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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2014 in all areas

  1. I'm just going to go out on a whim here, and try not to make a complete fool of myself. So if I say something that doesn't make any sense, is completely stupid, has no relation to the current topic, etc, please forgive me, for I don't usually get involved in things like this. ^^; I do, however, have a a fondness for this site and community, so I would like to try and better it in whatever ways possible...so, here I go. I personally feel like there needs to be some sort of IRP laws...I'm a fan of realism to some extent, and it would make the way that I chose to roleplay more enjoyable. However, I can easily see and understand that not ever
    2 points
  2. In my opinion I think we should look at it from a basic political philosophy and social science point of view. By this I mean going down to the basics and asking ourselves this: What is society? What is government? How are they formed? And for from there. From what I have seen on all roleplay sites; they all seem to go on laws/rules of common sense or lores of the universe in which characters are from. Now while this is good it also creates a bit of a problem in some countries. For example; in some places in the world being gay is against the law. (Punishable by death) In other places it isn't law but simple homophobic belief t
    1 point
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