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  • Teen heroine downfall.

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Your group had been up and coming in the teen hero rankings, even earning enough money to buy a small place to act as your 'secret base'. Your group had a good array of skills and abilities, letting you all get through most encounters with some difficulty, even pulling off a couple tougher villain fights against more experienced groups. However, the group finally ran into trouble with its first big obstacle, really something none of you should have faced at your level. One of your group stumbled across the secret lair of an old villain, someone who as known for his ability to control energy, who'd often trounced some of the best heros on the planet in uneven matches. He hadn't been seen in a few years so most thought he was dead, after his last big fight with Titan, until your group found him. You all knew better than to run in, guns blazing, and try to take on this villain but the allure of doing something more than just reporting his possible location was too much to ignore. So, you all decided that scouting it was within reason, so someone was picked and sent off. And that's where we'd start.

    I was thinking this would be a rough scene, with your group coming in one at a time until I've either captured you all or until the rest chicken out and run for help. While i plan for this to include multiple female characters, i don't mind adjusting it to a one off scene. As for my aggression level, it's up to you, I don't mind anything from annoyed and punishing you, to cruel and torturing you to death, or anything in between.

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