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About This Club

*ADVANCED RP* Slumbering Isles, well better known as Morpheus Isles, is a small island, with an even smaller community. At first glance, it may appear to be a land rich in natural resources and everlasting beauty. But strange things are happening in the village of Moony Lake. Named for the crescent-shaped body of water behind the church, the village is host to a myriad of strange and sinister events. The Church of Leto is no less corrupt than the 'government' that presides over this quiet village. To be spared of the lakes shimmering waters, a sacrifice must be made to the mother goddess Leto. Disease, poverty, and disappearances are all a very regular occurrence in the Slumbering Isles. Yet, no resident ever leaves. Or maybe they can't leave. The people fear the church, almost as much as they fear the lake behind it. The legends of this lake are as cryptic and mysterious as the properties the church claims it to have. One thing is for certain: Those who enter the lake, are never seen again.

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Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Umbral smiled and looked over his own menu, getting comfortable inti his seat as he looked over the menu. Jerky and cheese... That's something he's grown tired of, several weeks of eating nothing but that. Still, everyone has their own version of jerky and different types of cheese, goat milk cheese blended with herb was divine if made correctly however this was not the case. Umbral did not know what Sasha had in store. Contemplating the menu, or rather pretending to, Umbral's decision rested on the words, "I suppose some cheese and jerky would do fine. And if you have mead, I would gladly have some of that. Of not, do not stress over it." Umbral couldn't help but notice the woman's tiredness and even her nervousness. It was clear something was up, whether they were her first or few customers or her first time giving people food or taking orders. Regardless, the woman was certainly something to look at, but Umbral kept his eyes to himself it using his peripheral to see her. Once Sasha would disappear, Umbral said to himself still looking over the menu, more or less talking absentmindedly, "You know, these selections are not bad. If she's only been open for a week and she's having this much trouble with ingredients for her meal, it wouldn't be a bad idea for me to invest into this place... Maybe I'll speak to my folks, see what I can do... Maybe hunt and gather some things, build up stick over a few days, though I'm not sure what Gjormund or Stephan might think of it..."
  3. Melba accepted the menu and looked over it carefully, her large green eyes darting from one thing to the next. There were some acceptable choices it seemed. She blew a few stray curls out of her face and set the menu down. "Nice to meet you, Sasha. So...only a week? Ah, I'm sure it'll pick up then. It took nearly a month for Yaya and I to get a steady strean of customers." She said, trying to bring a hopeful air to the conversation. The girl had noticed the limp and wondered what had happened to cause it. She didn't mind the limited variety that Sasha had in stock, she was simply looking for something to make the hunger pangs go away. She picked up the menu again and looked it over as if deeply contemplating what to get. "Hmmm....hm hm hmmm...hmmmmmmmm. I think...I shall haaaave, jerky and cheese. Her goat seemed to protest to the lack of vegetables being ordered. "And some veggies for Tove. " She said. Melba suddenly seemed to remember the mention of alcohol and perked up a bit. "Do you have mead?" She asked. The sweet honey wine was preferable to any kind of dessert for her. Yara only made it once a year, but since they'd been so busy, she doubted there was any fermenting.
  4. Got Lumian available for the moment on Moony's streets.
  5. Well my bump attempt did nothing so a little sad, but otherwise pretty good
  6. Ugh, I'm sorry guys, I know it’s been a while. It's been pretty hectic out here. But how is everyone doing?
  7. Sasha stood there for a few long moments, watching the woman as she set down a goat... raising a single eyebrow... if this bar could afford to chase off a customer she might have said something... but instead her baggy sleep deprived eye shut and crinkled as she put on a slightly over the top smile... figuring she should make due with what she got anywho. though as the tired lass was preparing to speak, the goat girl caught her a little off guard... pointing out that... she did not know that there was an inn here... at all... this slightly stunned sasha as she thought about how she set up shop about a month and a half ago... having posted up a few fliers around town... at least... she thought she did?... regardless the falter in her smile lasted only a moment as she quickly caught herself. "w-well hello melba, and sir Umbral..., and once again welcome to the blue dove inn... Let me grab a menu for you two then, and its no trouble having you use a couple tables... theres... plenty after all" she stated with a slight sigh as she glanced around the silent room... a little pang hitting her in the chest as she cleared her throat "T-that said id be more then happy to set you two up together if you prefer... er... table wise... that is" she went to stand.. stumbling slightly at at a mix of her exhaustion and lack of depth perception, quietly playing it off as she went about pulling out a couple menus for her new guests. listening to the two asking about her name and how long she had been open... hesitating for a few moments, she decided it would be better to short sell how long she had been around. "w-well we have been open for about... lets just say a little over a week?" she said, figuring little was subjective, and in her mind at that moment a week was close enough to a month and a half... quickly switching topics she walked out from behind the bar, her steps a little uneven, perhaps with a slight limp, speaking with a false cheer she replied to the red headed girl "the name your looking for is Sasha hun, its nice to meet you both" she said happily, handing out menu's to the two of them... before quietly noting "oh... uhm... lately we have been getting so few customers so the menu is currently abit more... limited then this... at the moment we just have things that would last for a while... such as jerky, hard cheeses, or other preserves... however we do have some vegetables... and i can probably whip something simple up for you that would do nicely with your alcohol? assuming you... would want some?" sasha was realizing she was stumbling abit... knowing full well she was butchering the first impression of the blue dove for her first proper customers... she was trying her best... as bad... as that may be... hoping beyond hope that this could be salvaged... even if just abit
  8. Umbral was about to say something when he was cut off from the shopkeeper. The poor woman looked tired if anything but still she functioned... He guessed. Umbral then heard the red headed woman, fetching he might add, ask for a table for two. She wasn't too close but if she got any closer she could tell Umbral had freshly turned soil and fragrant flower that helped cover his odor from practice and most of the shared scent him and Lumian shared. Unfortunately, he needed to cool off first in order for those scents to really come out. Umbral was caught up in the quickly changing conversation he almost forgot to introduce himself. Umbral pit on a warm smile that got him that love interest back at his old home, it was of course his friendly face but still, there weren't many men who looked like him or even Lumian, "My name is Umbral White. We recently moved in town and will be opening a general goods store... And smithy. Just as my friend here says, this place is sparkling, haven't been any inn as clean as here." The young knight couldn't help but lean against an oak chair, to his surprise the thing ever had a polished finish on it! Not many taverns or places like this were this clean. It made him almost wonder if the owner really had no one come in lately? If at all? Regardless, Umbral continued as he took a seat under one of the lamps hanging from the ceiling, "How long have you been open?"
  9. Melba stepped away from the door when Umbral walked in. She thought she had smelled something familiar on the wind, and who else would it be than the other brother? They smelled quite similar, so she was sure that they were somehow related. Though this one seemed more put together than the other. Melba set her goat down and gently placed her hand on top of its head to keep him from wandering off. The longer she looked at the barmaid, the more she could see that the woman was worn. She'd seen the same tired look on Yara's face when they first came to the village. "An inn? I didn't even know we had an inn in this town!" The goatling at her side bleated as if he were experiencing equal surprise. "That's what I thought, Tove..." She said to him. "Oh! Where are my manners?" She giggled. "My name is Melba. I run the meat stall in the market with my mother, Yara." The auf looked over to Umbral and then back to the owner of the bar before straightening up a bit and smiling. "I would love to take a menu if you have it on hand. Perhaps, if it makes it any easier on you, miss, this gentleman and I could share a table? I must say, I am quite impressed with how tidy this place is. The floor is so shiny! You must have quite the crew~" Melba's eyes seemed to sparkle at the sight of such a clean space as she walked further into it. Her eyes scanned from the base boards to the rafters, and while she didn't expect anyone to get up that high, the rest of it was quite an impressive bit of work. "You've so quietly set up shop, haven't you, miss...?" Melba gave a small tilt of her head to indicate that she would like to know the woman to whom she spoke.
  10. seeing not one but two people enter one after the other questioning if the place was even open made the barmaid let out a gruff little chuckle as she went about polishing the glass in her hands. her words coming out a little softly, despite easily carrying through the silent bar "well i wouldn't call it closed, but considering you two are the first people I have seen all day I wouldn't be surprised if i had the sign on wrong..." as she spoke those words she quickly but gingerly stood up, lightly leaning to try and peak at the edge of the inns sign "it... is on open right now right? lately my mind has been wandering more then it should... so its actually a bit of a concern..." her words trailed off as she blinked a couple times... the dark circles under her one good eye becoming all the more noticeable as she seemed to catch herself... straightening up as she cleared her throat "my... apologies... yes, the blue dove in is open and welcomes both of its new guests! if you allready know what you would like I can get it for you, otherwise just let me know if you would like a menu... ah! and if you have issues with reading feel free to let me know and i can read off the menu items or just list off some highlights for you!" she caught her breath after finishing her spiel... smiling at the two of them as she stood up to try and serve them to the best of her ability.
  11. Meanwhile, Umbral had finished his practice. He had already picked up the rolled outfit since the one he currently had on was light, breathable, and allowed for mire freedom of movement compared to the leathers and metals. Umbral had his leather boots in though, and his outfit did nothing to hide the thick and scarred arms he bore, a testament to his career. There was a lot on his mind and he cared not for the way he looked. The young knight was thinking more about his family, more specifically on the shop and what his Uncle's wished to do with it. Tonight wasn't met with celebration but rather setting things up and relaxing, an early bed for the three older men. Umbral was restless, so we're Lumian, the former wanting something to eat whilst the latter most likely cooked himself something. They weren't simply bums, they knew how to cook and how to take care of themselves. But Umbral looked up about a half hour later and realized he had walked in circles around a block. Sighing and shaking his head, the knight sat down on a closed wood crate trying to catch his thoughts and his breath. He hadn't rested, he didn't have any lady in mind since Yshea seemed so content with remaining hidden behind those leathers and mask, and... Fir the first time, Umbral felt he had no purpose. Even with an occupation with his Uncle's, he had nothing to fight for, no fortress to siege, no settlement or encampment to reinforce... It was a confusing time for Umbral and one he may never get used to. It was here Umbral just looked up and found himself in front of the Blue Dove Inn... A bar too maybe? Perhaps he could skip cooking and eat here... Maybe even a drink? Standing up and grabbing the tied up and perfectly folded leather outfit, Umbral would enter into a very clean and well lit building. Seeing a woman standing there, Umbral took several steps forward before asking in a cool tone, "Excuse me miss, is this place open?"
  12. Visiting a knight was much less eventful than Melba hoped it would be. Weren't knights supposed to be these dashing gentlemen that oozed charm? At keast that's how they were described in the story books Yara used to read her. It was truly her only frame of reference. Most of what she knew about the world outside the isles was either from memory or something she read in a book. And she had very few memories of home. It wasn't fair. Everyone else got to look back fondly on elements of their past, while she was to hold on to her ever-fading hopes of rejoining her true family. Even years later, she dreamed of those cozy little nooks in the walls of her cave. Unfortunately, that's all those little visions would ever be - just dreams that will slowly but surely trickle out of her memory until it was nothing more than deja vu. Melba had spent a good amount of time looking for that dusty old knight. All she got was disappointment and grumbly tummy! She still had a ways to go before she would be back at her house. At least two miles. And that was much too far for this little tomte! She needed something to eat right this very second. The red head looked around as she walked, trying to see if there was anything left open this late at night. The market was closed as far as she knew, and the old man who sold midnight snacks out of his cart had moved off the island years ago. Or died. Either way, when she saw the light from the tavern, she felt relief. Maybe the owner would have something left over from dinner? Melba could only hope. The girl and her goat made their way towards the glow of the inn. The place was empty...and so clean! This could only mean one thing... Melba sheepishly looked around and offered a bashful little smile towards the barkeep. "Excuse me. Are you closed?"
  13. I plan on posting in the bar/inn at some point either tomorrow or Saturday
  14. It didn't take even a second for the young man to understand why the woman was leaving. And with good reason. The building was dusty, filled with cobwebs and possibly vermin remnants about. All the young knight did was smile and nod just as this lady turned and walked away with her goat. He could be frustrated at her, easily, since for one the woman was a stranger and two she was poking her nose where it didn't belong. Then again, Lumian invited her in. He didn't even try to protest or smooth talk to her, uncharacteristically he let one go. "How quaint... Now I have to worry if I end up stabbing anyone..." Thought Lumian, as he too realized just how dirty the interior was. His food was getting cold and of course he didn't lose his appetite. How could he, when he's seen things far worse than rat shit? After a good minute, Lumian got up and packed his meal, his stomach still rumbling from the abuse he shown it. Even the flashes and smells of the past, from burning flesh to cut open bodies, rotting blood to decay didn't stop his screaming belly. He shook his head and set his meal just outside the door, then turned and went behind the counter grabbing the small wood box of different jars from that apothecary. He exited the building and set the crate down next to his rewrapped meal and locked the door behind him with the keys swiped from Uncle Stephan. Lumian went on to sit against the wall of the shop and opened his food again, starting to dig into the smothered chicken breast. Tonight was young, the wind was cool and the moonlight cast over the streets. Lumian sighed, taking in the rich flavors of melted goat cheese, sauteed mushrooms over the roasted breast. He still had plenty of time to burn, and it wasn't like he was going anywhere any time soon. Perhaps return the bottles to his family house, but the night was his for the taking _________________
  15. "Well, I've never recieved any medals for being a model citizen, but I wouldn't say that I'm bad~. The only way someone like me would be here is by force." She muttered, huffing as she crossed her arms over chest. "I like to think the same could be said of a bunch of knights." The island had no militant forces, nothing too important to protect other than the forest tand the church. And it wasn't like they were being paid to be here. When offered a bite of his food, she gave him a look that said 'Are you joking?' This person was perfectly content with eating in this dump!? And had the nerve to offer it at a price!? As if she were some kind of urchin. Pah! She cast a very obvious glance to the state of the room and back to Lumian. "Thank you for the kind offer, but if you’re ever going to invite me to dinner, might I suggest a different venue? One with no cobwebs. Come Tove! It is much past your bed time~" She cooed at the little goat as it pranced over to her and back into her arms. "I'm leaving. It was interesting to meet you...I suppose." It was true, she'd never met a knight before, but didnt expect them to be so messy.
  16. With a chuckle of his own, Lumian couldn't help but reply with a raised brow, now leaning against the wall with an arm, "Must be a pretty bad lady yourself to seek out our bad company. I didn't think women quite as fetching as yourself existed in towns like this." There it was, as always, the young assassin laying on the compliments. There was a bit of snideness in the comment, sarcasm playing it's role to combat the bad knight remark. Back in his home kingdom women normally threw themselves at him, all in awe and in hopes of seeing what a knights body looked like. He happily obliged. This instance was different, but it never hurts to try his these small town girls were like. Man whore, Angerer of Father's, Stealer of Hearts, unlike the reserved Umbral who didn't have such experiences Lumian certainly did, and he was damn proud of it! Lumian had already gotten his fair share of looking the girl, Melba, up and down. Indeed, quite the fetching creature at this time of night. Ignoring the little goat knowing well there wasn't anything that could harm it, Lumian pushed himself off the wall and gestures toward the cleaned and empty chair. "Come! Sit, I was just about to eat my meal. If you wish I could let you have a bite for a price." Lumian jests, his words coming out smoothly like a knife through warm butter. He was no stranger to jokes, nor to inviting strangers into his home- families workshop. Despite the mess the building was, it fazed the knight very little.
  17. And with that Yshea might be open! Though she is heading home. Unless interrupted she'll be retiring there for the night.
  18. Technically her hands were full: with a basket! But that obviously wasn't what he meant. "I am in no rush for either. The small fires going will keep both warm. Stew tends to get better with time. You need not worry. But you are also busy, clearly." With the Human stepping back to his original spot Yshea smiled beneath her mask, lowering her head slightly out of respect. "It was enjoyable meeting you out here nonetheless. I wish you luck with your training. Until we meet again." Perhaps she might have invited him to dinner if she hadn't been so worried. He seemed nice. His brother as well, even if a bit flirty. But there was nothing wrong with that. Maybe someday she'd be able to trust them enough. Regardless, it was a good time to return home, and so with a turn she started on her way back to the little hillside burrow. Eat. Get rid of these weird feelings. Bathe. Relax. Sleep? Yeah. I don't think I have anything else that needs doing.
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