About This Club
Ironclaw High is a large academy which was build shortly after the dimensional gate between the monster realm and human realm appeared suddenly one day about 10 years ago, making travel between the two worlds possible. This is an academy for monsters to get regular education, as well as an insight into the human world and all that it encompasses, such as culture, history, geography, social norms and so on. The academy is part of the only massive town where humans and monsters live together.
Type of Club
Roleplay Club
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"Ah! Right. Apologies, still getting used to the whole... power thing" She didn't have powers, unless you considered sheer size and strength a power in it's own right. She was more interested when the demon began to talk about better clothes for her, it would feel so good to finally have a selection of clothes! The larger woman smiled and then nodded. "I would definitely appreciate going to those stores... Though some of them might be... Above my price range" She rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled, before it moved on to the whole roadtrip thing. It was cute, hearing that stomach rumbled and she laughed "Road trip, and apparently a drive through" Her larger, clawed hand gently poked that belly in a teasing manner. She guided them to the parking lot, of which a converted truck sat. It was very raw, with apocalyptic undertones that matched it's green aethetic, though inside, it had nice cushions, a very roomy front end with extra room - even though she had to hunch in the driver's seat, and it had a high end radio. "This is mine" She opened the passenger door and walked to the driver's seat, squeezing into the seat as she barely got the seatbelt on. "all settled, my dear?" The polite deathclaw asked.
WildesRayquaza joined the club
"Well, yes budget is good, but I was more referering to various powers making it possible to fix a lot of stuff on our own". she says, reminding the deathclaw woman about how monsters possess a great variety of powers to choose from, not only the destructive kind. She snickers a bit at the comment about the clerk, since she can easily imagine such a scenario happening."Oh darling...you need to find the right places. After all, it is not a mystery that large monsters exist after all. I can even direct us to a proper store sometime...", she goes on, wanting to help out with her clothing situation. As if this further led the mind of the other gal, Arya then suggested going for a drive."Ohh...right now? Sure...it looks nice outside and there is nothing left for me to deal with today. I am sure we could have a fun little trip outside...", she finishes, but her stomach soon rumbles, indicating hunger (even despite copious amounts of doughtnuts). Bridget has not really gone out with a colleague like this in a while, so it should prove fun.
"Yeah the budget seems pretty high, what with all the accident prone students here" The death claw was deep into her work until the voice of the demon broke her out of her trance. It was nice that they were interacting so well so quickly. "I havent actually. I couldn't even find clothes that fit properly. The clerk had no idea what to do with me" The deathclaw pushed up her chest with her rags, frustrated that she couldn't even get a decent top that fit her... Stature. "Explore? Sure. I can drive so it should be a rather nice trip - I can show you my truck?" Truck was a good word for her converted vehicle. It was highly customised for her size, whilst keeping to the road standards, it just took some effort to get into the front. "Roadtrip?" She offered, smirking a bit.
Bridget cannot help but chuckle, as she imagines the large monster woman try to squeeze through a much tinier door."Oh yeah and we can even easily replace anything that accidentally gets in the way of my fireballs, hahaha", she replies back before nomming on her next doughnut. She then notices Arya as she seems to drift into her own mind for a bit, but she doesn't really mind and decides to leave her be for the most part."So, have you ventured into town a lot? If not, it could be fun to explore a bit together sometime. I usually prefer having some company for stuff like that", she says, hoping she is not intruding too much into the other teacher's current mental preparations. As they sit and speak, the deathclaw would be able to see Bridget keep glancing over her body with a small smile on her face.
Ooc: Probably pretty casually, but something sporty over top. "Yeah, it's pretty easy to get adjusted here. There's even large doors for big girls like me" The deathclaw laughed as she began to prepare some things for the next P.E session. She was thinking about something classic like dodgeball, or sports similar, but was thinking hard about the rulesets to give the stronger and weaker students a level playing field. Perhaps she could make her own ruleset? Perhaps handicapping the students who perform better?... She didn't want to constrict them though. Ultimately, it seems she decided to split it up two ways and have a competition to decide what level of play each split teams were going too, that way, they wouldn't feel too locked away from being themselves. She concentrated so much her claw was tapping.
OOC: Size doesn't have to really matter, so it is more a case of whether or not you like her to be dressed and how she would be dressed, if so. So far, the demonic teacher is enjoying her first time chatting with one of the newer staff members and she has always liked the sight of large monsters. Bridget notices how the huge monster woman tries to work the coffee machine with some difficulty - due to the size, of course - but decides to not offer help unless it looks needed or if Arya asks for it, as she doesn't want to assume anything or be meddlesome. She smiles a little as her "offering" of sugary, sweet baked goods is accepted - she has learned that sharing is something that does feel rather both to do and to be on the receiving end of. She nods along, showing her interest as the deathclaw answers her last question."Ah yes....that is interesting to do, for sure and now we have a whole other world to explore as well. How are you finding life here at the academy so far? Everyone being nice and welcoming, I hope?", she says and grabs a doughnut of her own and from the looks of it, it is not her first as a whole box lies not far away, fully empty.
ooc: Due to being so big it's probably rags and loincloths, but she tries not to worry too much. The deathclaw smiled as that sentiment was agreed, at least she was doing something right as it was her first time teaching. The demon's grin was nice to see, it put her at ease, but it was a grin of a demon, so she wasn't too sure what they were thinking. Noticing the grimace of that coffee she looked around to see if she could help, tapping one of the coffee machine's buttons with the tippy tip of her claw, sliding over a mug that was hard to hold - it was one of the downsides of being this tall and this menacing, but she found ways to do it right! She watched as those donuts were offered, picking out one of them that had a filling and was sweet, but it didn't seem to be your typical jam. It was lodged onto one of her claws as she ate bite by bite. "Well, let me see. I used to enjoy fighting from where i'm from. I existed after an- explosion?" She wasn't too sure "So it was pretty lonely. But lot's of people challenged me back then." The deathclaw moved to place the finished coffee, of her best efforts next to the demon. It had a chip in the rim though. "Other than that, i really began to enjoy Travel. It's how I got here. Much better than my old, dingy apartment."
OOC: I did it initially to make you aware of the scene and to make others aware of us being in here and doing said scene. Is your deathclaw clad or not, by the way? Bridget laughs heartily as she is certainly able to relate to that first statement, for sure."Hahahah! That's for damn sure....especially when they are young and inexperienced...and with some of them eager to either spread a little chaos or show off! But yeah....being a huge threat hopefully can keep most of them...in check and focused", she says and grins wide from ear to ear. The demon takes a sip from her coffee cup - only to give a slightly disgusted grimace, with it being lukewarm at best - but puts it down rather fast after that. She then reaches for a box of doughnuts and takes one before pushing it towards Arya, indicating she may have one (or more)."So....tell me...besides teaching, what sort of stuff do you like to do for fun? I do like to get know the staff better in other ways too...", she says and gives a sly grin.
OOC: Ah, understood. Arya swayed the tiny chair back and forth with leasurely presses of her legs as she listened to the demon. "Happy to be here. The first day was hell. With so many powers to keep track of I think my folder couldn't get fatter. It almost makes me envious that my species doesn't have the upper hand" she laughed softly, her tongue slipping out the side of her mouth in relaxation. "I wouldn't say mean. A lot of them just admired how tall I was... That, and if they did, a threat of my claws getting close seemed to make them focus. Not that i'm saying i use them. It's really hard to keep my hands behind my back sometimes. I suppose you can call it... Convenient" The deathclaw rattled her claws against the table. She too admired that demon body.
OOC: You probably don't know it, but we do get notifications whenever a topic we have posted in, get new posts. So no need to tag me now Bridget is snapped out of her mindful and tranquil trance as someone speaks to her. Whilst she was not startled, she didn't exactly notice the noise being made by the large woman still. The demon turns her head to see and notice Arya who had just spoken to her."Oh...hello there. I have heard a bit about you, but first time meeting you. Welcome onboards. Yeah, it can vary greatly with the potential - I think most on staff would say the same about their students. How has your first days here been so far? I hope they are not being TOO mean to you, hahaha", she says, picking up a bit of a playful tone. She shifts her seating, putting one leg on top of the other and even seem to glance over the large body of the P.E. teacher.
Nath joined the club
Scene between: @JennyDK and @encee. ________________________________________ Arya's first day was expected to be a tiring one - the first days always were. Arya's large stature would mean that her footsteps were quite heavy, so despite if she wanted to startle someone, she really couldn't. The death claw that was Arya had just about greeted everyone, but some were more impactful than others. "You're Bridget?" The blunt woman asked, at least having the courtesy to supplement her bluntness with what was expected from her. "Arya. I'm the new P.E teacher" Arya didn't smile much, mainly due to how at the moment she always was, her jaw being more suitable for eating than smiling. "I just finished going through the student folders. We have some potentials with exercise... Some, not so much" Arya sat down, squatting on a chair that by rights was too small for her.
Scene between: @JennyDK and @encee. ---------------------------------------------- Bridget has just gotten done with her last lecture of the day and outside the windows, the sun is slowly starting to set, looking warm and pretty. Today has been a good experience for all, but still quite tiring. This has left the demon teacher sort of of half asleep in her chair. Near her sits one of the many cups of coffee she is drinking from, getting kind of cold and unappealing. She begins to think back to the days before all of this happened, sort of in a daydream-like manner. Her focus is very much not on anything else and thus easy to surprise, should one want to do so. In her hands, she fiddles with some kind of magical item, she has brought with her to class to show and talk about.
New staff member: We have a new P.E. teacher - named Arya Sinclair - played by @encee Make sure to welcome them nicely
Name: Arya Sinclair Age: 42 Sex: Futanari Race: Death claw | Dragon Position: P.E teacher Personality: Curious, Blunt. Unwavering. Bad at teaching, but put's their heart into it. Skills: 1) Pack Mentality - Stronger around other large Species. 2) Claw's. She has rather scary claws. 3) Strong Grip.
encee joined the club
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PixieStyx joined the club
I'll probably make a new character at some point, but if any of you choose to roleplay with me, I'll likely ask for us to take it easy, no matter what the topic would be about. It's better to ease back into it slowly rather than plop into massive walls of text like it used to be. Not that I would turn away something like that willingly.
Ah, I think I know what you mean now. Whilst I certainly also do prefer partners who do it like that, I am not really one to turn people away who do not. You have to do fairly bad before I decide not to roleplay with you as a partner. I will be happy to do what I can to make something of this place - and really of all of my open world clubs - since I very much love to both run them and to interact with the people within them. Well, yes, sadly so. However, at least there is now a bit of conversation in here and that is always a start, after all. Yeah, the profiles have been left alone for a long time now. Whilst I still love most of my characters, I will likely remove a few of them. I would be happy to do scenes with any of you
I got no right to judge... I vanished for a couple of years and didn't know I was still part of this club. Lol. -looks to see if my character is still listed- I found it... apparently I was playing a young incubus with a power he couldn't control but no one ever RPed with me. Lol
It has been somewhat quiet around here huh?
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There's a certain manner in which people can express themselves through roleplay. If you look at the way you and I wrote when we were active here (long expressive text, proper capital letters, good grammar, colored dialogue), I would say that pretty much qualifies as "professional roleplaying." Not trying to discourage anyone else who doesn't feel like writing more formally, it's just that it undeniably looks better on the eye. It's not that deep. It's just that if I were to join this place now unlike then, I would've made different characters, for example. Maybe I would've made different choices with certain characters.
May I ask what sort of stuff you regret and such? You are free to tell me in private, of course. I will be happy to help out any way I can, of course. I am also open to hearing what you think I can do differently. What do you mean by "professional roleplayers"?
Whatever we would choose, I'd certainly pick having new scenes with new characters in them. Reflecting on the past, I kind of regret some things and feel embarrassed about other things, so I personally would make somebody new. I'd also like it if more professional roleplayers took interest in this club again, since I would say it matters a lot how you convey your character's emotions and how you write things down.
I agree that those people gave this place a lot of reason to do stuff, but not much reason to cling onto that. I would rather try and establish something new, that can also turn into something good.
Such motivation is hard to come by if the people that once were here are no longer around. There was a certain charm to their presence.
I would love to do scenes and such, but each time I ask, there is not really much of a response. Would very much like if we both could do some work to revive this as I still want to do the academy and town.
I miss the Monster Academy and its former inhabitants. Whoever reads this, I hope you're safe and healthy!