ThechaoticKnight Posted October 21, 2024 Posted October 21, 2024 (Bimbo) tall Goth Mommy and Prep wife mommy X Son Gothmommy who has a preppy wife, after finding a man who fucks her and she gets a son. Although this leads to her wife getting curious over time after he turns 19 they choose to give him a special birthday. Sex and Romance balanced out, two different kind of dates. This is more wholesome with incest obviously gothmom or Prepwife on rule 34 Two Aunties X Nephew (something spooky happens) This one is a tragic one which starts out as such, the Nephew lost his mother and only her two sisters are all he has left. It appears that way for a while, one night he meets a ghostly being who appears to be his mother. Two aunties with spooky elements thrown in short-haired_aunt_(pepe_(jonasan)) Interdimensional Being Mommy X Son This one will use a nightmare waifu drawn by ze_blackball.d, depending on the one chosen which is a interdimensional looking MILF will be what the story is going to be, that involves a human man meeting her or them finding out he is part Eldritch horror. He ends up reuniting with his mother who left him for his own safety. Completely spooky and finding out Mother and Older sister X Young adult son/brother Jon Herron and his mother and sister, although the family is much bigger than just a mom and big sister. We can use the comics as a basis and make Fan fanfiction of it. In fact he may have 18 sisters unless a few of them are aunts. This one will be sex, sex, and lots of sex. my_mom_and_sister_are_size_queen_sluts on rule 34 and other places It is a sandwich with the lesser horror and more horror for the cheese and meat so speak. These are closer to being fully thought out, while the ones in the OOC section is much more in need of planning.
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