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Hello everyone. My name is Sean.

I live here in Brooklyn, NY USA. I play Dungeons & Dragons and I'm an avid writer of all kinds.

I wanted to try RPing for a while but was on the fence as to how and where.

But I'm open to all kinds of RP's. I'm into foreplay and romance. RP before smut is my preference.

But anyway, hello and happy to meet all of you. 😄

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Welcome to Ecchidreams, Sean. In case it wasn't done yet, I really do suggest to post your preference sheet: https://ecchidreams.com/roleplayer-services/preferences/

This will allow you to let your future partners know what you like and if you're compatible to share some dreams with some other users. If you have any questions, please ask.

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On 06/08/2023 at 23:19, Sera said:

Welcome to Ecchidreams, Sean. In case it wasn't done yet, I really do suggest to post your preference sheet: https://ecchidreams.com/roleplayer-services/preferences/

This will allow you to let your future partners know what you like and if you're compatible to share some dreams with some other users. If you have any questions, please ask.

Alread done so. Thanks for the advice anyway.

EDIT: I added my preference sheet to my profile. Not to hard once you know what your doing.

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