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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2014 in all areas

  1. I'm looking at contributing to EcchiDreams in a massive way. It's ambitious but I want to make a guide highlighting the features on EcchiDreams and how to use them. currently there is no guides on here about the features you have and I think it's a damn shame because most of the features are hidden with no documentation to show you how it's done, if that makes any coherent sense at all. I'd need the ability to be able to change and update the guide at any given time but I'd like to use Tripp's Extra Information format - which I'm requesting permission for too. I'll break the guide down across lots of posts and link them up in the first
    2 points
  2. ok so I got offical permission coming through, I'm excited I didn't expect a response so quickly ^^;
    2 points
  3. I like this idea. I think it could help a lot of people. I would certainly give any assistance you might need :3
    1 point
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