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  1. "They're just getting some exercise. Don't worry, Yuuto is a lot more careful than I am, and Vergil really needs the exercise," Angela told Nick, winking at him. "You coming, Kei?" "No," Keiko sighed. "I'm gonna stay here and make sure Vergil doesn't hurt Yuuto too much," She explained, standing just outside of the room with the door open. Angela patted Keiko on the shoulder and held Nick's hand, leading him downstairs. "I dunno about you, but I could use some pizza after all that," she said, smirking at Nick.
    2 points
  2. Angela smirks as Vergil and Yuuto both express their desire to heal them, and Yuuto already starts, taking the bullet out of her. She has no intention of letting either of them wait on her, though. Using her undamaged arm, she pulls a white crystal out of her pants pocket. She squeezes the crystal, and it cracks, causing it to shatter, and let the mana contained within gush out. Despite having a minor affinity for Light Elemental Mana during her childhood, Angela doesn't attempt to manipulate the Light Elemental Mana gushing out of the shatter crystal, instead allowing it to flow through her body, healing her wounds and removing her fatig
    2 points
  3. ▪DON'Ts • Godmodding ▪ADDITIONALS • Public Sex - Yup! To those who are also interested in this to spice things up- yup!~ ;3 • Spanking - I'm also into that~ Roleplay must have a story, not only about sex.
    1 point
  4. It's been over a week since Vivi arrived in Alter, and started working as a maid in her aunt’s inn, The Batfish. Something is truly amiss here, with Vivi noticing many strange things occurring with the townsfolk. They are strange in both appearance and behavior. Even her aunt, who was once a jovial innkeeper, has become a wretched hermit, never leaving the safety of her room and leaving day to day operation of the inn to Vivi. Besides the locals, Hunters prowl the town, armed to the teeth, and many seem to be less than sane. Some have been staying at the inn, while others seem to be squatting at dilapidated buildings across Alder. T
    1 point
  5. "Yeah. Let's go get pizza! There are still a few slices left! If Rei and Ru didn't eat them all yet! Haha!" *Nick laughs, blushing slightly at her wink.* "If you and Vergil were only exercising, how did you get so hurt?" *He tries his best to keep up with his sister, glancing back at the others.*
    1 point
  6. *Nick hugs Angela closely. He was really close to his sisters.* "O- ok, but be careful, Angela. I don't want you to get hurt." *He replies, wiping away a tear.* *He blushes when she kisses him before glancing into the training room at his brothers. He then quickly follows his sister.* "Where are we going, Angela? What are Vergil and Yuuto going to do? What were you doing to get hurt?"
    1 point
  7. Vivi bows her head to the lady hunter, knowing that she will do her usual routine. However a deep voice speaks eloquently, something seemingly lost in this town. She turns to see a man in strange garb, but seemingly unarmed. "Ah of course sir! Please fill out the guest book and I will get you a key." Vivi opens a large ledger on the desk, filled with names and dates, some completely illegible. She then turns around and grabs a key on a ring out of a cabinet behind the desk.
    1 point
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