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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/21/2013 in Posts

  1. I am wearing full plate armor, similar to that typically used in Germany circa 1450 AD. My panties are fine chain-maille and jungle faintly whenever I take a step. I draw my zweihander and kneel, presenting it to you as a symbol of my fealty. "Come, my liege," I say in my gruff baritone. "The Franks are nearly upon us. Already the knaves have taken the Eastern Fortress." From behind me Tom Selleck approaches you, smiling gently. It puts out at ease, despite the dire situation. He leans in close to you and whispers that it's all right, he will take care of everything. Vaguely, you notice that his mustache has another, smaller mustache of its o
    10 points
  2. I'm currently in a relationship and very happy. He also writes and doesn't mind that I do it either as he knows it's more of an expressive outlet for me. Honestly think I found my soulmate with this one; he overall makes me feel happy and seen and I just feel very lucky. He keeps me grounded which can be frustrating at times but he is usually right in those instances (15% of the time - I'm right the other 85% LOL). But the most important things I feel is there is an age gap difference se we each are able to bring our experiences and perspectives into the relationship as well as we are open and have a great communication system. I find healthy
    9 points
  3. Greetings, everyone, I hope each one of you is doing well and having a good day. I'm Mom aswell new to the community-- Mainly looking to make some friends and write stories aswell. I hope we all get along well, feel free to PM me whether to chat or write!
    9 points
  4. Hi there ! I'm Lu_, a 31 years old woman. I love roleplaying (in D&D most of the time) and kinky stuff. I'd love to write stories with some of you ! Oh and I'm french so my English isn't perfect (at all) ! Dont hesitate to ask question to know more about me !
    8 points
  5. Hello everyone this is the start of the announcements channel. I will make important announcements in here that affect all in the rp. So please follow this topic so you are pinged when a new announcement is made. Today I would like to ask people with werewolf characters to start trying to move their scenes on to get to a point where they can segway into the first event that will happen. Which that event will be the start of mating season. When the event starts I will make an event thread that will be used for. Everything that happens during that event. As events are more fast paced it will be hard to keep track
    8 points
  6. well i see this whole site has a on big family and @Temaelrin is like the head of the family or the god in my holy book of ecchi dreams @Neptune is the goddess of the pokes and yaoi of Ecchi dreams and the true queen @Sunstoneis like the sunny little brother that makes ecchi dreams smile with his shinny glow @Peculiarityis my tree brother of my crusades and one of my bestest friends on here of ecchi dreams @Kerzin Kalamond is like a big panda brother that is always watching over to all and memes with you long the way one Ecchi dreams @Reyna is the kinkyest girl i have ever role played and is just a sweet he
    8 points
  7. Alrighty, let's start this off from the top. The title of this thread makes an apallingly low amount of sense. "Fashion sense-related reasons" would be better suited to a question asking "why" about something, mainly fashion, not "what" about something, which in this case is the classic "what are you wearing" trope. Secondly, this is a roleplay site, where people are much, much less likely to divulge personal information such as their clothing to a stranger. This is not a dating site or a site to facilitate "hook-ups" or what have you. Asking such an invasive question to those that have no idea who you are or that you even existed u
    8 points
  8. Hey there! I love a whole lot of things, like gaming, my cat, roleplay and most creative things. When I first learned of AI and that you are able to create images with it, I was probably stuck on the generate button for a week, being all amazed by the possibilities. Similar with chat gpt, I am German and often use it to help me out getting my thought on paper when I struggle getting the sentence just right in English. I have been writing stories as a coping mechanism back in school, being bored to death I needed a hobby that does not get easily noticed by the teachers and well, most of them must have thought I'm not smart. T
    7 points
  9. Hi everyone! I'm Erika and I'm totally NOT awkward at introducing myself or talking about myself or anything like that! Lol Um, basic stuff about me, I guess? I'm 26 (at the time of posting this), I define myself as "sub," and I'm also a bit of a nerd at heart, lol. Love fantasy, sci fi, video games, anime and rpgs. I do writing as a hobby, too! Anyway, I guess don't be afraid to say hi and let's see how we vibe? Looking forward to playing with you all!
    7 points
  10. Every time a challenge ends, I'll post the winners here. CHALLENGE 37: @MagnificentBastard wins first place and @SoftThighs wins second! CHALLENGE 36: @Kissa and @NyxAvatar69 tied for first! CHALLENGE 35: There was no voting as this wasn't a competition, but @NyxAvatar69 wins the bonus prize of 5,000 EcchiCredits for making the most entries for the month! CHALLENGE 34: The WINNER is @MagnificentBastard! CHALLENGE 33: I was a slacker and this was so long ago I just split the entire pot between the two entries from @Cheerios and @NyxAvatar69. Sorry folks! CHALLENGE 32: The WINNERS are @MagnificentBas
    7 points
  11. Name: Lizzie Patrona Personality: Likes to powerbottom, flirty, very slutty Favourite kink: Body writing Favourite partners: Boys of age 10 or lower Times hired: 1
    7 points
  12. The Private Roleplayer Bulletin Board is really nice for finding people...Unfortunately, of late, people have been making a new thread for each individual idea they have...And are having rather a lot of ideas. This is...Annoying, as it leads to the first page being utterly dominated by three or four people who bump near every day it feels, leaving other advertisements buried down to the second page at the least, and who really even looks there? Thusly I request enforcement of the guideline/rule under the Ecchidreams Terms of Service part 17, section 2: You must not spam multiple bulletins up in quick succession, and we advise against pos
    7 points
  13. Well, this kind of is an oxymoron, since you have two statements that contradict each other: EcchiDreams is a Freedom of Speech platform and Politics don't belong on EcchiDreams. If you ban Politics from ED, you've mitigated toxicity here, but ED is no longer a Free Speech platform, since, you know, you've banned people from talking about politics. If you allow Politics to be talked and discussed on ED, it continues to be a Free Speech platform, but the toxicity remains or maybe even increases in the amount and/or volatility. Honestly, I'd like to say that politics should be shoved in its own corner of the site and be (mor
    7 points
  14. I am personally wearing taped together taco shells. (I like my clothing to have multiple functions.. like emergency snack)
    7 points
  15. Rose are red, i just woke up from my bed. Congratulation new guy, your first impression is very bad.
    7 points
  16. i'm wearing a japanese schoolgirl seifuku with crotchless black lace panties and no bra. I'm also a big black guy with a thick beard and afro.
    7 points
  17. Hi everyone! My name is Leah and I've been writing and roleplaying for 7 years now. I especially like world-building and creating unique plots with my partners, so I'm super excited to meet new people here! I'm really friendly so don't be afraid to message me!
    6 points
  18. I probably spent as many years single and dating/hooking up the younger people here have been alive. I both hated and loved that time, and even though I always felt empty, I never allowed any of those intimate pairings to turn into more. I'd lost love pretty brutally early on and was scared to risk it again. Just after pandemic lockdown I accidentally fell into a relationship with a friend who needed a place to live. I almost ran away again, but convinced myself not to, and it somehow is working better than I could have imagined, or probably deserve. I am happier than I could ever imagine being.
    6 points
  19. Hi everyone! I'm looking to rp with some people! I am a bit shy though so sorry if I have trouble responding, but I have done rp in the past, however it's been quite a few years so I'm not sure how good I am anymore. I am willing to rp with mostly anyone though, just read my preference sheet! ^^
    6 points
  20. Lannosea Age:: 19 Race: Human Experience: Virgin Lannosea has always been a fighter. Not for any sense of meanness but because Daddy fought. Before she could walk, he carried her to the arenas and training yards while Mommy worked. As she grew, she began to imitate him. When he worked out, sparred and trained, she watched and learned, pretended to do what he did. At first he pinched her cheeks and smiled. "Such a cutie." he'd chirp, beaming happily. As the years went on, and she began to work more seriously, he pinched her cheeks less but still smiled as he corrected her form. Lannosea didn't realize it at first, but she
    6 points
  21. Name: Karnis Montrax Age: 78 Position: 2nd year student. Sex: Female Race: Gazer Personality: Shy, cautious, loves cute things, often daydreams, not very studious. Powers: 1) Create mist 2) Dark vision 3) Create darkness
    6 points
  22. While we are very lenient on many things and aspects here, it's still necessary with a few rules to outline the few things to follow. This is a list of such and will be changed as needed: Non-con is allowed until this turn sexual of nature. Once heading into scenes of a sexual nature, rape, direct or indirect, of any sort is not allowed. No god modding (stuff like immortality). No variants of humans, such as elves or halflings. Hybrids needs to make sense within the context of the overall concept (since monsters have only been in the human world for 10 years now). All characters must have a reference image.
    6 points
  23. Reading through the two relevant threads, it sounds like someone had zero interest in understanding the community and just wanted to argue with someone.
    6 points
  24. Human form: wolf form: Name: Laura Vander Age: 18 Sex/Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight, but will submit to anyone who crushes her pride Role: Gamma Minor Personality: aggressively defensive, loud, shy... these conflicting descriptors oddly describe the short nerdy wolf girl rather accurately... she will argue with anyone about anything (even if she defended the other side a few hours prior) as long as she doesn't agree with the smallest detail... as soon as something gets dangerous though, she will flee in a hurry. She practically embodies a odd version of the phrase "fake it till you make it..." he
    6 points
  25. sorry that i been away my friends
    6 points
  26. Name: Lucy Skye Age: 19 Sex: Feminine (Form is gender-fluid) Race: Slime Position: 2nd Year Student Personality: Positive, bubbly, and energetic. Always willing to lend a hand if asked. Hydrophobic. Skills: 1) Computer geek Powers: 1) Alterable and very flexible form 2) Can, with time, transform anything she's in contact with into slime.
    6 points
  27. Name: Anpu Seshet Age: 147 (22 in dog years) Position: 3rd Year Student, Librarian's Assistant Sex: Female Race: Anubis Personality: Calm, organized, knowledge-seeking, and fiercely protective of the library and anything within. Powers: 1) Spirit Realm perception 2) Preservation from decay 3) Guardianship (becomes stronger and more resilient in her realm - in this case, the library) Coming from a race originating from an ancient civilization, Anpu is still rather young in comparison to her species. From the very first year, she became enamored by the vast library the academy has, leading to her applying to become an assistant
    6 points
  28. All I know is that whichever motherfucker keeps hanging a tire swing on my arms is gonna get the genuine Whomping Willow treatment <.< Edit: LOL I'm the family tree
    6 points
  29. I'm just wearing a burlap sack with burlap sack panties and tissue boxes for shoes. super sexy.
    6 points
  30. Wait... what's this? BY GOD, IT'S THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WITH A STEEL CHAIR...!
    5 points
  31. (Ignore the ears) Name: Zaria Golden Age: 25 Sex: Yes, though she doesn’t often ask for help with her heat Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual with a male lean Role: Warrior Personality: Zaria is loyal to a T. She puts the safety of her pack above all, even if it doesn’t always make her friends. When she is not on patrol, she is more of a motherly figure. Makes sure to keep the pups out of trouble, while still letting them have their fun. She does want to have pups of her own but is hesitant to do that until she finds a mate. She does have a bit of a temper that shows up when the pack’s safety is in jeopardy.
    5 points
  32. Name: Lupita Lopez Age: 28 Sex: Female Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual (bi-curious, but won't admit it) Role: Omega Personality: Lupita is a scientist first and foremost. She observes, studies, and documents. Her interest in wildlife conservation has only become stronger now that she understands the needs of wolves more intimately. She was non-confrontational prior to being bitten, but has found herself being more and more argumentative since becoming a werewolf. She still prefers not to argue, but finds herself more hot-headed and impulsive, and is having a hard time reconciling the feral, predatory impul
    5 points
  33. The hell she gonna do to him? Straddle the poor guy? Finally take his balls?
    5 points
  34. hello everyone sorry I have not been feeling too well lately so I have been mostly restingI will try to make some replies.
    5 points
  35. @DreamsnThings @BladeRunner @VenariWulf99 @Icarian Dreams@Busterbugs @Chiyako @KanDaKnight @Solomon I have added role descriptions for the werewolves in the role list. Open the spoiler tab to see the descriptions.
    5 points
  36. Name: Marigold “Goldie” Starfire Age: 27 Sex: Female Gender: Female Species: Spark from the planet Blazon Brief species description: The Sparks were people born from fire and light. They are from the very warm planet Blazon. Many have fire and/or light wielding capabilities (whether used for combat or healing, etc.) and sometimes glow or “spark” when feeling strong emotions. Sexuality: Straight, but friendly Height: 5’4” Weight: 175 lbs Personality: Bright, cheerful, and extremely warm and friendly. Somewhat maternal especially towards close friends. Position (Passenger or Officer): Passe
    5 points
  37. Name: Liaralai Vannelgres Age: 26 Sex: Female Gender: Female Species: Florasian Brief species description: A species of humanoids that evolved from plants. They normally appear similar to humans but their skin turns green when they are going through photosynthesis. Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 1.62 m ( 5'4") Weight: 48 kg (106 lbs) Personality: Liaralai is a bit tomboyish in her personality. She isnt afraid to get her hands dirty and she is very knowledgable about technology and machinery. She sometimes acts strict and stubborn as she wants to give her best. However when on the job she sometimes get
    5 points
  38. Hellhound Technique (Skills): [■■■■■] Power (Strength): [■■■■■] Swiftness (Speed): [■■■■■] Style (Stylishness): [■■■■■]
    5 points
  39. Yup, go for it, I won't hold you back ^^
    5 points
  40. Name: Akane Niijima Gender: Female Age: 41 Sexuality: Bisexual Main Class: Biology, occasionally English Teaching style: Akane is very much so the traditionalist type when it comes to teaching. She's strict, and has a no-nonsense attitude during class. She expects her students to do whatever they can to ensure they can keep up, though she tries to remain fair about it. She understands the limits of how many tests one can read for in a week, and does actively work with her students to try to avoid stacking tests over few days and whatnot. On the other hand, if a student were to start falling behind, she'd consider it their respons
    5 points
  41. As our lovely Headmistress is resting from a tiring day of paperwork and student discipline, I, your doting fatherly Vice Headmaster, am happy to announce that our Librarian Troy Havershan has returned from his sabbatical and is ready to help our wonderful students and staff with any of their needs in the Library. Just please give him time to get himself fully adjusted to our facilities and... if you see him grabbing for a doorknob...stop him. Immediately. Our janitor was happy to not have to be doing so many repairs during Mr. Havershan's time away.
    5 points
  42. Name: Salah Jahir Age: 87 Position: 3rd Year Student Sex: Male Race: Naga Bio: Proud and headstrong, Salah has a tendency to cause... disruptions in classes and school, causing him to be held back from graduating three times. He was raised with the belief that the strong must crush the weak and that the Naga race was a strong, proud people. This belief has caused him to gain a bad reputation, being a bully and picking many fights. While he is actually good at school and quite intelligent, the amount of detention and punishments he has received is the reason he has been held back so much. His favorite targets to harass are the fir
    5 points
  43. Lyncus throws his arms wide "Hey c'mon Ruben @Thatannoyinggod, whoever did it, I'm sure it was an accident and besides your hair looks WAY cooler now. I'm sure all the ladies will like it." Lyncus waves a hand up and down real quick in succession with his whoa's. "Whoa whoa whoa, calm down my favorite non newtonian fluid, Lucy @Icarian Dreams, it's not like I charged right at our ocular friend. Listening to the Banana Slugs? They're a cool band." Lyncus shrugs apologetically and then lowers his volume for the gazer. "You alright gazer girl @JennyDK? You know I don't think I've ever seen you at one of my parties. If you want you can
    5 points
  44. Name: Ruben Damil Age: 17 Sex: Male Race: Human Position: 2nd year student Personality: friendly, studious (as long as he can keep focus), a little dense to some jokes and references, a little obsessive when he is working on his building plans(and models) Skills: excellent at math and engineering, skilled with several architectural softwares, surprisingly handy with tools when he is working on building something
    5 points
  45. Anne was late for her class, slithering down the hallways at high speed as she was eating a french toast holding it only with her mouth. When she found the door of the first year class she stop in front of it sighing in relief. She put a hand on the door dome as she tried to relax her nerves 'things didn't go well yesterday, but today I'll fix it!' She determined, slammed the door open interrupting the class that had already started. She got nervous and hurried to stand in front of everyone, her knowledge made her think that before sitting down she had to introduce herself, her tentacles moved nervously under her skirt as she began to sp
    5 points
  46. Amelia walked inside of the classroom as she nervously looked around. The large dress that she was wearing covered the mass of tentacles that writhed underneath unnoticeably beneath the thick cloth that she wore. "G-Good morning." She managed to stutter in a kind voice as she had ended up missing the beginning orientation due to the fact that as she was moving to Sunveil, she had to repack her bags since she almost forgot to pack extra clothes, she had taken the wrong train. . . twice and had then gotten lost in the city but thankfully she managed to find her way at least before the first year class orientation began! So, she considered that
    5 points
  47. Alrighty, I'm going to bed everyone! Have a good evening!
    5 points
  48. Aight, time for me to have a go at it. @Reyna - The exuberant little sister who's always baking cookies or doing something nice. Cheerful and pleasant to talk to. Very much a hugger, especially when the person being hugged doesn't expect it. @DozleZabie2 - The older brother, very serious about keeping his younger siblings safe from danger. Has a weird but endearing obsession with collecting swords and armor. @IsabellaRose - The bookish, elegant aunt who manages to make whatever she's wearing just look right, whether its a formal dress or a nightgown. May have a hidden (or not-so-hidden) wild side... @WritesNaughtyStories -
    5 points
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