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  • [F4M] The Adventures of Donna Noble

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Hello! I'm going to be portraying the character Donna Noble from the show 'Doctor Who!'


    (The Prompt)

    Donna had always missed out on things, missed out the the recent two for one offer that would have saved her a couple of quid at the local supermarket, missed out on a recent job that was paying big money for only a couple of hours of work and of course missed out on various different things that were happening in the world right now. If they weren't happening to her then in her mind they didn't matter, however this was definitely going to change tonight. It was a Friday, a cold and slightly rainy night when she was wandering home after a rubbish night out with her friends who had abandoned her when she was stopped by....someone at the end of the street

    "'Ey, weirdo! What's with the spooky act?!" She called out, the figure didn't move and Donna's frown deepened

    So, what happens next? up to you really! Is this a guy with good/bad intentions? Is this a 'Martian' come to show Donna what's really out there in the universe? What could this person be!

    (Kinks: Corruption, cheating, BDSM, rough sex)

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