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Central, Basement - Late Night [Open]

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Archer could only smile at Sybil when he saw how positively Fera acted in response to his words, even if Sybil couldn't see. "So, Sybil... I can tell you're a good person with unusual circumstances. I don't know what those were to land you here, but I can see you've got good in you that hasn't been snuffed out yet. Hold fast to it." Archer spoke toward the taller woman, seeing how she treated Fera and worked hard to try to ensure they didn't leave her behind. It may have endangered her just as much to be here in this nest of filth, following the orders and rules of these savages, but it was more merciful to keep an eye on her here than fear for her safety without any kind of protection or oversight. He may have been a terrible person, but someone like Fera reminded him of the horrors he committed and the consequences of his actions.

"Hahah, that makes my day to hear, Fera! I'm not sure I'm the kind of guy you want to like though." He insisted with an awkward smile. There were many reasons as to why, but the most important of them all took place before he came to the prison... Still, he could hope better things waited her later. As expected, when the truth of who he was came out, Fera wasn't too pleased, but Archer lightly shook his head. "I told you I wasn't the kind of guy you wanted to like... But I appreciate the vote of confidence, Fera. I'll aspire to be someone better for you in the coming days. Hopefully." 

'Future doesn't look so good for me... But if I can somehow help her survive this hellhole and make it off of the island, I'll consider myself ready to die with no regrets. I can't imagine her surviving any of this without help otherwise.' 

Casting a look to Anjira as she addressed him, he didn't drop his facial expression at all, from speaking to Sybil to speaking to her. However, the vixen could certainly tell the smile he gave her was every bit as fake as the one she gave to him, compared to Sybil or Fera. He doubted the fox was a philosophical sort, so her interest in what time revealed about him would no doubt be woefully thin, especially with there being much more to do immediately. However, none of them needed to know about his other capabilities... From using computers to being 'creative'...

"Understood." Anjira was every much the tyrannical dictator she made herself out to be, and he was in no position to start showing her his ass in disobedience. There was much more to look into regarding the others, and the state of the environment outside of the prison. Movement would be much easier outside, and he doubted they were going to be able to keep him forever. Sooner or later, all it took was the right slip-up, and the three of them could easily escape their captors. All he needed was patience. It came as no surprise to him when he didn't have a choice to leave like the girls did, but it wouldn't matter in the long run.

They couldn't convince him forever.

Archer made a faux barfing face when he heard Bhorso walk in. "Oh, great..." He muttered quietly with a roll of his eyes, looking toward Sybil and Fera hoping they didn't have to deal with the scaly lummox. Stepping away from the others, he looked at Amao as he was addressed, before nodding and moving to rummage through whatever he could. Various toolchests would contain a treasure trove of useful things, and gloves were absolutely important so he didn't keep shocking himself. Assembling his own toolchest of useful possessions, he haunted it off with him as he returned to the group. "Well, ready anytime."

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Fera was....so sweet. So innocent. She was like a child. An animal. What cruel fate had landed her here? Sybil's thoughts turned to sorrow as she imagined that Fera had ended up here though no fault of her own. A world so cruel that it could not handle one like Fera, or a dark hand that taken Fera and had used it towards its own end. Fera did not deserve to be there. Whoever, whatever, had put Fera here deserved a fate crueler than whatever had fallen then. Sybil couldn't help but want to protect and shield the cat with all she had. If God was to be cruel then Sybil would not let him be so cruel to this innocent. This hell he had thrust them into would not take her. She could only breath through her nose "I can't truly appreciate the light you are Fera....forgive me...." she spoke low, hoping that the tigress would not hear them or understand them. She wouldn't move her hand instead continuing to pet her and allow her to lead. If Fera found purpose as a guide then even without the need...Sybil would allow it but she felt the need to push Fera more towards Archer than herself.

They moved and walked but Sybil remained close to Fera to make sure she did not rush again. This situation was unfortunate.

Archer's words caused Sybil's eyes to close with every word, as if she was trying not to hear them. Every kind was akin to a scream. It burned like fire. It was no fault of his. It was no fault of Fera's. He was genuine. She was genuine. The color of their words....as truthful as they could manage. Wasted on a fool like her. If not for her need to keep Fera from setting off one of these....beings around them she would be digging into her own flesh to she could not contain these sweet words. She loved it. She hated it. She shook her head "I am sure these words are better used for yourself Mr. Reid. Please." her tone was desperate and pleading. She couldn't explain it but she hoped that would be the end of it. She couldn't take it anymore. She didn't want anything to befall these two.

It did make sense why he wouldn't want this woman to know his name but it did look like Fera didn't like lies. How would she react then to knowing that everything about Sybil was a lie? The kind woman was just a ghost, but she wanted to see Fera safe. It did seem that she and Reid shared a similar affinity for the tigress and a similar desire.

Sybil did not fear Anjira even with how dark the implication of her words were. She was no leader and Sybil didn't follow her.It was a deal with the devil and nothing more. The only type of deal Sybil ever seemed to make. The choice was a false choice, buried in the tone. She doubted they would keep them indeed but she knew that when time came the fury they visited on them would be akin to reprisal. Sybil wasn't stupid. She knew how these sick beings operated. She had heard the stories and of course she knew the words. Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies.
All these people offered lies. Barbed words covered in honey. A cover of darkness, painted with the promise of light. She'd stay because it was the only way to help them. Fera. Archer. He seemed a good man. She couldn't imagine what landed him there either.

She wanted to help him too. Her skills, as they were, had been dirtied but if he was hurt then who would help him while he was forced to help these people? Cruel. She would stay for him too. She was presumptuous to help these better angels but if she was not yet in her grave then she would keep them well. God had taken her eyes because she was unworthy but they had theirs. She was lower than all present but these two? Their eyes were surely the greatest. If only she could see them.

And then there was another and his presence was already not appreciated but she would tell he was coming at her with his remarks but Sybil did not move. The sound lessened slightly as Anjira moved between them and interceded between her and the new male. Unpleasant already.
Still she was...thankful on some level even if it was done for anything but kindness although Sybil's hands moved as she spoke of the cat. If he even tried....

Luckily that seemed off the table. Toys.....

Sybil shook her head and took her hands from Fera "Fera, do be good and help Mr. Archer find and carry whatever he needs. Remember....no trouble." she had no need of her seeing-eye cat at that moment instead wanting to get Fera closer to Archer in the event that Sybil did need to take a life. One life lost better than two but for now Sybil was more than willing to let it be.

She did smell blood again "Is anyone hurt?" she asked again.

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"Sometimes you don't like the people you want to like, Archibald...Fera just likes who she likes" Her words were, in a way, a bit poetic, if one botherd digging past the way she used her words to reach the deeper meaning of them. People didn't always choose who they were fond of. Sybil's words went unheard too. The small sounds of her voice made Fera look over curiously, but they were too quiet for her to understand them.

Fera frowned slightly when Anjira explained why she wouldn't put up with disobediance. It was strange to Fera to hear the woman speak of dogs, but it saddened her when she spoke about breaking the puppy's neck. She kept her dumb thoughts to herself this time, but 'think before you speak', as simple a suggestion as that was more most people to follow, Fera was not like most people. Hopefully Fera's easily excitable personality wouldn't be the end of her, or of her companions, but only time would tell. When Anjira spoke of defecting to other groups, Fera looked to Sybil, then Archer. She didn't like Anjira, but she'd go wherever these two went for now. Her decision making process was truly just that simple.

More people started to arrive at the garage, a large number of them. Were they all Anjira's friends? She hoped they would be nice! When Bhorso came around, Fera's first thought was 'Woah, ugly lizard!', but those thoughts remained in her head. Sybil had told her to be careful of what she said, so although her thoughts held no malice, for the time being she wouldn't really address the strangers. When it seemed he wanted to play with her, she was tempted to speak only because she didn't realize the intentions behind his words, her tail swaying slightly from side to side, but Anjira didn't let him come closer. Toys though?? Maybe Anjira wasn't so bad if she was giving out fun toys. 

Fera did not know of Sybil's internal conflict. She could not hear her thoughts, nor would she probably be able to truly understand them even if she did. Who she truly was, Fera did not know, nor was it something on her mind. She found warmth in Sybil's presence. There was a motherly nature to the woman's actions that drew the tigress towards her for the time being. Archer was nice to her too, but she'd yet to experience this same sort of feeling from him. How the tigress would react to the truth, whatever the truth was, would remain to be seen. It was as though she could feel the unease stirring inside Sybil though. Like a dog when their owner was depressed, Fera was staying close to her. When Sybil suddenly told her to go help Archer "Okay!" she let out enthusiastically, feeling it was okay to talk now, and then she would happily wrap her arms around Sybil to give her a hug. Truly, just like a pet whose master was upset, affection seemed like the best remedy. "Fera will be good, promise, so pat my head some more later, please" she said with a happy grin.

The bubbly girl then ran over to Archer and with a little leap, attached herself to his back for a moment, giving a tight hug too. Her body was strong, but the man would still feel the softness and weight of her breasts pushed against his back. "Fera's here to help, leave it to me!" she exclaimed happily, her tail now wagging a bit more rapidly when she thought she could make herself useful. Shewould let go of Archer again, but was pretty much glued to him for the time being as he went to gather whatever he needed. "Fera can carry that" she would say to every single item, and eventually the toolchest he assembled for himself too. If he refused her offer, Fera would look him straight in the eye, a bit teary-eyed maybe, repeated "Fera can carry that.." in a sadder tone...and if she got permission then, like a lightswitch, her expression would be filled with excitement again. She'd be humming to herself happily while carrying his things.

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“Your concern is appreciated, Miss Baudelaire. No one is about to croak right now, so we are going to move to another place. Once we get there, there will be time and place for you to treat those who need it without interference.” Anjira answered on behalf of everyone.

They seemed to be in a hurry. If they put all in, they might have been able to take over the whole prison, but it would come at cost. One might think it would be better if there were just a handful of people. Keeping them in check would be definitely easier, but keeping this island running required more people. Especially those with practical skills. Many of those were likely already gone by this point. Scholars rarely were good fighters. 

The gangsters packed the food and fuel in the cars. Somehow they managed to split the cars in four without getting into a huge conflict. Gratu felt it was necessary to spray paint a green claw onto the side of his car. It looked more like a crow’s feet than a lizard's claw. Archer, Sybil and Fera were told to get in the backseat of one of the sedans. 

The convoy started from the back of the building, circling around towards the front gate that was already wide open. The lights revealed it had been forced open with brute force. The lead car didn’t take them towards the beach, but in the opposite direction. They were going in the direction of the farm and factories.


—-> Continues in Prison Exterior - Farm

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