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Whoreo last won the day on September 29 2022

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About Whoreo

  • Date of Birth 01/14/1990 (34 years old)

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Bitch! I may be gay, but I am more fabulous than you'll ever be, faggot.

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  1. Again, some very interesting changes to the ToS. Basically keeping in spirit of it without like drastically adding shitloads of new rules. Fair enough. However I would seriously recommend adding a clause to Section 18 that covers images intentionally designed to invoke an epileptic response. @Tema I know it might be implied but I really think it should be explicitly stated.
  2. Oki. These are some very interesting changes to the ToS. Can I ask why it is necessary to have a no contact order thing going on? It seems like a strange concept. Also how many people are under such an NCO at the moment? Is it something that is widely used? I know you can't go into details about who is under it but was wondering "how many" and if successful in doing what it intended?
  3. Or........................... And........................ .......................And........................... .......................AND.................................. .......................AND.................................. Have you considered that maybe.......just fucking maybe.....you, sir, are the jerk in this community. all of this is what you've said. they're from your posts RIGHT HERE IN THIS TOPIC. this doesn't include all of the toxicity you've posted around the site. sure; I'm an asshole, but at least I don't morally grandstand about how annoying assholes are whilst being a massive fucking diarrhea-leaking-gaping-asshole myself, you fucking spunk trumpet. I remember when you moaned and bitched to the site administration because I was "bullying you" and now I see that you're bullying other dreamers.......writing your not so passive aggressive journal bullying other people who are different from you. posting on their wall or writing malicious shit yourself. you're the one spouting hate.......I've seen no hate being espoused from them. so maybe.......just fucking maybe........you're the jerk. you sir, are the toxic asshole on this community and hey! I'm not going to tell you off for that otherwise, because I'm an asshole too. but at least I'm not a massive fucking hypocrite about it.
  4. you can do this in Firefox on a mobile too. exact same steps (I use Firefox Focus), I actually like this little know feature and use it heavily when I'm around.
  5. is it possible to do something about this: I dunno about anyone else but to me it looks kind of jarring and uninteresting. like idk, could you put images in these grey boxes?
  6. I've been trying to make an effort to be more positive towards people as of late..............I think the situation between @XenoSera and I was eye opening, cuz I've been trying to do better since. I'm not perfect of course........nor am I an angel, but there has been some good that's come out of all of this. Xenosera and I were able to achieve this by talking to each other privately. we requested @Temaelrin to be a third party arbitrator as he wouldn't be taking one side over the other. he mainly stayed quiet becoz he was going to jump and stop us from rippin' each others e-faces off, which he didn't need to do in the end cuz it was constructive and we both spoke to each other like adults. we were able to resolve this shit and while I've not spoken to XenoSera since, I wouldn't mind speakin' to her again. Ima just not sure what we can talk about, I think we have very little in common. but at least we're not hostile with each other. but I know I've been a part of the problem and all I can really say is....I'm sorry to everyone. I'm trying to be a better person but who knows, I only really know how to be an arsehole. I see people acting like a piece of shit and I want to treat them like a piece of shit......but that's kinda toxic and I should find other more "constructive ways" of dealing with it. something Tema said is that "two wrongs don't make a right" and he's right. I'm still workin' on it.
  7. that kind of a crazy is a good insight in the mind of someone with Trump Derangement Syndrome. XDD I've been watching some Korean cooking/street food stuff lately pretty good stuff, kind of want to go try Korean food now.
  8. I fucking hate black fridays and I wish the American's would take it back and keep it over there.
  9. granted, but it's gold plated lead. oof. I wish I had a bowl of radioactive soup.
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