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Seeking Partners: MxM Romance and Character Development

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Burmecia's MxM Partner Seeking Thread





What I offer:
My Post Length: 2–6 paragraphs, approximately
My Literacy: above average - strong grammar, few typos
My Preferred Character Build: variable, from slender to built. I can play muscular provided it's not excessive -but I don't particularly care for "bara" or extremely buff characters, playing as or with. If you'd like a visual reference, my character Alexander shown above (right) is typically as muscular as I play as or with.
My Preferred Position: Any and all; top, bottom, switch positions, and dominant or submissive dispositions. I personally have no strong preferences. However, my characters naturally have their own preferences; I won't play my top OC as a bottom, for example, or vice versa. I'm not sure if that needs to be said, but I figured it's worth mentioning, just in case.
My Preferred Character Age: 16 and older is a hard limit, non-negotiable.


What I'm looking for in my partner:
Preferred Partner Post Length: at least one full paragraph as a bare minimum. Ideally, my partner will match my responses, within reason.*
Preferred Partner Literacy: average to above average at minimum.
Preferred Partner Character Build: (same as above) variable, from slender to built. I can play muscular provided it's not excessive -but I don't particularly care for "bara" or extremely buff characters, playing as or with.
Preferred partner position: All: (same as above) Any and all; top, bottom, switch positions, and dominant or submissive dispositions. I personally have no strong preferences. However, my characters naturally have their own preferences; I won't play my top OC as a bottom, for example, or vice versa. I'm not sure if that needs to be said, but I figured it's worth mentioning, just in case.
Preferred partner length: 16 is a hard limit, non-negotiable.


* I understand that sometimes, especially in dialogue heavy scenes, lengthy replies aren't always easy to create. That said, I believe in quality over quantity.


About the Typist:

Hello, I'm Burmecia (bur-meh-see-ah). I'm relatively new to ED. Technically, I've had an account for nearly a decade, but I'm only now becoming active. I have an album for both of my MxM characters, and I may add other OCs as well, depending on how active this particular RP scene is. I've been roleplaying for over 10 years, and I'm happy to be here, finding new partners and making friends. If you're interested in playing with me, please be sure to read my preferences before contacting me.

Note: Whenever I'm looking for a scene, be it here or elsewhere on ED, they will always be trans and nonbinary inclusive. While both characters I'm listing here (as of now) are cis, I am100% open to roleplaying with trans or nonbinary characters.


What I'm looking for:

I'm looking for a communicative partner with a moderate skill level. The characters above are important to me, and I'm interested in finding a long term, serious partner to write with. I'm hoping that both of us can develop our characters in a mutually respectful and fun environment.

That said, I'm open to both long term and short term/one off scenes with my characters! I am looking for smut, but ideally I'm looking for something romance-soaked. I'm open to playing with canon characters, though I can't promise to know a lot about whichever canon characters my partner might choose. 

Thank you so much for reading, and please feel free to contact me if you'd like to set something up, either here or through DM. I promise, the worst I'll say is a respectful "no, thank you" if I'm not interested.


About my characters, as shown above:

Callum (Left): Callum was born into a cult (loosely based on American cults such as Twelve Tribes and Children of God - neither of them specifically). He was the youngest of five children, and was often subject to abuse at the hands of his brothers and parents due to his orientation. After deciding to come out to his family as gay, Callum overheard his parents making plans to send him to an isolated compound for "re-education", which obviously translated to inhumane treatment in the hopes of changing his sexuality. As anyone might expect, Callum fled to a large metropolis (not unlike New York City, however any city would suit in the event of another world or universe).

He's currently living as an aspiring painter, supporting himself as a messenger and delivery person. He barely makes enough to get by and, due to his upbringing, deeply struggles with making social connections. He was often isolated as a child as a form of punishment, and as such is painfully withdrawn, guarded, and shy.

Notes: Callum can be played between 16-22. He can be applied to various universes and settings, though his background will generally remain the same. He is a bottom leaning switch (think 80% bottom and 20% switch) and generally sexually submissive. He can be paired with any type of build for his partner. Due to his background, he will more than likely be a virgin in scenes he's played in.


Alexander (Right): Alexander works several odd jobs, most of which involving intimidation. He's been a bouncer, a member of a private security team, an unarmed guard, a private investigator, and the list goes on. He's a bit of a nomad, never staying in one place for too long. Furthermore, he has a cold exterior and can be a bit gruff and standoffish, but he does have other traits reserved only for those closest to him. He has a bit of a thing for "pretty boys". Alexander is accustomed to one-night stands and hookups; when he enters a relationship, as rare as that is, he tends to be overprotective of his partner.

Notes: Alexander can be played between 27-30. He can generally be applied to almost any universe or settings. He is a top and sexually dominant. Because he is less developed than my other characters, I'm more willing to take liberties with his background. His personality, however, will generally remain the same.

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