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  1. I have been browsing around your roleplay sections I noticed there are threads in which people's ons and offs are listed. Now while this is great and I know this place isn't just for roleplay; I was wondering if you had considered creating a kink list of sorts for people to put on their profiles? Something like this for example: (Images are pretty big!) The above is taken from a site that I used to rp on and I apologise if anything listed offends or upsets anyone. How it works on that site is that you are allowed up to a certain amount of character profiles and after that you then have to p
    1 point
  2. I'll pm both since you will both be working on it then! :)
    1 point
  3. I am glad someone understands where I am coming from. I am much in the same. I think all good roleplayers have a little of themselves in each character they play. I mean, how else can you write properly? I think on some level you have to think and feel what the character is in order to put things into words. I know what you mean about the lists and have spent months touching up a thread on what I do and don't like and all that jazz. Ya know, until I saw these lists I never knew that stuff like it existed nor the proper terms for stuff. I will also say that it took me a good 30 minutes to first fill one out and then after wards I just sat
    1 point
  4. I understand completely what you mean. Some people do have troubles separating roleplay from reality. Personally, I keep the two very, very separate xD While many of my characters have elements of myself, I don't think of them as me. It sounds like you've had some bad experiences in the past. Really, I can't understand the problems that these other people had with you. I would never see them as a problem. The whole point of rolplaying is to play a role that isn't you. Or am I wrong on this? I don't think I am xD I also understand what you mean that it would hopefully help people with this problem. It would be very clearly spelt out. Hmm.
    1 point
  5. I am glad you both like the idea and hope others do too! I didn't intend for it to be copied but I figured if I showed you that could possibly make your own version since there are different sites out there that have this type of thing but different variants, like The Rabbit Hole and F-List. While I did notice the hentai niche I know that is more of a preference of the type of hentai you like and not what you like to roleplay. It is part of the reason I figured I'd present the idea to you. Perhaps create a data base or something in which you can click "Roleplay preferences" or something like that. I also thought it would be cool
    1 point
  6. I really like this idea. It can clear up a lot of confusion and state clearly what someone likes and what they don't like. Like Tripp said, we do have a Hentai niche in the profile, but I imagine that's different from the kink list you're suggesting. Currently, people are only suggested to put a list of what they will and will not do, in terms of roleplaying, in the first post of their Character ID. It isn't something people have to do, but it's suggested so that they can state clearly what they don't like as some people may be asked to do something that makes them uncomfortable which is something we really do not want. Plus that list is
    1 point
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