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  1. I would like one too please. :) Text: at the top "slippery, sexy, slimy," and at the bottom "Jakki" whilst both in a dark blue and a purple tinge. Theme:chttp://www.bing.com/images/search?q=pink+and+purple+backgrounds&qs=IM&form=QBIR&pq=pink+and+purple+&sc=8-16&sp=1&sk=#view=detail&id=2E3C256560B2782B89DCD507D1BA324319FB2111&selectedIndex=13 Image: http://www.ecchidreams.com/gallery/image/3536-gallery-19-60-285037jpg/ --EDIT-- Forgot to tell you where to place the picture. To the right and the text to the left --SECOND EDIT-- Can you make another with a kinky bra of your choice that is YouTube appr
    1 point
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