sunshine doing to everyone? [NOTE: Inspired by the LISA video game series]
Current Cravings for Original Plots (Vore/Extreme Fetish Focused)
Apex Cybercop - A young prodigy officer is revealed, even to herself, that she is not an ordinary human. She is, in fact, an experimental android with a real human's brain that has had her memory erased and manipulated every so often to ensure she never figures it out. However, she is hacked and manipulated at one point as the hacker reveals how old she really is - the android body having been upkept by the department. She seems to be hundreds of years old, with the earliest database of the android design being as early as 2005. In addition to this, to her shock, it is revealed that her body and overly sexual appearance was the secret weapon to subdue criminals. She can devour them orally or pull them into her pussy via Unbirth, trapping the criminal or anyone else the current person in control had her target. Normally, this led to her delivering the criminal and coughing them or birthing them into a cell. Over time, it had gotten a lot darker, with upgrades forcing her body to destroy criminals who were obtained via Unbirth or Vore within her womb or stomach almost immediately. Can she fight the monster she's become or is this hacker revealing all of this to her just to use her for themselves? Is she corrupt? Find out within the RP!
The Criminal Mind - A young woman decides to swipe an ancient relic, a necklace, from a local museum in order to make a quick buck. She is successful, even citing to herself that the heist was surprisingly easy. She then is tempted to put the necklace on, in which she does. As soon as she does, her body is struck with pain as she begins to transform into a much more attractive, bustier and curvier version of herself. She is almost unrecognizable and all she can think of is doing mischievous things, such as commit more crimes or even mess with people. She begins to act strangely - seductively, confidently and rather selfishly. During an altercation with a guard, it's revealed she can Vore and later on can Unbirth anyone getting in her way. Mentally, she's terrified, but on the outside, she grins and embraces her new powers. While the original version of herself can sometimes regain control, the newly transformed Succubus-like version of herself is slowly and permanently taking over. Is this the life of a new supernatural criminal?
Killer Tongue - A young woman's life is forever changed when she is struck by a strange energy after a meteor crashes through her window and lands on her bed. This occurs at night, right before she goes to bed, and knocks her out. When she wakes up, she feels strange and feels her mouth being forced to hang open as her tongue has grown thicker, more flexible and even sentient. It has a mouth at the tip, though it uses her own eyes to look around. It forces her to begin feeding it, at first, normal meats like uncooked turkey, ham and coldcuts. It's not enough, however, and the sentient tongue forces her to go out and find living beings to eat - animal or human, though the tongue gets a taste of human flesh after the woman is exposed to a pervert while being forced to walk around. Its power only grows and the woman can't seem to stop this alien creature that was now attached to her. What's even worse, she's beginning to fall in line and under its control. Is the Earth doomed? [NOTE: Based on the B-Horror movie of the same name, Killer Tongue]
Reincarnation: Judgement - A high school sophomore discovers she has magical powers. Memories begin to crop up randomly, showing her a previous life and a previous world that she lived in. She was formerly a very powerful ancient magical being that threatened the ecosystem of the original dimension she came from, killed by other ancient beings in another dimension and her soul was sent to the current dimension and she was reborn as an Earthling. Her powers and memories were thought to be gone, but manifest themselves on the girl's 16th birthday. She begins to use her powers, experimenting with them and finding out she can manipulate others, control them directly, vore or unbirth people herself, force others to vore each other or unbirth each other as well, alter their bodies and her own. She begins to slowly abuse these powers, her corruption coming back and eventually begins to desire to conquer the Earth and make literally anyone or anything do her bidding. [NOTE: This is a story where almost anything goes. Vore and Unbirth are an absolute requirement for this version. Magic, Body Manipulation, Mind Control, Mind Alteration, and potentially Body Horror must all be considered for this plot. Body Horror might be the only fetish that may be optional.]
Specimen 999 – A young female (teen/young adult) is exposed to an odd chemical on accident while sneaking through a forest near a secret underground lab producing illegal and immoral experiments. Her body begins to become magnetized to a certain structure, be it a school, hotel, house or some other large building. Her body then forces itself upon its walls, beginning to stretch out like rubber and begins to slowly engulf it and sink into it, becoming a living variation of the building. She becomes a hungry predator that begins to lure people into the building in some way, generally by creating appealing clones of herself with varying differences. She begins to feed on anything that comes inside of the now living building – people, animals, etc. The sweet, innocent woman/girl that was once just curious about the forest was now forever morphed into this building abomination, forever feasting on innocent victims.
Tentacle Trouble – A teenage female high schooler is exposed to a strange element from another world during a field trip to a laboratory, with the element being absorbed into her body and infused into her DNA. While at first, she recovered and seemed to be fine, over time her body begins to mutate. Her skin changes different colors, her limbs begin to stretch outward like rubber – as well as other aspects of her body. Her arms and legs eventually mutate into tentacles as she becomes a ravenous humanoid tentacle monster. She then begins to go out on hunts, mostly at night, and tries to find various prey to wrap in her tentacles and devour.
The Town – A teenage girl and her mother move to a new town due to her mother’s new job. Within a month of living in the new town, the girl begins to note that only Females seem to live in it, though she also begins to see Females with bulges in their shorts and skirts – including her mother. People also seem to become far more sexual, with public masturbation and indecent exposure becoming a bit more common. Her mother even begins to act much more perverted and even teases her with her cock bulge a lot. As things continue to become even stranger, there is sometimes an odd flash of light and the town takes a turn for the even stranger. People begin to mutate into overly sexualized creatures, intending to procreate with anyone and everyone. The only one seemingly unaffected by turning in to a monster would be the girl, though she has gain notable curves, breast size and height thanks to being within this strange town. What is going on within this town? [NOTE: Loosely inspired by Silent Hill. Requires open mindedness to various unusual fetishes. Vore can be included, but not required.]
Xolpi – After finding a necklace that was seemingly abandoned on a school trip, a teenage high school student finds herself experiencing odd dreams and transformations, as well as having the urge to never remove the necklace. Over the course of a few days, she begins to act stranger and stranger. She begins to talk in tongues and her body’s transformations become more and more permanent. She eventually spreads herself out, overtaking a classroom and becoming an amalgamation of tentacles, transforming into an Old God named Xolpi. Now the new Xolpi pulls various females in, violating them and brainwashing them to serve it. The town now has a new Old God
Please click here for the Original ERP Plot List PDF file!
Please click here for the Original ERP (Extreme) Plot List PDF file! These are all plots solely focused on an extreme fetish such as Vore or Body Horror.
Fandom Plot Productions
This section lists the plots I have for the Fandoms I like!
Current Cravings for Bleach (Story Focused)
Shattered Souls - When Orihime and Ichigo finally get together and have celebrated with a fun time for their first all-nighter, Orihime finds out she is pregnant. Excited, they both plan their future together, but it is cut short when a Hollow attacks and bites Orihime. Now, she is beginning to Hollowfy and Ichigo must save her by using a taboo act similar to that of his father using on his mother. However, this lands Ichigo in a coma and Orihime isn’t fully relieved of all over her newfound Hollow powers. She must become the new protector of Karakuta Town while she waits for Ichigo to wake up, if he ever wakes up. [NOTE: This is a Prequel to Soul Force (Below) and also ignores the Blood War arc.]
Soul Force - A young girl named Natori Kurosaki grows up in the aftermath of the Fullbring events. Being the daughter of Ichigo Kurosaki and Orihime Inoue-Kurosaki, Natalie is able to see and talk to spirits and eventually discovers that she's inherited both of her parents' abilities and becomes Karakuta Town's newest generation Substitute Soul Reaper. Orihime begins to help train her, along with her husband Ichigo, and tries to make sure she's the best protector she can be. She and her friends end up stumbling upon a villainous plot though within the Soul Society and might have to face it without their parents' help. [NOTE: This ignores the Blood War arc entirely.]
Current Cravings for Bleach (Fetish Focused)
An Innocent Addiction - After obtaining a strange locket, Orihime is introduced to sex for the first time either willingly or unwillingly. Once she gains the taste of sexual intercourse, she begins to crave it more and more. She becomes addicted to it, preferring Oral Sex and Doggy Style though she's also enjoying the attention from larger groups forming orgies. The thoughts about being in a single relationship vanish as she finds herself just craving cock after cock to be put inside of her, even thinking about being bred over and over. The locket becomes etched into her skin, forming into a tattoo on her wrist and an odd symbol appears on her belly, trapping her in the life of being an addicted whore.
Bleach: Futaverse - A strange phenomenon hits Karakuta Town, the Soul Society and the rest of the world, transforming most Males and Females into Futanari, while some are left as Pure Females. Ichigo and Orihime are no exception, being transformed into a Pure Female or Futanari by this same strange occurrence.
The Cursed Kido - Orihime discovers an unused Kido from an old, old dusty book after helping Urahara spring clean his shop's basement. Discovering the Kido, Orihime reads it silently and wonders about what it means. It has a cryptic message about being a person's greatest desire and she decides to recite the kido out loud, thinking nothing would happen as she hadn't been learning kido for very long. Nothing happens at first, leading her to believe that it was likely just an old jumble of words someone put together. However, the next time she runs into someone, her body begins to morph based on their greatest desire at the time, even if it means having sex with her. She becomes their ultimate desire, even obeying their commands if verbal or just if they're thought up. Once the person's done with her, she regains control and reverts to normal. The Kido seems to have worked, but Orihime seems to be unable to get help to reverse it! Will she be stuck transforming into anyone's deepest or darkest or horniest desires?
Current Cravings for RWBY (Story Focused)
RWBY: Aeon - A spectral being offers something Taiyang cannot refuse - a chance to save his beloved Summer Rose from death. Manipulating time, Taiyang is able to go back to just before Summer Rose is murdered and managed to get to the scene of the event. Instead of stopping the incident outright, Taiyang is murdered in Summer's place and the assailant runs off afterward. Broken and distraught, Summer returns in a depressed state. Staying in her room, ignoring Huntress requests and ignoring her own daughter and stepdaughter for several days, the tides would soon turn. Yang, knowing her stepmother's condition, sets out to find her mother, Raven Branwen, along with a baby Ruby. This leads to them nearly being killed by a Grimm, only to be saved by their Uncle Qrow.
Once Summer learns of this, she is lectured by Qrow and decides to re-dedicate herself to being both a mother and a Huntress, though mothering comes first. She takes less dangerous jobs, assists with some other Huntsmen teams and generally carves a good life for the Xiao Long-Rose household.
When Ruby turns 15, she ends up in the middle of a robbery in a Dust Shop and meets Roman Torchwick. Ruby manages to defeat them with her unusual skill level for combat at her age, drawing attention from authorities and the Headmaster at Beacon Academy. She is then pulled into an interrogation room and half interrogated, but half congratulated. She gets to enter Beacon Academy early, alongside her sister and several other First Years. The future will be different now, with another being watching over the events that happens alongside Salem, who is still attempting to rule the world of Remnant and torture all of mankind.
RWBY: Grimm Times - Years after Salem's victory against Ozpin/Ozma and the nations of the world, humanity is outnumbered by Grimm and infected Grimm-Humans. Ruby Rose, a former Huntress with decorations from Atlas and Vale, has become a mother to one child, and a godmother to three others. She frequently moves from settlement to settlement, usually being forced to move when Salem and the team of Grimm-Humans sent out to hunt for her and her children. When the team gets dangerously close to succeeding, Ruby triggers all of her powers at once in order to stop her former friends from harming them. This accidentally triggers a large enough magical explosion, causing Ruby and her children to be tossed back in time and into a timeline prior to the Fall of Remnant. It takes Ruby a little while to realize this before realizing she and her children were given a second chance to prevent the Fall of Remnant from occurring, thus creating a new timeline in which Salem is defeated. [NOTE: This takes place after RWBY: Aeon]
RWBY: New Dawn - It is time for a new generation of Huntsman! With Salem being defeated, peace was partially restored to Remnant. However, heeded by Ozpin's and Glynda Goodwitch's words, this might be only a momentary break from any other potential enemies like her. Recruitment was going strong for a while, until it hit another stagnate roadblock. The children of the famous Team RWBY and other Old Beacon teams were now ready to take the torch and become full fledged Huntsman themselves. They were enamored by their parents' days of Hunting, so therefore they wanted to follow in their footsteps. Now with Glynda as the Headmistress of New Beacon, it was possible for them to get the same experience as their parents. But will an evil awaken again to challenge them? [NOTE: This takes place after RWBY: Aeon and ignores Grimm Times or can be combined with Grimm Times]
STRQ: Maiden Voyage - Summer Rose is a prodigy that is accepted into Beacon earlier than normal, though it was partially due to her parents prestige as well renown Huntsmen. She joins Beacon to further her training as a Huntress. She becomes the leader of her own team and they go on to be one of the most proficient teams during her first year. However, in the background, Summer's destiny has been chosen for her and her parents have made the decision for her - she will one day become the Summer Maiden and guard the Summer Maiden power. This would be carried out once she's graduated, but something occurs on Operation Onyx, an escort mission to protect the current Summer Maiden, and the power transfers to Summer earlier than intended. Now Summer must deal with this new responsibility while juggling her team, in-fighting, and secrets being revealed along with finding out her parents kept all of these secrets from her. [NOTE: This is a prequel to RWBY: Aeon]
Current Cravings for RWBY (Fetish Focused)
Aberration - An accidental explosion that goes off during an intense fight with several Grimm leaves Team RWBY injured, with Ruby being the only one found within the rubble and taken to the hospital. Out cold for an undetermined amount of time, Ruby eventually wakes up from her unintentional slumber looking significantly different - her hair is much longer, she is much taller than she used to be, her breasts are quite large and heavy, and her curves are to die for. Not knowing where she is, she discovers that she's in a hospital and begins to panic, especially as she gets up and walks around the room only to realize none of her teammates are in the room with her. She feels odd and suddenly hears a familiar voice. She has the urge to go to look in the mirror in the restroom and when she does, she lifts her hospital gown up and reveals one of her teammates' faces directly on her stomach, smiling and having red lines along the whites of their eyes. They speak to her, a dark voice following their own, and manage to somehow calm down Ruby and convince her that their fusion is making her much better than a Human or a Faunus and that "the other two" are inside of her as well and need to be awoken by feeding them. Once they're strong enough, they will form on Ruby's body as various body parts and can move themselves to different parts of her body, but they can never be on their own again. Due to Ruby's desperation to wanting to make sure her teammates are okay, the teammate is easily able to manipulate her and convince her that if she doesn't feed them living creatures (Humans, Grimm, Faunus, etc), that they will actually disappear forever. The more she feeds her new corrupted teammates, the stronger they will get and soon enough the madness sets in. Is Remnant doomed with this new creature Team RWBY has become?
(The following can changed per RP/partner: By default the following faces appear on the following body parts, Yang is Ruby's stomach, Blake is Ruby's crotch, and Weiss is Ruby's large, bouncy breasts. Their default locations can be changed and W/B/Y can manipulate and move themselves to different parts of Ruby's body. This also includes W/B/Y or an additional victim forcing Ruby to grow a cock, though their heads/faces are the cock head instead of a normal cockhead. More characters can be devoured and added to Ruby/RWBY's inhuman yet still sexually attractive form as well.)
Apex Remnant - A large burst of strange magic goes through Remnant, permanently altering its inhabitants. The Humans and Faunus take on special traits and become Apex Predators, leading to Humans and Faunus beginning to vore other people in various ways - orally, anally, etc. However, this story focuses on Ruby Rose and how she deals with being turned into an Apex Predator and loses control, devouring people she formerly cared about. Emotions are put in the backseat, with Ruby being almost monotone whenever she becomes ravenous and devours a teammate or fellow classmate. She temporarily regains control, but seems to be the only one that remembers any life before Apex Remnant outside of the people she devours, who seem to be terrified of her. Can Ruby figure out what's happening or will she become a feared Apex Predator who eats anyone she wants, including friends and family?
Apex Remnant Rebirth (aka Futaverse) - Remnant was hit by a strange phenomenon referred to as The Great Change. This event completely altered Remnant, turning Humans and Faunus into Apex Predators, but also eliminating males and making the world only full of Futanari and Pure Females, with Futanari making up 95% of the population and only 5% being Pure Female. Ruby Rose is born into this world as a Pure Female, destined to be a breeder for Futanari to produce more for their population but to also produce eggs or Apex Offspring for Apex Predators. Ruby is attacked by a powerful canine Grimm at a young age, though it doesn't go through with killing her as she shows little signs of being afraid of it. This does lead to a strange event, where Ruby's Silver Eyed Warrior powers activate on accident and instead of killing the Grimm, the Grimm fuses to her body and they become permanently linked. As Ruby grows into her teens, the Grimm becomes her cock and this gives the illusion she is a Futanari and not a Pure Female, even fooling her parents and stepsister. She feeds her Grimm cock, naming it Zwei, various foods - including other people, as she never questions Zwei's intentions and even happily vores others herself. However, despite the illusion of being a Futanari, other Futanari go crazy for Ruby, pin her down, have sex with her and attempt to breed her. At this point, Zwei and Ruby have become quite close and if anyone dares harm Ruby, it makes her or itself devour that person regardless if Ruby was hungry or not.
Amalgamation Station – Team RWBY is subjected to a serum or spell that causes the team to fuse together, picking one of the team members at random with who is ultimately in control. They are overwhelmed with the desire to grow more powerful and discover they can absorb anything into their body, adding onto it and increasing their power. They begin to do just that, the four headed amalgamation finding the team’s former friends and absorbing them until they escape Beacon and head into Vale. An example of the Amalgamation can be found here and here. [NOTE: Images are NSFW.]
Blake’s New Diary - Blake decides to start keeping her thoughts in a diary. She finds a good deal on a completely blank book from a sweet, old lady within the Vale Flea Market. Not suspecting a thing, she purchases it. She begins to write in it, detailing her experiences. When she jokingly writes how a teammate should act, she gets a strange feeling and decides to ignore it and turn in for the night. The next morning, however, she awakes and finds out the joke she had put in the diary had been applied to reality and now the said person has that perk! Deciding to further test it, Blake erases the joke, which in turns stops it from occurring in reality. She then begins to write more jokes and even some short sentence commands, beginning to notice that reality is warped instantly. She begins to enjoy this, wanting to figure out how far she can go with this. Has she lost her mind with power? Will anyone else notice and stop her? Has this diary corrupted her mind and soul?
Breeding Rose - After Ruby finds an amulet on a mission and decides to put it on and keep it, it winds up marking her and fusing to her neck, creating a lovely tattoo. However, in doing so, her body has quite the growth spurt - larger breasts, hips, thighs, and overall curves. Her teammates begin to act strangely around her, having glossed over eyes and growing large, throbbing cocks. Ruby is then penetrated by her teammates with their new lust and desire to breed her, which leads to instant pregnancy. Once she's able to escape or the teammates leave, Ruby panics and tries to find help, only to find out more classmates and friends have the same glossed look on their faces, pinning her down and impregnating her. The pregnancy/pregnancies are rapid, with Ruby looking quite pregnant within only a few days. She gives birth at random times to new Huntsmen offspring, even if it's in the middle of class, and everyone acts like it's normal. The birthing process doesn't hurt either - it feels extremely good to Ruby. Slowly, she's becoming addicted to being bred. Will she be the sole person to usher in the next generation of Huntsmen? Or is there something sinister behind the offspring she's producing?
The Call of the Rose – Ruby ends up having her body being invaded by a malicious entity, claiming to be an old god that Humans and Faunus once feared and worshiped. The initial possession is somehow interrupted, trapping the old god within Ruby’s body with Ruby still mostly maintaining control. However, the old god can alter her appearance and influence and control others, along with significantly changing their appearances – most notably turning friends, family and classmates into tentacle beasts as a punishment to sexually assault Ruby for interrupting the possession and attempting to breed her body to give the old god a new body. It also plans on keeping Ruby as slutty as possible with her friends and classmates as sexually charged tentacle beasts so it can take over Remnant. [NOTE: Old God style plot. Involves tentacle beast transformation, partial possession, non-con, and breeding]
Chemical Rose – Ruby is exposed to a chemical (spiked drink or a spray) that causes her body to experience transformation – Curve Enhancement, Breast Growth, Height Growth - along with her hair lengthening. Males and females all over Beacon notice this and begin to pay more attention to her new attractive body. The chemical courses through her veins, continually enhancing her body each and every day. She begins to also emit pheromones, making males want to have sex with her no matter what she says and turning females into Futanari by forcing them to grow relatively large 12 inch cocks to use on her. Will Ruby ever be able to figure out something's wrong and find a way to fix it? Or is she doomed to become a slutty girl forever?
Crescent Dawn - Combining the aspects of New Dawn and Remnant Rebirth.
The Devourer - Ruby Rose brings back a mysterious, yet beautiful amulet and sneaks it into her dorm room instead of turning it into a professor to safekeep it. She decides to try it on, only to suddenly be hit with fatigue and fall onto the bed, seemingly being knocked out. The amulet begins to slowly fuse to her neck, leaving what looks like a tattooed marking on her neck and chest. When she wakes up, she's struck by a tremendous pain as she is extremely hungry. Vaguely, her desires are altered to the point of where she begins desiring human flesh and other living creatures rather than regular food. When a teammate comes back into the dorm, alone, Ruby's hungry worsens. She then attacks the teammate, devouring them like they were nothing but a piece of meat to her. As they're being digested, Ruby comes to her senses, panics and tries to figure out what just happened as she realizes what she's done. As she's panicking, her body begins to take on traits of the teammate she devoured - essentially stealing them. Ruby grows more powerful with each person she devours, stealing trait after trait in the process. Ruby tries to text her other teammates via her Scroll, only to be suddenly calmed down by the force in the amulet, alerting it to her other teammate's existence, and planning to devour them as well. It wanted Ruby to devour the entirety of Remnant.
Eternal Mother Rose - Ruby is exposed to a serum that causes her body to go into overdrive, causing her body to overdevelop and begin producing additional pheromones. People around her, including her team, begin to lust for her and to impregnate her. Men grow absurdly large cocks, while women become Futanari and have equally gigantic cocks all with one goal - keep impregnating Ruby Rose. Ruby's fertility skyrockets, with each time someone cums inside of her, she's immediately impregnated. Her stomach grows and grows, though after 9 months, nothing happens when normally she's supposed to be giving birth. Her belly continues to grow and others see nothing wrong with continuing to impregnate her. Ruby grows concerned, but is constantly overwhelmed by her friends, family, strangers and classmates as all they want to do is impregnate her. Is this her life now? Will she keep being impregnated for all eternity?
Fusion Delusion – [/B]Something goes awry during a mission to retrieve a special kind of equipment during a Huntsmen mission. Two members of Team RWBY are fused together, creating a strange amalgamation of not only their physical appearance, but also with their personalities. The machine breaks after a couple of uses, leading the team to believe they are stuck this way. They begin to search for answers or at least for the inventor of the device. However, the longer they take, the more likely they would stay fused together. Their minds begin to meld and they would soon forget about returning to normal. Will they be able to do that though? [NOTE: Fusion, Conjoinment, and Bodypart Transformation are all possibilities for this plot.]
The Infinity Huntress - An accident occurs that causes Team RWBY to fuse together, with Ruby as the primary host. Their personalities, looks, and so forth are all formed into one being. Thanks to this new form, memories from before the fusion are lost and the new form has amnesia. They are taken in by some fellow Huntsmen and soon re-learn their training, but still have no memory of being Ruby/Weiss/Blake/Yang. However, it's discovered the new Huntress they've become has access to all four of their Semblances and is proficient in use of their weapons, leading to the new Huntress into crafting a morphable weapon that can go from a Scythe to gauntlets to a rapier to a sharp blade. Their power is increasing over time and seems to be jokingly labeled "infinite" and the longer they go without finding a way to return to normal, the more permanent this fusion becomes.
Joyful Experience – A powerful Dust infused drug called Sunshine is introduced into various cities all across Remnant, going as far as being utilized as medication to help Huntsmen recover from wounds faster as it causes pain to turn into pleasure and seems to increase one’s recovery rate substantially. However, what’s kept secret from the public is that the drug is highly unstable and causes serious side effects, including mutations (such as multiple limbs, heads, stretched out body parts, etc etc). A member of Team RWBY is injured and winds up being prescribed the new drug, then proceeds to take it and becomes a bit addicted to it. They begin to mutate over time, with slowly making her other teammates become addicted to the drug as well, which leads to further mutations. [Alternatively: A member of Team RWBY can be injected with the drug, then their natural pheromones would cause their teammates to mutate.] [NOTE: Inspired by the LISA game series.]
The Mask of Lust – A mask is found by a member of Team RWBY. They try to put it into a container to make sure it can be safely transported back to Beacon in order to ship it to Atlas’s Labs. However, the mask suddenly moves itself and then forcibly attaches it to their face, sinking into their skin despite the struggle to to pull it off. The mask alters their facial features slightly, always giving them an alluring look. As they try to get to their team for help, the mask’s magic begins to show itself. Their body becomes curvier and bustier, along with reality warping around them. Women grow cocks, men become incredibly hung and everyone wants to fuck the mask wearing Team RWBY member. Despite trying to stop them and explain that the mask is fused to their face, the afflicted friends/classmates ignore her pleas and give in to fuck them. They’re completely dominated, unable to fight back as the mask makes their body hyper sensitive and in constant need for cock. [NOTE: Any Team RWBY member can be the protagonist, but strong preference for Ruby or Blake. Highly customizable with fetishes as well!]
Mass Rose – Ruby is unknowingly injected with an experimental Dust serum while being shown around a laboratory supposedly under the wing of Atlas’s Research and Development division. The immediate effects increase Ruby’s aura regeneration substantially and give her quite the boost in strength, but that seems to be about it. However, as she returns to Beacon, more side effects begin to occur. Her body begins to grow and mutate, becoming slowly rather monstrous as her arms and legs become tendrils and mouths begin appearing all over her body. She begins to hunger, wanting to increase her biomass. She begins to stalk fellow friends, students and even her own team. She then traps them and begins to consume them, adding to her new biomass as she continues to further mutate into a tentacle-like creature that looks a lot like a Grimm. What has Atlas created? [NOTE: Inspired by the game Carrion]
Noir - Team RWBY is called in for a specific Huntress assignment related to a small town up in a mountain. The notification is unusual as Ruby gets it via a private request in her messages within her Scroll, though her heroic instincts lead her to accepting the request to investigate a series of missing persons reports and supposedly a Grimm terrorizing the small town. With not needing to do a whole lot of convincing, Team RWBY head to the cooridnates only to discover the small town has been ravaged by some sort of destructive force. There is blood on the ground and on the walls and various bodies scattered throughout the town. Against better judgment, the team splits up to look for survivors. Weiss encounters a woman who is cackling to herself and standing in a room, hovering over several dead bodies and twitching like mad. When she tries to call out to her, the woman ignores her at first before lunging at her after a few attempts and managing to overpower Weiss only to have the woman mutate into a terrifying looking Grimm that looked nothing like she had ever seen before. She's then devoured, with the Grimm modifying its appearance to look and sound like Weiss. It then lures in Blake, ambushing her and then devouring her after mutating back to its original form. Once Blake is devoured, it mutates into her form and then lures Yang to a further secluded area and ambushes her. While Yang tries to fight back instead of being frozen with shock, she's still overpowered and devoured by the Grimm. Once it becomes Yang, it hunts down Ruby and manipulates her by using Yang's form and voice. However, the Grimm's approach is different with Ruby this time. It attempts to devour her after getting close to her, but it can't. Instead, it finds itself mutating back into its slender, slick form before ramming itself into Ruby's mouth, causing her to gag, flail and panic. It begins to force its way inside of her, a sudden burning desire to manipulate her from the inside while being a part of her. The shock of the Grimm shoving itself into her mouth and body causes Ruby to black out, letting the Grimm easily slither inside.
Once Ruby wakes up, she's alone in the small town among the carnage, but the Grimm is nowhere to be found. Her memories are vague of the situation, but she does know she hasn't seen her teammates/friends in a while. The Grimm at this point has fused with Ruby and facial features begin to form on her stomach, seeming to take the form of one of her teammates. The Grimm uses this against Ruby, psychologically manipulating her into thinking the Grimm poisoned them all and now a strange fusion has happened, but calms down a panicked Ruby by manipulating her emotions from within. It's as if Ruby's under the Grimm's control, though in a loose sense. Eventually, it mimics and brings out the other two teammates to further convince Ruby that they're all one being now and that they must find "The Mistress" and then the world could be reborn anew with her.
(The Grimm can make itself look like any of the victims Ruby devours, though this is limited to Weiss/Blake/Yang at first. More characters can be added over time. The Grimm can make itself appear on any of Ruby's body parts such as her Stomach/Belly, Breasts, Crotch, etc. It can manipulate her body to force her to grow a large cock with one of W/B/Y's or another victim's head on the end of it instead of a normal cock head, for example, as well.)
Remnant Rebirth (Futaverse) - In this version of Remnant, it is dominated by well hung Futanari with the rare breed of natural females. Thanks to an incident with Remnant's magical dust elements, males have been either wiped out or converted into Futanari. There are very few natural females. In this world, sex is quite common and almost common place among fellow Huntsmen, especially when finding pure females. Acceptable punishments are non-con and being mounted by their targets on a mission if they fail to follow through. There will be no compromise in excluding all of the Special Traits.
Remnant Sexdemic - After ordering a new soda, Ruby Rose brings it back to the dorm to share with her teammates. Upon drinking it, their bodies undergo strange mutations, becoming overly sexual monsters and have an insatiable lust for anything with a pussy. This ranges from growing tentacles/tentacle cocks, to Cockhead Transformation, to even full on Fusion to name a few things! More people drink the soda and if they don't Ruby/RWBY escapes their dorm room and goes on a mass infection spree, fucking and spreading the mutating virus causing their friends/classmates to mutate into sexual abominations like they did! [NOTE: Most, if not all, of my Custom Faves and Yes fetishes would have to be used for this plot to be even considered as an option. Vore is optional, but the freakish sexual mutations will not be optional.]
Rose Colored Lips - Ruby is exposed to a strange new chemical either by falling into a vat of liquid Dust or being infested with Grimm parasites, permanently mutating her body. Her facial features are swallowed up as her mouth becomes gigantic and her lips become puffier, soon becoming the only thing on her face (ie a 'Face Mouth'). Her breasts grow several cup sizes, though her nipples mutate into additional mouths. Her entire crotch area becomes a puff lip mouth, as does her asshole and her stomach grows a giant mouth as well (though this one is optional). Ruby's urge to procreate is significantly increased, as are her curves and aforementioned bust. She goes around fucking anything she sees and even begins to vore any creature, sometimes afterward. This ranged from Grimm to animals to humans and faunus. What on Remnant has happened to Ruby Rose? [NOTE: Vore could be possibly taken out, though it's very unlikely.]
Rubber Rose – An accident occurs during one of the Dust Chemical classes at Beacon and Ruby’s DNA is permanently altered, allowing her several new abilities. Her body gains the ability to stretch and elongate her entire form, including her limbs and neck, for seemingly infinite lengths. However, the more she does it, the more tiring it becomes as it consumes more and more stamina. This in turn develops an unusual hunger, which at first is just Ruby eating much more than usual. However, it progresses as her teeth sharpen quite considerably and she begins to attack and devour Grimm with her bare hands and teeth. This eventually escalates to people as Ruby attacks and devours humans after an altercation between her and another human. Can she be stopped? Is even her team safe from her ravenous hunger? [NOTE: Non-Apex Version Can Drop Vore Altogether]
Slithering Rose – Ruby is infected with a parasitic worm-like Grimm during a solo mission and begins to feel the effects of the infection within just a couple of hours, right before she is to be taken back to Beacon. Her body began to distort and elongate, causing her arms, neck and legs to become temporarily much longer than they’re supposed to be and nearly tendril-like. They’d revert back to normal, but then her skin begins to open up like it was a costume, revealing a new snake-like parasitic Grimm form as she mutates into it. She sheds her former skin, which is now her first skinsuit. She then slithers around, finding the Bullhead pilot and forces her body into the pilot’s mouth. Rapidly, she enters her body and begins to devour her insides, effectively turning the pilot’s body into an empty husk and becoming her next skinsuit. Ruby then assumes the woman’s identity and flies herself back to Beacon. She has the greatest desire to devour everyone in Beacon, including her team, and add them to her skinsuit collection as she begins to take over Remnant. [NOTE: Skinsuits and Rubber/Elongated Limbs are REQUIREMENTS for this RP!]
Fandom: Crash Bandicoot (Current Cravings)
Gone a Bit Coco - After a strange incident occurs when Crash and Coco thwart Dr. Neo Cortex's latest scheme, Coco is knocked out and awakens in a new reality where she's the hero and Crash is seemingly gone. As she tries to ask about what happened to Crash, various friends and even foes don't know who she's talking about. When she does get home and sees Aku Aku, she notices something else different - she has a slightly younger sister named Clash Bandicoot! Trying to figure out what's going on, Coco decides to try and play along with this new reality in order to not worry Aku Aku or her sister Clash too much. Can she figure out what's going on?
Tawna Unleashed - After Crash and Tawna break up, Tawna takes it upon herself to become a freelance adventurer. She begins advertising her services, often getting mixed up with being more of a sexual experience - and sometimes she didn't mind that, and goes on various adventures throughout the world. She sometimes teams up with Crash, Crunch, Coco and Aku Aku but for the most part tries to stay solo. She does make new friends along the way - both old enemies turned friends and new friends in general. Thanks to her adventures, Tawna's been exposed to various magic and more toxic environments, giving Tawna permanent and temporary powers and improvements (such as curvier body, even bigger breasts, super strength, etc). She's the next superheroine that the Wumpa Islands and the Earth need!
Wumpa University: Coco Bandicoot is accepted suddenly into Wumpa University, which is in the heart of Wumpa City. While she is happy, Crash and Aku Aku are heavily suspicious as neither had heard of Wumpa University prior to the letter Coco had gotten. Coco decides to attend Wumpa University, feeling like she can better herself and be more respected. However, when she gets there, Coco's knocked out by a gas and wakes up in her "dorm room", but doesn't know that a mind control chip was implanted upon her person. She goes about her day, trying to socialize in the university only to wind up being controlled and influenced by the other students and teachers. Will she ever be rescued?
Fandom: Yakuza (Current Cravings)
Kamurocho Rebirth: An event called the Rebirth occurs, completely altering the world. Men are turned into Futanari, while women are either turned into Futanari or, rarely, become enhanced females capable of quickly and constantly breeding. Futanari gain a superiority complex and treat most Females, known as Pure Females, are breeders/broodmothers or an inferior type. However, Kazumi Kiryu, a Pure Female managing to make a name for herself as she can easily defend herself in a fight, is looking to break that stereotype and punch sense into people about gender equality. She joined the ranks of the Yakuza as one of the only non-breeding females despite the constant exposure to sex and manages to avoid pregnancy. She has to balance her Yakuza, social, and personal life constantly as she inadvertently becomes what Pure Females strive to be - someone who can stand up for herself while also dealing with the strange anomalies both Pure Females and Futanari were "cursed" with after the Rebirth (such as Multiple Limbs, Cocks, etc). [NOTE: This is the Futaverse/Rebirth concept within the Yakuza universe.]
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