The streets and places of Metropolis
Here you will topics for each place you can venture into in Metropolis city
7 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
The looks of far most of the police stations located within Metropolis city.
Last reply by rohan10 Deactivated , -
- 5 replies
A large part of the town is taken up by much of the place's stores, clinics, restaurants and other sorts of business. This helps makes keeping order relatively easier for the city police and special forces. There are businesses outside of this that still can offer what you get here, but usually at the risk of danger, higher prices and so on.
Last reply by inkylore , -
- 18 replies
The biggest, most used and well made site of worship of the faith. Everyone is welcome here, believers or not and everyone is treated with open arms. The only strict rule is to not carry weapons inside and before fully entering, there is a storage building where visitors can have their armaments kept safely.
Last reply by inkylore , -
BodyMod Clinic 1 2
by JennyDK- 2 followers
- 31 replies
Before gaining access to the labs and medical rooms where the operations and maintenance is performed, citizens needs to be fully registrered and be accepted for admittance. There are swift and harsh punishments for not adhering to the strict and decided protocols, administrative paperwork and safety measures.
Last reply by rohan10 Deactivated , -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
The streets around town are typically fairly safe, if one uses common sense and know to be armed a little bit. It is when things turn dark that the more shady people start to show to conduct their business of varying degrees of legality.
Last reply by JennyDK , -
- 1 follower
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Venture only here if you dare. There is a reason why the location often changes and why the prices are as they are. You are likely better off not trying your luck here, but what is life with a little thrill of danger and potentially making lots of money or getting that ONE time the pesky law makers denied you and others? Buyers beware, though!
Last reply by JennyDK , -
- 1 follower
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A place most people wish to avoid visiting too often, due to the massive presence of armed guards, security drones, cameras etc. It is here people come to get all sorts of business dealt with regarding their lives, like tax summits, passports, filing for business and much more. It's also here that the famed Oracle-3 is said to be living and performing their duties, at the very top of the dome and past every means of security.
Last reply by JennyDK ,
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