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  3. I hoped that too. But you chose to post in the wrong section, so I'm afraid I have to eat you alive now. ...Or I can just show you where all the neat parts are. Yeh. Let's do that instead. First of all, here the Forum: https://ecchidreams.com/community This is where you might wanna introduce yourself instead. Not that you have to, but it does get you the right kind of attention and good wishes: https://ecchidreams.com/community/forum/7-ecchidreamers-welcome-forum/ Want to let others know at a glance what you are into? Make a post here: https://ecchidreams.com/roleplayer-services/preferences/ Got an idea you wanna RP 1x1? It goes
  4. When you skip a lunch date with irl friends to hang out with ecchi friends.
  5. Do you think my name is Webster?
  6. Emiri listened to Canata say the words. Can’t create those desires, always been interested in other women… Emiri was not sure that she could believe that. Has she always been interested in other women? Had she ever experienced the surge of lust that she was feeling towards the demon in front of her? Emiri shook her head, “Both… you are a demon, and you are a woman… How could I have been interested in another woman and never known about it?” She asked and closed her eyes, trying to think clearly as she was starting to feel overwhelmed with the desire to be touched by the demon. To feel the demon’s lips on hers. Emiri closed her eyes as sh
  7. Elie looked at Exzel weakly as she smiled. "Cuddles.....my demoness." She said before laying there resting. She heard Exzel call for Sebastian as she took a deep breathe loving how blissful she felt. As she felt Exzel run her fingers through her hair but once a moment a or so she heard Exzel cough and fall to the floor she sat up. "Exzel....OH....EXZEL." She screamed her eyes widen as she turned seeing another person in the room. She ran to Exzel's side as Elie felt her body's grow. "Exzel...Exzel stay with me." She said tears coming to her eyes. "Who do you think you are?" Elie snapped as her tarot cards flew to her side and flowed aro
  8. Mitsuko gave a little smile in response to Jumi telling her that she was not a bird. It was a funny question but an interesting one nonetheless. Maybe her own wings would allow her to do more. She moved to go dry herself as well. The part she was told about the training was understandable but she nonetheless had concerns she had fears about. If she could not be minimally prepared, what would be the worst that she would do to her... Or to anyone now close to her...? After all, she was in her room in the midst of the night. "Maybe it's best I tell you more about her...", Mitsuko said as she grabbed a towel. What had happened was so fast bu
  9. Idk what it is it's hard to find people to rp it's like going to a new school to make friends lol
  10. Sometimes, she still, deep down just wanted to be the girl. This time voluntary. Her teasing was finally paying off. She was incredibly tight, and offered more resistance than a human girl. Exzel looked at Zorn, biting her lip, as she felt her sex start to stretch as Zorn pulled her hips down. It was only the slightest discomfort, quickly drowned out by waves of pleasure. "Aaaaahh! Yesss!" She put her hand that wasn't holding up Zorn's shaft, on her breast, grabbing and playing with it. Her wetness ran down Zorn's cock as she felt her entrance straining to resist letting him in, even as she longed to feel his head slipping inside he
  11. It was dark outside. Distantly there was a sound of heavy rain, and thunder muffled by the walls of the estate. Exzel held Elie, her heart still beating hard. As Elie went limp and shivered, Exzel held her, back up from the wall, she carried Elie across her body arms under her back and legs. "Rest now, my darling." Exzel walked with Elie to the couch, laying her on it gently. Sitting next to her then laying across her holding her for long minute. Cuddling the tired girl, and feeling content. Though they were without clothes, she decided to call out down the hall, figuring he had seen his share of naked bodies as a demon, "Seba
  12. Hello! Welcome to the website!
  13. “A little. Hovering is easier. I can fly a little, but can’t stay in the air very long. I’m no bird.” Jumi mostly went in the air to attack from a safe distance. It was too difficult to travel much with her wings, though she could use them to get over obstacles or pass over a little short rough terrain. She doubted it was something she improve much at this point, it was just not a power that could be used for long terms for Jumi. As for the other offer. “…Well…”. It was not exactly the time she would choose for training. “We will definitively get plenty of training of training in together over time. Though my plan was to wait u
  14. Elie's eyes widen as her insides twitched and pulse around Exzel as she whimpered and moaned burning her face into her mistress shoulder. She bit her lip as her insides relaxed letting Exzel enter her womb with a satisfying pop. Hearing Exzel say she loved her made her heart race and tears form in the corner of her eyes as a bright glow filled the room. Elie felt her body grow warm as her powers filled her once more. "Exzel my love....th...thank you for being mine and showing me attention and not leaving me." She mumbled tears landing on Exzelxs chest as Eliexs body went limp. She was spent Exzel cum leaking from her pussy as she shive
  15. Zorn had been willing to let Exzel decide when it happened, part of giving her what she wanted. But did she want him to be the one to do it after all? “Ohh, I don’t know about that…maybe we should find out…”. He pressed just a little harder, gripping her hips tighter. Holding her still. A final test, seeing if she reacted positively towards the possibility of him doing. Just a little more pressure and he would be in. And he did intend to go as deep as he could, once he was. “You want to feel it, don’t you?” Would she say it? Ask for it? Tell him how much and how she wanted it?
  16. Yesterday
  17. Angel is a futa or a normal woman character for my RP's
  18. Im looking for someone to play a 16 or so year old male who's a bit of a loser/shutin. The story basically boils down to this boys mother deciding that she has to show her son what he's missing due to being a shut in. Look forward to rping with you. Ps. I will be accommodating to kinks, so things like rape or watersports are definitely on the table.
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