InumakiBaby Posted January 19 Posted January 19 (edited) Hey there! Welcome to my thread! I'm a role player with almost a decade of experience. My writing length varies but I like to write medium length paragraph response and be descriptive. I can respond many times in a day but throughout the week it can be as random times as I have a regular job and other commitments. Prompt: The family tree is a mess. Incest for generations. Anyone barely marries outside the family because the magic that lets the members bond with a dragon and become a dragonrider is in their blood, and they don't want to dilute it. But not all matches are for the sake of procreation. After all, nothing stops family members of the same sex from still being attracted to one another. And here is the predicament. The current dynasty is temporarily split into two as the king had named his eldest living child, who is also a woman, his successor, but the children he later begot, some of whom happen to be males, are more preferred by the subjects of all societal levels over her. So the heir princess is, her secondborn son in a predicament as one of his uncles with whom he only has 2 and a half years of age difference and had always been at odds with, suddenly is looking at him with something far different than hatred in his eye. And his stepfather, who is also his granduncle, youngest brother of his grandfather and uncle of his mother, also appears to let his gaze linger on MC and touches him more often, lets his hand stay a second longer on MC's shoulder, stands much closer, speaks quieter in his ear, and lets his hands loosely clasp around MC's waist. Whatever can MC do? He had never considered his uncle romantically as the other did nothing other than despise him all his life, and thinking of his stepfather felt extremely taboo but also very exciting. Both his uncle and stepfather, the latter being the uncle to his uncle, hate each other as they are on opposing sides in the race for succession, but not only that. MC feels torn between the two of them as they both pursue him. Suddenly he realizes, what if he doesn't want to necessarily choose one over the other? Can he have both? Is that possible? This idea is based on House of the Dragon tv show, but can also be adapted to an original plot. Here are my OCs: Fantasy: Modern: If you are okay with following the canon House of the Dragon plot or the AU version of it with slight plot divergence, please see lower. Current character craving is in the spoiler bellow. The genres of this story are: adventure, fantasy, war, supernatural, mystery, romance, smut. Would love to include the following fetishes/kinks: omegaverse, incest, lactation, deepthroat, face riding, cunnilingus, vaginal, anal, balls play, breast play, frotting/grinding. Please, tell me what your kinks and fetishes are. Right now I am looking to write a House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones story with slight plot-divergence because of one character being brought back from death as a wight. The character that I wish to write is aged up Lucerys Velaryon. This idea is based more on the show adaptation, House of the Dragon, than the books. In the story's plot, Game of Thrones show and A Song of Ice and Fire books events and characters will also be used. Good knowledge of the material is not required. The HotD and GoT wikis have the helpful information that can be quickly looked up. For a few more prompt ideas, please see my character Lucerys down bellow, especially the sections 'raised from the dead' and 'impacts and mission'. I am open to ideas and suggestions. I am quite flexible, so please, pitch your ideas and desires my way, no matter how niche, and I will see if I'd be into that. Spoiler Lucerys Velaryon: The White Dragon The prince who was not Basic Info Name: Lucerys Velaryon Gender: Intersex (can also be played as a biological male or a hermaphrodite) Father: Laenor Velaryon (official), Daemon Targaryen (step-father), Harwin Strong (rumored biological father) Mother: Rhaenyra Targaryen Siblings: Jacerys Velaryon, Joffrey Velaryon, Aegon III Targaryen, Viserys II Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen Died at: 14 Raised from death at: 14 Current age: Unknown (appears to be in his early to mid 20s) Race: Valyrian (before death), Wight Titles: Prince of the 7 kingdoms, future Lord of Driftmark Dragon mount: Arrax (during life) Hair color: Dark brown (during life), white (as a wight) Eye color: Brown (during life), varying (as a wight) Complexion: Peach and light pink (during life), fair (as a wight) Significant marks: Scars on his neck from the fatal injury that killed him when he crashed into the sea while saddled on Arrax The future that never was. Prince Lucerys Velaryon, husband to Rhaena Velaryon, as Lord of Driftmark after his grandfather's, Corlys Velaryon's, passing. Life Prince Lucerys was Princess Rhaenyra's secondborn son. His mother was set to inherit the iron throne from his grandfather, king Viserys Targaryen, however, the throne was usurped by his step-grandmother and her side of the family when they hid the king's passing and put his uncle, Aegon II Targaryen, on the throne. Since then, his mother and step-grandmother have been in an even worse political struggle as alliances were divided between the expected heir and the sudden ascender to the throne. Lucerys and his siblings as well as the rest of the family on both sides were pulled into the conflict, and everything went from a war of diplomacy to a full-out war when Lucerys's uncle and brother of the king, Aemond Targaryen, killed him. Death During the diplomacy race between Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and Queen-dowager Alicent Hightower, Lucerys ran into his uncle, Aemond Targaryen, when visiting House Baratheon as an envoy. The nephew and uncle had a long history of animosity due to the tensions between their mothers. Though close in age, they grew up as rivals rather than as friends, and on one night in the heat of the moment Lucerys cut out Aemond's eye after the latter broke the order and bonded with Vhagar, the largest dragon and the deceased Laena Velaryon's mount. Both Aemond and Lucerys had tough childhoods, and after spending years apart with Aemond in Kings Landing and Lucerys at Dragonstone, tensions only built at every encounter as outside pressures due to the ongoing political struggles were added fuel. Finally, when it was just the two of them, Aemond sought to get back at Lucerys for his lost eye and sicced Vhagar after Lucerys while the latter tried to escape on his dragon, Arrax. Aemond chased Lucerys on dragonback until the nephew briefly escaped by flying above the storm clouds, but Vhagar swooped in from bellow and bit Arrax's neck in half and wing off, sending Lucerys falling down into the sea to a watery grave. The only things that were recovered days later were Arrax's remains and Lucerys's clothes that had washed up on the shore. Accounts vary between whether Aemond lost control of Vhagar or had ordered his dragon to kill his nephew. Some see the king's brother as a heartless murderer lacking any compassion or regret, and others say he genuinely did not want things to go that far as much as he had hated his nephew. Raised from the dead What happened exactly with Lucerys after his death and how he was brought back from it is not clear. Even he himself does not know the whole story of what happened. He had fallen into the sea and so the drowned god (worshiped by the ironborn) would have first claim. But due to his Valyrian lineage, his ancestral gods, the old gods of Valyria, asserted their right to him as well. The god of 7, the new god of Westeros, laid down their claim as the Valyrians had begun to worship them after coming to Westeros. And, lastly, the god of light R'hllor staked his claim on Lucerys. It is not known what the other deities did, but after his rising, Lucerys finds that wherever he goes, a priest or follower of one or other religion will recognize that he is undead and either avoid him purposefully, raise up praises to their deity, or simply acknowledge that he is a mystery which had not yet been revealed. No priest or follower of any religion that Lucerys had asked could or would tell him which god it was by whose power he was raised in the end. With no fault of his own, however, Lucerys assumes it must be R'hllor as he has gained control over fire like no known red priest out there without being a follower of the said god. At the same time, he has his suspicions about the old Valyrian gods because he can now turn into a dragon. At the same time, his father Leanor, had told him after they had reunited in Pentos, that the old gods granted some people the power to warg, or skinchange. That was food for thought, but Lucerys found himself with more questions and doubt than with answers, since he wasn't temporarily warging into a dragon, but was actually taking on the form of a dragon himself. Needless to say, Lucerys is unlike any wight out there. He is different to all other wights that had been raised before him, and also those who will be raised after him. The only thing that had changed about him is the color of his hair. Granted, he looks way more like a Velaryon, or a Targaryen, now that he had died and been raised as a wight as that made his hair white, than when he was alive as he had dark brown hair. But the similarities to his Valyrian anscestors or other wights end there. Unlike all the other wights, save for his white hair, his eyes are not red, he breathes, eats, sleeps, and continues to grow. It is unknown if he will stop aging at a certain point and stay as he is until something or someone ends him, or if he will live out his life as a normal person and die of old age. The spoiler is that he will reach maturity and stop changing from there. While other wights have open or sealed wounds by which they had died while they were still human, Lucerys can either conceal or show his with the same ability that lets him change into his dragon form. However, it is at these two that his form-changing abilities end. When he chooses to show his fatal injury, it appears as scars in a few places on his neck. When Arrax's dead body fell flat into the sea, Lucerys suffered a concussion and a jolt that broke his neck as he had been still saddled on the dragon's torso when it hit the water. As he sank with his dragon, Lucerys drowned while unconscious. It is unclear how his clothes washed up on the shore with Arrax's remains without his remains in the clothes, other than the explanation that the gods had claimed his body. Later, his body was recovered by fishermen from Pentos who saw him drifting in the sea on a plank. They thought he was dead but he regained consciousness right before they were about to decide with the head of the port if his body should be taken to the red priests or the undertakers. Though he knew who he was, Lucerys felt that he should not be revealing himself to the fishermen, merchants, and port staff all curiously asking him who he was and how he happened to be in the sea. It was when he was being led by the head of the port through a merchant street that his father, Laenor, and his lover, Qarl Correy, recognized him while they were out as well. Leanor was quick to claim Lucerys from the head of the port, and though the man was doubtful, Lucerys insisted on knowing Leanor so the man let them be and do whatever they were going to be up to. As mentioned before, it was with his father that Lucerys learned about the different gods out there. Also, Lucerys learned that his father had faked his death and both his mother and step-father had helped him in that by recruiting Qarl. It was never a secret between Laenor and Lucerys or his brothers that Harwin Strong was really their father, but whereas before they had not spoken of this truth, now they could speak plainly, and Leanor still loved Lucerys much as if he was his own as he had raised the boy as such, and given him his name legitimizating him as his own. Also, Leanor learned of his son's death at the hands of Aemond and the jaws of Vhagar, and his newfound abilities to produce and use fire as well as turn into a dragon. Though doubtful of which deity he really belonged to, Lucerys felt a strong pull toward the prophecy of the prince who was promised, which had to do with R'hllor. His purpose in the prophecy about the great other, the enemy of the lord of light, and the prince who was promised is not yet clear to him or anyone else, but one thing Lucerys believes is that he should follow the prophecy and at some point it will lead him to the answers he craves. After years in Pentos with his father, though he knew of the developments back in Westeros following his death, Lucerys returned only when he felt the call to go back. As much as Leanor did not want to be parted from his son, Lucerys convinced his father to let him go. Once in Westeros, he would lead a life of secrecy. Whenever he was asked where he came from, he would say he was from Essos and grew up in Pentos. No more questions were asked of him as current-day Essos is where Old Valyria, the previous Targaryen and Velaryon stronghold was. When he would travel further north, he would resort to dying his hair and hiding his face as inconscpicuously as possible to not attract attention to himself. Though people could not tie it to him, but since his landing back in Westeros, occasionally there would be sightings of a pure white dragon. The sightings were few near Kings Landing, none at Dragonstone or Driftmark. Surprisingly, and suspiciously, the sightings were more frequent in the Riverlands and just a few rumors came from the North. One rumor even came from the Wall, that during a night of a great snowstorm, the watchers on the Wall briefly saw the shadowy form of a dragon passing overhead in the clouds when lightning lit up the sky. Cregan Stark, lord of Winterfell, was much surprised by these rumors and that nearly all watchers assigned to the posts on that night stuck to the claim, but he brushed it off as it was well known in Stark history that Aegon the Conqueror's dragons refused to pass the wall due to its magic, it was a strict divide and nothing from either side could pass to the other unless the Wall came down. However, he did not completely dismiss the claims in his mind and was much distressed by the possibility that perhaps, after all, there was something that could pass the Wall. Impacts and mission Obviously, no one, including Lucerys, could anticipate that the secondborn prince of Rhaenyra Targaryen would be any more special other than what his station added to him, but his death catalyzed the bloody war that became known as the Dance of Dragons. His legacy could have peaked there, but higher powers had other plans, and though he had learned of the Song of Ice and Fire prophecy from his mother and step-father, he never anticipated that his part in it would be way more tightly involved than him simply being part of the Targaryen bloodline. His death impacted the peace of many people, both small folk and nobles. But there were some individuals he impacted more personally than even his own family. Surprisingly, his very killer, his own uncle, is the most torn up second to Lucerys's mother, Rhaenyra. Aemond was plagued by nightmare in which Lucerys appeared before him, and Aemond saw himself falling to his knees and pleading for forgiveness. "I have done wrong. It is completely my fault. I will not deny it or make any excuse. Me losing control of Vhagar is my responsibility. I have wronged you terribly!" Aemond heard himself uttering words that in his pride he would have never considered uttering to anyone, and saw himself on his knees begging Lucerys with desperation, and his nephew stood still and silent as he looked down at his uncle. The words were one thing, but Aemond seeing himself reaching up to cup Lucery's cheeks, hold his shoulders, kiss his forearms and wrists, bow down to the ground before him and hold at his calves and ankles while he placed his forehead on Lucerys's feet, and then saying the following words. "I will spend my whole life trying to make up for what I have done. Please, do not send me away." That was the straw that finally broke the camel's back. What witchcraft was this? That was not him in his dreams saying and doing those things. That could never be him! And then he also sees other kinds of dreams, but they all involve him and his nephew. The most common one is him reliving in his nightmares the moment when Vhagar chewed through Arrax and in that way doomed Lucerys to a watery grave. The other was a nightmare of him and Vhagar fighting his uncle, Daemon, and Caraxes until Daemon pierces him through his fake eye and both of them plummet to death with their dragons fatally wounded as well. No matter what Aemond does, no matter if he stays up and doesn't sleep, drinks himself to unconsciousness, or takes medicine from the royal maester - nothing helps. Those are the only dreams he sees and he is on the brink of losing his mind. One time, at his wit's end, Aemond punches at the sky and air, cries out in anger and desperation to Lucerys, and falls on the ground to weep bitterly. No other terrible actions he did in his life have ever haunted him as much as the death of his nephew. But what he sees as a punishment is not only that, but it is also a call for him to wake up. He can yet choose to change the course of his life and avoid death at his uncle's hands with a sword to the very eye that his nephew had previously cut. The choice is his. However, Lucerys is on a mission. He must go to the North. He must study the current Lord Stark, Cregan Stark. And he must study the state of the Wall. Though he doesn't know who it is, he has a strong conviction that he is meant to wait however long it takes, entire generations if needed, until he finds Azor Ahai, the prince that was promised. Unbeknownst to him, it is both Rhllor pushing him and Blood Ravenfrom the future with his green seeing which lets him see and interact with the past as well as his present and future. Will Aemond, his uncle, keep to following his mother and older brother, the king on the iron throne, or will he pursue Lucerys and finally give into his attraction for his nephew? And then there is his stepfather, who is also his granduncle, Daemon Targaryen. He had promised Lucerys's mother, Rhaenyra, that he will avenge Lucerys. "A son for a son." Daemon will kill Aemond even if it kills him. He vowed to do this no matter what it took. But then he spots a pure white dragon while flying on his own mount, Caraxes. The white dragon appears to be a wild one as it has no saddle and no rider. But how can there be a dragon in Westeros that no one knows about? He pursues the dragon and it does its best to flee from Daemon and Caraxes. In a desperate attempt, Lucerys, being the dragon, crashed into a forest treeline, breaking trees and injuring himself. But he quickly turned to his human wight form and did his best to run away. Daemon is perplexed as to why a dragon would crash itself, and when he sees the crash site, there is no dragon. Daemon is shocked, but being quick witted as he is, he lands Caraxes and goes to inspect the crash site on foot. He senses movement and heads in that direction, his sword Dark Sister unsheathed. And then a form of a young man with curly white hair is fleeing from him, so Daemon pursues. The Targaryen prince overtakes Lucerys as he is sore from the crash, and Daemon tackles him. He puts the blade of his sword to Lucerys's neck but then sees his face and slumps back in shock. Removing the sword, Daemon draws Lucerys back up and embraces him. Though they were not close before, Daemon loved Lucerys dearly, and seeing his grandnephew who is also his stepson grown up and handsome, something stirs in Daemon and he desires Lucerys. Spoiler My kinks and fetishes + current cravings - expressive tops (don't hide their pleasure) - oral sex - hucows/cow humans - lactation - multiple orgasms - different opsitions - sex focused on deepening intimacy - jealous sex - glory hole - long dicks - power bottoms - feminine/androgynous - hermaphrodite - lingerie - sex toys - cosplay and role play - public breeding - chastity cages - cuckolding Receiving: - cunnilingus/slick eating - breast sucking - breast squeezing Giving: - rimming - blow job and deepthroating - sexual massage I prefer to do stories in private messages. Send me a PM if you're interested. Feel free to share if you have any fantasies/wishes you wanna try or taboo kinks/fetishes. Edited January 28 by InumakiBaby clarification
IncestIsWincest Posted January 27 Posted January 27 Hello! If you want to do some original idea roleplay with the love triangle idea I'm willing to hash something out in private message. 1
InumakiBaby Posted January 28 Author Posted January 28 2 hours ago, IncestIsWincest said: Hello! If you want to do some original idea roleplay with the love triangle idea I'm willing to hash something out in private message. Sure. Send me an Ecchitext.
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