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  • There has been reports of creatures and monsters acting rather strangely on a newly discovered island, these reports go on to mention that these creatures have been seeking out humans to mate with causing issues with the locals in the area. As the males tend to go missing in the night or on patrol and are never to be seen again. 

    My character is new to the Hunting business, only recently becoming a full fledged hunter. He enjoys the profession and knows that what the guild does, needs to be done. However, what he knows about monsters is going to be...let's calm it changed. 

    His first assistant to earn him some reputation is to explore a unexplored island and see what exactly is the root cause of all of this, to see if something is affecting the monsters or if they have mutated to lust after smaller prey.  The local that relayed this information to the guild didnt give them much information to go on, so they were going in blind. The more the island is explored, the more information is found out about the islands and it's weird affects on all that live here, including both monsters and hunters. 

    This idea can go different roots, it could go down the root that he would mate with many female or futa monsters, animals and perhaps other hunters. 

    Or he could be the one being fucked by the monsters, being raped and used by anything at any time. Whilst still trying to solve the issue off the island as he explores it. 

    There is more to the idea, but I like parts to be able to be cha bed or altered to fit the other person's preferences, or even to just allow them to have free input into the story whenever they wanted to do so. 

    I can be switch, sub or dom for this idea. If you have questions feel free to ask. 

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