Hello there! Welcome to my repository of dark fantasies and depraved desires! Pull up a beanbag and make yourself at home~! *Brings about a few cups of coffee and a whole lot of cookies*
Previous postings have glossed over my desire to play around with darker material, though here I plan to go over plenty of plotlines and pairings that have been absolute cravings, though also I encourage if you’ve got an idea, please do share it with me!
Just to cover our bases before we talk about the good stuff, things that you should know:
- Site Rules: This is fairly obvious, though I usually put this here just as a reminder, site rules will be upheld regardless of rp or ooc chats.
- Godmodding: Usually this isn’t a problem, and past partners have had a good sense of what can and can’t be done in regards to controlling characters. Though unless we’ve spoken on this prior for a story purpose, I won’t control or make your character do anything that you don’t want them to, and I please ask that you give the same courtesy.
- Post Frequency: Due to working full time and being a full time student, sometimes life gets in the way when it comes down to it. Most times I’ll be able to inform you of what may be going on if I’m going to be unreachable. Though my usual posting pace is one post a day (Multiple in a day if I’m really in it or if I’m off for the day) Though if I don’t post for about a week and without warning, please do reach out and/or just give me a nudge, because it may be due to me being busy and I can at least give you an update to things that may be going on.
- Dropping RP’s: Speaking in general, I’m pretty ghost friendly. As stated above, life happens and when all is said and done, your mental and physical well being are much more important than any story being woven with a random person on the internet. Of course I always will appreciate a heads-up that you’ll be leaving the rp temporarily or permanently so I can archive it. This goes the same way with me as well, I will generally try to work with you to make this the best rp we can, but there’s sometimes when interests shift and I can become uninterested with the story. At that point I’ll inform you of what is going on and either figure out a new plot, put the story into a dormant state to return to at a later date. However if those don’t seem viable, I will bid you a fond farewell.
- Out of Character Interaction: I love talking out of character usually in a separate chat, whether it’s in Discord or in a PM. I love chatting about the RP and collaborating further plans or about anything you may be interested in at the moment!
If there’s any further questions, concerns or possible death threats please direct them to my Inbox and I will do my absolute best to answer your burning questions, and/or prepare for my untimely demise~ (I’m joking about the death threats please don’t do that… XD)
Okay, now with all the dredge out of the way. We can get to the good stuff and what you may have come to this thread for in the first place! Enjoying the cookies so far? I hope so, they were laced with a special secret ingredient~
- Android x Human/Roboticist
- Demon x Human/Angel
- Alien Symbiote x Human
- Scientist x Test Subject
- Boss/Manager x Employee/Secretary
- Monsters x Human/Monster
(More will be added as I think of more ^^)
State of Emergency | Ratio: 50/50 - 65/35 | Setting: Contemporary/Modern-Fantasy |
Pairings: PMC x PMC, PMC x Survivor
(Inspired by Escape from Tarkov)
It’s amazing how fast civilization breaks down at the mere whisper of impending collapse of the social order. It’s been nearly a year since the UN had locked down the borderlands surrounding the city. Due to the political turmoil of an international business; Vintech Industries, operating illegally. There was no granted entry or exit of the city after the initial attempt to flee the city and rescue operations finished, the barricades would be erected in conjunction with suspicious foul play being a possibility. All who approach the barricades are warned once before being shot on site. On the record there was estimated to be no more than 300-450 individuals who resided within the Vitallia Economic zone that in majority laid within Belarus and spanned over, ever so slightly into Russia.
Roles and Scenario:
The scenario in question is highly adjustable and can go for as long as we’d like it to! The base idea that I had for this is, YC has classified information that if provided to the proper authorities, could at least yield and bring the standoff to an end. However due to the past year being a literal fight to live, it’s hard to find any way of getting out of the city. That is, until they meet MC one day at the community center of which a bunch of PMC’s banded together to help provide for the local survivors and protect themselves from raids from possible scavengers and the opposing PMC. There YC could explain that they need to find a way to get out of the city undetected to bring back this info. Of which if it meant that they could leave, MC would gladly go along with it, though it could be that due to being stuck inside the city for nearly a year and a quarter and living off of raw survival instinct and not really opening up to anyone that much. I could see this quickly turning into fighting and exploring in the daytime and long frisky nights where they could get increasingly more fetish/kink filled as they grow closer together and fight for the other’s survival. This can have a good or bad ending to it depending on how we would want it to go.
The Land Wreathed in Fog | Ratio: 40/60 - 70/30 | Setting: Industrial Fantasy (High-Magic Steampunk)
Within a vast world of political intrigue, vast naval engagements and gruesome land battles, the lands have been tamed and monsters are hunted near to extinction as humanoids advanced into the alchemical industrial age. Though within the center of the world there’s a legendary wall of Fog that encircles a massive continent, and as legends go, whoever goes in, cannot come out. And the legend still holds a millenia going forward since the original maritime discovery of the mystical fog. Most who approach steer away due to a drawing current that seems to pull vessels into the fog, though some foolhardy souls attempt to venture further within.
Roles and Scenario:
For this scenario, YC is an explorer or maybe a worker/merc hired by the explorer to sail into the fog. Of which MC would be introduced soon after. This RP will be for those who don’t know all the answers going into the rp and prefer a bit of danger and exploration. This RP is tailored to the individual playing, and for everyone it’ll be different. (Tangent: If people enjoy this scenario, I may make a group based my setting of Effalia Micarum and we can all have some good fun ^^)
The Professor’s Favorite | Ratio: 80/20 | Setting: Contemporary, Fantasy, Futuristic
The university has been restless recently due to recent events and excitement with a teacher getting busted after having illicit relations with several students in the last four years. One of the students was caught when their spouse had caught her texting a suspicious number. Of course it all came out as this teacher was busted and lost everything. The buzz has eyes on the University.
Roles and Scenario:
A pretty straight forward scenario as far as roles go, bonus points if you’d like to get more teachers and students involved in a huge scandal. Details and kinks can be discussed further with an inquiry!
War of the Clans | Ratio: 40/60 - 65/35 | Setting: Contemporary, Fantasy, Victorian
(Massively inspired due to rewatching underworld recently, I’m now eyeing Vampire the Masquerade ttrpg, though I think this would be fun for a group especially.)
Prophecy foretold of what was to come, a time when the Lord Marille would be supplanted on his throne above the vampire covens, his hold on the world of shadows was loosening as rival houses grew in size as hundreds of years pass, along with the increased activity of monstrous beings deep within the catacombs that connect the major cities of the world. War between vampire clans has begun.
Roles and Scenario:
With this scenario, there’s a few different paths one could take, and pairings could vary especially depending if YC is either from the High Lord’s court or from another, I could definitely see YC being involved with a rivalling court to MC who are both vying for the High Lord’s seat, though their union could lead to a combining of the courts. For this RP there’s going to be plenty of intrigue and improv characters to be played, if you’ve got some friends to help play this one out, please bring them in! ^^
{More will be added as thought up and more pairings will come}
Thank you for looking through my request thread and hopefully something here will catch your eye! If any of these does appeal to you please do feel free to comment here and/or PM me and we can get this rolling for ya!
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