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EcchiDreams Specific Community Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. I would love for Ecchi Texts to open to the most recent unread message or the last read one. Currently if you open a thread with 30 pages of responses it defaults to page 1. I get that it’s only one click to get to the last page, but I’d prefer to not have to do that forever if it’s possible to fix! Thanks!
  3. Yes, this is exactly the issue Tem was encountering, and it's something I’m starting to understand better now. The inconsistencies. While the workaround you mentioned works for me too, it’s strange that it doesn’t function the same way from the EcchiTexts index page. As far as I can tell, there’s currently no way to resolve this issue. It would definitely be helpful if there was an option to make this behavior consistent across all views. I have an idea that might work within the current framework, but it wouldn’t be optional, and I’m not sure what the impact would be. Still, I’ll look into it and see what I can come up with. I think we could call it a "Consistency Fix".
  4. If you open a message from the menu/notifications part it does skip to the earliest unread message, both on phone and desktop. (The little icon, on phone is in More •••, on desktop it's on the top of the page on the right side)
  5. Okies thanks! I’m surprised they didn’t think of the feature given that the forum largely works that way. You’d think that even opening to page length-1 would be supported. I appreciates your letting them know for the next one though!
  6. That would be something we can't do, as far as I am aware. Limitations in the underlying software framework. However I will note this down as a suggestion that can be optional under the software framework that's in development.
  7. Look, I get it, you don't want people deleting stuff willy-nilly. If they could, I'm sure people would purge entire conversations. Might I suggest going the route that Messenger did, and only allowing people to delete a message within maybe a day or so after it was sent? I forever live through the pain of people sending a new message in a private roleplay instead of just editing the old one. It shuffles the entire dynamic and makes me confused on who actually started the conversation without manually jumping all the way back to page one. Pls fix, thx.
  8. I’ve been on other sites. And recently I tried some discord RP servers! I’ve had abuse on basically all of them! I was always nice, but littles tend to be triggering for some people, and they get judgy and lash out. That’s never happened a single time here. So whatever you’re doing to make this place safe and fun and at least for me it’s been drama free except for the RP. So keep it up! I also RP exclusively in Ecchi Chats and didn’t notice you can’t delete a message because I’ve never needed to do it. You can always edit and clear a message if something gets out of order like in a 3-part convo. But I’ve never gotten lost in the convo. Perhaps the OP is RP’ing vastly different though and I just don’t gets it.
  9. I was among individuals vocal in the past during my early days here about how soft it seemed staff was on certain users too, until I learned that people do literally everything except report issues, when I was under the impression that it was common sense to do that before literally anything (not all that common, it turns out). I was wondering if it had to do with making sure there was evidence for issues, too. I don't delete individual messages because I thought, as mentioned above, that there was likely ways to find those messages anyways, so I didn't even know it wasn't possible (I think..?). It makes enough sense to me personally tho, especially when I've unfortunately had to report before when I have the user multiple warnings to back off and that user had changed things up after previous issues to "hide", I'd hate for it to look like I was screaming into the void if the user tried to delete those messages after I told em they ran out of chances. Protection of users definitely wins over minor inconvenience.
  10. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this matter. I understand the frustration that comes with the inability to delete individual messages within EcchiText conversations, and I appreciate you bringing up this concern. To clarify, the ability to delete messages was intentionally disabled during the previous administration. I’ve had a meeting with them to discuss the reasoning behind this, as there were significant issues that arose from allowing message deletions. One individual, in particular, took it upon themselves to criticize the previous administration, claiming they were "soft on harassment." However, that assertion was not only inaccurate but also deeply misleading. In reality, whenever harassment cases were reported and there was clear evidence, the harasser was banned without appeal. This was a strong and decisive response, and no one was given a free pass when there was proof of misconduct. The issue arose when people deleted individual messages, or when harassment occurred off-platform, making it difficult to investigate fully. As per our Terms of Service, specifically Section 10 on Evidence Policy, we require that victims make repeated requests for the harasser to cease and desist, and we need evidence to build a case. While this may seem like a burden, it is in place to ensure fairness and to avoid wrongful accusations. As you may know, any evidence that’s not directly tied to EcchiDreams or our Discord server is not considered, and this is why we can’t act on external evidence. One of the safeguards put in place by the previous administration to strengthen Section 10 was to prevent the deletion of EcchiText messages. When a message is deleted, it’s gone permanently—there’s no backup or copy that we can retrieve. This became painfully clear in a recent case (As we're still putting up with it today, in other areas), where a report was made about an alleged incident, but by the time we were able to address it, the content had already been deleted. Without the evidence, we were unable to take action. While I understand your desire for more control over message management, I must be clear that I have no intention of re-enabling the message deletion feature. The ability to delete messages, unfortunately, creates more risks than benefits in ensuring that harassment is properly dealt with and that we have the necessary evidence to take action when needed. Thank you for your understanding.
  11. I would like to request an occasional abusive message. Where do I submit the paperwork’s?
  12. Oh, okay then. Consider my comment retracted (since it can't be deleted lol.) Clearly I don't get a lot of abusive messages on here.
  13. I don't think that matters - you can edit EcchiTexts. So any abusive message could be altered before it could be proven to be abusive. I expect that when you report a message slot generates a copy of the message for admins, so deleting (or editing) a message after it's reported won't matter either
  14. It seems like that's a really good way for abusive messages to get deleted before anyone can prove they were sent.
  15. @Novaer I don't mean the conversation as a whole. Note the title: "Allow users to delete EcchiText messages." AKA, a single message within a conversation.
  16. Doesn't leaving the conversation remove that EcchiText from your folder? I thought that’s how it used to work. Clearly, something along the way has changed. Our reason for not liking people deleting things 'willy-nilly,' as you put it, doesn't apply to EcchiTexts, so it was never intentional that this stopped, and it wasn't something we changed. That being said, I’m happy to look into it.
  17. As a new person on the site, this happened to me. Do you see the EcchiText icon at the bottom right? Yes, that tiny screen, where text can be lost with a single missclick. At the top of the page there's an option to have EcchiText in a larger window (the two speech bubbles). Which is much more helpful. So what's the problem, you might wonder. The problem is that I'm not seeing a way to go from the bottom right EcchiText to a large open window. Since the bottom right EcchiText is standing out more, it can throw people off. I think having an option to expand into a larger EcchiText Window, when using the bottom right EcchiText, would be helpful. In other words, a button to expand into a larger window if using the bottom right EcchiText. Maybe put the two speech bubbles on the bottom right EcchieText window to expand it into a larger screen? This way newcomers can be more assured that larger private message windows can be done with less confusion. The bottom right EcchiText is always there. So people are more likely to assume that might be the only EcchiText (the tiny one). Having an option to expand the smaller EcchiText into a larger window would help resolve that. Once you know it, you know it. What if people don't? Considering I didn't know at first then that's the perspective I have to consider for newcomers on the site.
  18. I would like to know more about ownership rights to a club. If a club becomes inactive, players stop posting and the club owner is still on ED, will it be put up for adoption after 6 months of inactivity either way? Does the inactivity and adoption progress include private clubs with more than 3 members too? I’m curious to know if there is a way to protect my own creation. If I put a lot of time in creating a setting and story, I don’t like the thought of someone else coming and taking my work and twisting it into something it was never meant to be. So, is there a way to prevent this from happening, even after players become inactive or is the only sure way of preventing that happening not posting it on the forum?
  19. Clubs go up for adoption in batches once a year, if the owner has been inactive for at least a year. As explained at the start of the last batch, linked below. I'm not sure how private clubs are handled. But it seems be, if the owner goes inactive the only options are someone else takes over, or the club gets deleted (if the owner does not return during the adoption period). https://ecchidreams.com/community/topic/8275-club-adoption-2024/#comment-143342
  20. I tried to use the ignore feature on two seperate profiles that blow up the un-read feed with images I dont really care for. I’m still seeing their new post updates with images despite hitting ignore on everything and submitting it for those profiles. What gives? Am I using the feature wrong and there’s something else I should be doing?
  21. It's unfortunately well-known that the ignore feature on this site (due to IPS limitations) is ineffective. There's not much we can do about it. The previous administration spent ten years trying to resolve this issue with IPS, but it led to no progress. This is also one of the reasons the parent company is developing its own software to replace the current system.
  22. Club Adoption 2024 Edition Since July 26th, 2017 EcchiDreams has included a feature called "Clubs," which allows users to create their own roleplays. Prior to that, our roleplays were primarily created by @Neptune, with only Platinum Dreamers having the ability to create their own. However, with the introduction of clubs, the number of roleplays on the site has significantly increased. These new clubs offer diverse and creative roleplaying experiences, distinct from the original offerings and each other. One challenge we anticipated before introducing this feature was the possibility of club owners becoming inactive and the negative impact on the entire club. To address this issue, we devised a straightforward solution: Club Adoptions. If a club owner remains inactive for over a year and there are other active members in the club, the ownership would be offered up for adoption. This marks the first time we have implemented such an adoption system since introducing the clubs feature. The current thinking is: Anyone can adopt a club however: First priority - should the club owner return during this time and claim it back, is to the club owner, of course. Second priority go to leaders of the club. Third priority go to moderators of the club. Fourth priority go to all members of the club who were members before today (May 24th, 2024) Then it's first come first served (Free for all). If first, second or third priority haven't put in an offer by August 1st, 2024; then it will go to the first person who claimed it. If forth priority haven't put in an offer by September 1st, 2024; then it will go to the first person who claimed it. If no one from the club puts in an offer then the club will go to whoever claims first. You cannot adopt a club if you have no more slots available. The clubs will be up for adoption for a period of 6 months from today (December 10th, 2024). If they remain unclaimed after that, then they will be deleted, along with all their content. What you do with the club afterwards is completely up-to-you (Within bounds of the Terms of Service, of course). You can even completely change it to something else if you so desired. What classifies as inactivity: If you own a club that has several members (Lets say more than 3) and you as an owner: Have not been on EcchiDreams for more than 1 year (365 days) from the perspective of start date. Have deactivated your account and have not been on EcchiDreams for more than 1 year (365 days) from the perspective of the end date. Have been perma-banned. Then your club will go up for adoption as and when required. We made this very clear a few years ago, and we're now doing what we said we were going to do. Once a club has been adopted, the ownership transfer is permanent. This means that if you, as the original owner, return after the adoption process and discover that your club is now in someone else's hands, you are not automatically entitled to reclaim ownership. While it is possible for the current owner to willingly transfer ownership back to you, they are not obligated to do so, and harassment on this matter will not be tolerated under Section 10 of the Terms of Service. [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] The Dark Place Owner: @Adverse (Deactivated in 2020) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Fallout: East Texas Owner: @CuteNeko (Inactive since June 2023) Uniting the Kingdoms Owner: @nicjomo (Inactive since June 2023) Claimed by: @nicjomo (Dreamer became active again) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Doki Doki Roleplay Club Owner: @TheMonikan (Inactive since 2020) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Kingdom of Eterrand Owner: @NightRose90 (Deactivated in 2022) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] All Hallow's Eve Owner: @Adverse (Deactivated in 2020) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Microscope Game Owner: @Youko Kurama (Inactive since 2020) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] The Tea Party Club Owner: @Peculiaritree (Deactivated in 2020) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Spiralling Slumber Owner: @TheMonikan (Inactive since 2020) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] GM Angel's Pathfinder Game Owner: @Eros Angel (Inactive since 2020) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Erotic Vampires Owner: @Ayiana Canoe (Deactivated in 2022) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Femdom Universe Owner: @Kittyslave01 (Inactive since 2021) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] The Slumbering Isles Owner: @Luno Asherah (Deactivated in 2023) Eros Angel's Black Crusade Reboot Owner: @Eros Angel (Inactive since 2020) Claimed by: @WritesNaughtyStories (Member of the Club since March 5th 2020) Animal XXX-Crossing Owner: @Faolan (Inactive since 2023) Claimed by: @inkylore [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Sockjob Fans Owner: @Laroy (Inactive since 2022) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Multi-Dimensional Resort Owner: @Hunter Nightheart (Deactivated in 2023) Sweet Treat Island Owner: @Lollipop (Inactive since 2023) Claimed by: @SataiRolePlayingGuy (Priority 5) Adventurers of Fordinia Owner: @BunnyInASock (Inactive since 2023) Claimed by: @inkylore [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Romantic RP Club Owner: @willrpwithanyone (Inactive since 2020) Genshin Impact Owner: @TheNekoTamer (Inactive since 2021) Claimed by: @inkylore The Demon Kings Mansion Owner: @Sieko_Muio (Inactive since 2020) Claimed by: @inkylore Furry Owner: @Whoreo(Inactive since 2023) Claimed by: @Warning (Member of the Club since May 4th 2020) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Futanari Fanclub Owner: @Annikachan (Inactive since 2018) [ Club Removed (December 2024) - No Takers ] Smut School RP Owner: @Bigmeat69 (Inactive since 2020) Trap Appreciation Club Owner: @Whoreo(Inactive since 2023) Claimed by: @Novaer (Club Moderator since 2017)
  23. And this event is now closed. The clubs that were unclaimed have now been deleted. I was surprised that no one took the Futanari Fan Club with nearly 800 members. I will admit I was surprised by that. 8 clubs were transferred 1 club was spared because its owner returned. The above will also act as a log of what happened here. See ya'll next year.
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