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Name: Yohei "Raindance" Arimura
Species: Human
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: East Asian [Japanese]
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 6'5"
Job: Scout
+ Minebea P9
+ Howa 1500
+ Hunting Knife
+ Tracking
+ Bushcraft
+ Navigation
+ Decent Marksmanship
+ Butchery
+ Performance (Singing, Dancing)
+ Light Karate


Born in Akita, Yohei is the son of a very simple family. His father part of a long line of Matagi, and his mother a teacher. His father made sure to instill the boy with a deep appreciation for the older cultures he feared were being abandoned by newer generations. Young Yohei was always fascinated by the world around him and so took to his father's lessons with great interest, but in between trips also fell in love with the more modern culture found in the cities. He especially fell in love with the world of music thanks to a concert his mother took him to. Idols, Singers, musicians, music held the boy's heart captive. It was difficult to balance these worlds growing up which often led to frustration between him and his father.

He wasn't alone in this of course, there were other kids a bit like him. He found himself running with a group of other troublemakers with big dreams and they all found themselves making a pact to chase their dreams. They were always close, doing everything they could together in their rather scenic town. It was them, mostly, who kept pushing him to pursue music and so many late nights were spent sneaking out with them to sing within the forests. Allowances were spent on books on dancing, singing technique, and whatever else he could get his hands on. They would even skin school to take the bus to downtown Kitaakita.

Other times were, of course, devoted to the development of his skills as a hunter and his studies. It was a simple life until he one day got his big break during a random tryout held at the mall. His friends pushed him into it but he managed to wow the recruiter and was further pushed along the track until he was able to join a minor idol group. His father wasn't pleased, and this caused further strain between them to the point they rarely talked even on their usual winter hunting ventures. It was never something they were able to broach. It also made hanging out with his friends more difficult though he did all he could to help them too. It had varying success of course and not everything was simple. Compared to everything now, some of those troubles seem...silly. Girl troubles. Boy troubles. The friend group fractured somewhat...

He still pursued his desire for his career and stuck with the group he was brought into. He was given the name "Raindance" and sold on his good looks and skills contrasting with his rather rugged upbringing. That wasn't easy either. The world of music was cutthroat and brutal and he was forced to move groups after a very public fight with his manager though he kept his name. The new group accepted him well enough and they were a little more proactive but nothing lasts forever. It was at a show where he planned to speak with some old friends and hopefully heal some old wounds when it happened..the world ended.
He did all he could to help, all he could to get to the people he cared for but things weren't so easy. When the world ends people fall or they get lost and thats what happened. It was everything he could do to reach quarantine with so few of the people he knew and loved, unsure if his family and the rest of his friends managed to get safe.

He offered his skills to the Quarantine Zone as a scout for them to help, but also in hopes of finding any signs of those he lost.


Yohei is an amicable guy willing to offer a helping hand to people in need and rarely turn anyone away. He's actually pretty simple, not needing much to be happy and can be fairly energetic! He's decently knowledgeable and observant though liable to get too deep into his own thoughts. He's very personable, and someone who loves to entertain and have fun. His years in the industry have given him an insight into how to maneuver around people, but its dampened his morals a bit as he is more than willing to cheat and even lie to get ahead even if it feels wrong. Its rarely out of malice but he's attained some level of edge from trying to survive in an industry and now a world where things can be rather dark.

He is a loyal friend however, though he can be very intense in his emotions. He's patient with time and with people, but not really with himself. He's self-conscious, often to the point of self-sabotage when he thinks he's not doing something right. He has a desire to be more than what he is, the idol he was trying to be, and this makes it pretty easy to get to him. He grows very impulsive when he gets too conscious or worried of his failings and this can lead him into easily avoided problems until he's calmed down.

He's also got some deep regrets that he's dying to put to bed which are slowly eating away at him.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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Name: "The Long One"Β  <---> Reina Esashika [Human Form] spacer.png
Species: Tentacle Monster [Advanced] <---> Human Appearing
Age: ????Β  <---> 28 [Human Form]
Gender: N//A <---> Futanari [Human Form]
Nationality: N//A <---> Japanese [Human Form]
Ethnicity: N//A <---> East Asian [Human Form]
Orientation: Omnisexual
Height: 8'H 10'L <---> 6'9" [Human Height]
Job: Enemy <---> Construction + Emergency Rescue [Human Form]
+ Industrial hole puncher Β 
+ Tentacles
+ Aphrodisiac laced Tentacles
+ Acting
+ Great Strength and Athleticism
+ Close Combat
+ General Rescue
+ Sexual Dynamo
+ Technical Building (Metalwork, Carpentry, Demolition, Repair.)
+ Form Malleability

[From the voice memos of Dr: β—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Ό]- [1]Β 
A thing of unknown origin. Named as "The Long One" by the team to first encounter it. "The Long One" is just one of many. A many-limbed creature whose only existence seems to be to spread....and breed. It showed not long after the first one escaped and joined its fellows in the assault on humanity. It seemed smarter than the rest, and has hunted and harassed our group as we attempt to move from base to base. There are days where it would merely watch us from a distance. There are days where it will assault the team, taking one of us. We often hear them. Man or woman, screaming wherever they were dragged off before those screams turn into moans. It seemed to enjoy having us hear it, and would even let its victims go...right back to us. There are nights where it would remain close. I have attempted to speak with it and it seems to listen with rapt interest. It does not attack on these days. It will even protect us when someone attempts to spoil its....fun. It seems to have taken a liking to us.

[From the voice memos of Dr: β—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Ό]
- [2]Β 
"The Long One" seems to have grown to understand human speech. The attacks still happen and it has leaned to trap and trick us. Its hard to know what to trust. Attempts to remain in various bases have been met with coordinated attacks seemingly organized by The Long One. It steals books and occasionally in the attempts to hunt it the "nests" have been found found littered with books that disturbingly increase in difficulty...and rapidly so. It appears to be trying to learn more and more about us. It has grown to recognize and differentiate between the sexes not that it stops the creature from having its fun. Its learned about our technology which its used to more easily break into various safehouses and render them unsafe. The soldiers I'm with have grown more hesitant about fighting it as it attempts to their tactics.

[From the voice memos of Dr: β—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Ό]
- [3]Β 
It seems to have taken a liking to me most of all. It was the first time I was abducted but it didn't hurt me or....hrm. It seemed to want me to talk to it again and in an effort to protect myself I did so and it seemed to enjoy this. It looked...different than before. It had hands where it did not before. It was larger. It protected and fed me for the days I was gone and when it had enough it brought me back and left me. I'm not sure, but "The Long One" is fascinated by humans. It abducted yet more soldiers after that but the first few reported that while it did attack them it merely seemed to probe them. Molested them. Studied the reaction of their bodies. The sounds after that...became moans much quicker than before. The soldiers reported that they had been...pleasured rather than simply inseminated by the creature.Β 

[From the voice memos of Dr: β—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Ό]- [4]Β 
It......finally attacked me. I-We made attempts to to collect samples in an effort to find out a way to stop the rapid spread of them but it took me. Its lair was full of....others. Men. Women. More. Some of its own? It was nightmarish. It wasted little time in.....It was constant. I had heard the stories and seen the results and then I felt them. These...things are relentless but it seemed to pride itself of knowing. It enjoyed the reactions and seeing what noises it could force out of me. I was almost lost. By the team I was found.....
I'm not pregnant yet but.....these things are....evil.
"The Long One" has seemingly decided its learned enough but its not leaving us alone...we need to find a way to kill it.

[From the voice memos of Dr: β—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Ό]
- [5]
[----The sound of panting can be heard as a figure [Identified as Dr. β—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Ό]Β  runs. Gunfire sounds but is often cut short quick. Moaning in the background. Something trips and falls as the recorder skips along the ground. Heavy footsteps can be heard coming down the halls as the figure pants and attempts to get to safety.
<<That's impossible!>>
<<You....to thank. I know....so much..>>
<<How do you.......>>
<<Vocal chords....hard to....work. Inefficient.>>
<<S-Stay back-I-AAAAAH!>>
<<This....is thanks.>>
A short scuffle is heard and short silence is soon filled with sound of intercourse and moaning. This fills the rest of the tape until it finally cuts out.----]

[From the voice memos of Dr: β—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Ό]
- [1]
[Dr: β—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Όβ—Ό and the missing soldiers were found later in another hive not too far from the safehouse where they were located. Its unfortunate to say but most of them were too far gone to get any answers from. The Doctor herself has been in and out of therapy but can barley give us details. It is safe to assume that "The Long One" has become advanced. We can't be sure of the extent exactly from what little we recovered. Images from the safehouse are scarce as well. We will have to be more careful...who knows what it and others like it are planning.]


Reina was always a bit of a freak. She was born to a hardworking family, a nurse and a politician. They were an...absent family all things considered though they always made sure Reina and her many siblings were well fed. Reina was an outsider however and born....wrong so to speak. They didn't abandon her of course but they did their best to hide this. It only became more difficult as she grew up however and grew up fast. She was taller than most of her siblings, stronger than most of them, and more than a little odd.

She was actually bullied if school over it, considered a freak because of her tall size. She put up with it as much as she could but as each day was hell she considered shutting herself away at least...until she walked by a construction site. She thought nothing of it until a woman called out to her. She was huge, like her, and looked strong but she was only calling for her to be careful. Reina was taken by the sight for some reason and everyday after school she would walk by and watch.
She was eventually noticed doing this and they walked to her. She found a kinship with the construction workers especially the women who worked there. It became something she was enamored with but her parents wouldn't allow it. She begged and pleaded but they wouldn't budge. Reina was lost again at least until an Earthquake hit and she caught sight of the rescue workers trying to help people. The idea occurred to her that maybe they'd accept it at least part time if she had a more important but still demanding job they could brag about.

It seemed to work and so Reina set her sights on becoming a Rescue Worker and do construction on the side. Her life was renewed with that and she raced towards it with spirit until she achieved her dream and she was living it. Rescue and training and construction. She finally felt like she had a place she belonged. She loved that.
And then....everything fell apart. Those tentacle creatures invade and and while she and others did everything they could to help people it was simply too much. She lost friends to them and though her abilities were appreciated she could not stem the tide. She was pushed back to quarantine.

She offered her services in construction as a way to help and of course on rare missions to rescue people and high profile figures. She was a surprisingly strong asset even if something about her....was still a little odd.


"The Long One" is an inquisitive, watchful, and smart hunter. It, like its brethren, is amorous seeming to only have a desire to capture and breed the humans as a true goal. It does seem to like to learn, memorizing and taunting. It can lie in wait and decide when to spring into action. It is an incredible hunter and saboteur that likes to play with its food. It will even catch and release its victims. It will turn on its compatriots to protect its interests however and gets quite aggressive when not getting its way and losing focus. Its a fairly single minded creature, and thus doesn't account for everything that it should.

Reina is a hard working, friendly, and caring gal but she is ultimately fairly simple and quite self-conscious. She has a habit of getting lost in her thoughts when left alone too long. She's a woman of action rather than words so will often trip over them when speaking. She's a passionate individual and came can be kind of forceful and weird, not fully understanding how people interact but when it comes times to help she's always there to do so. She doesn't fear many things, and will face down danger with a smile on her face rather than turn and run.

Of course being the same creature these can mix in strange ways. It is the enemy and though her guise is for humanity, it wants what it wants and whether it protects or attacks at the cost of itself is a bit of a wild card.


Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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