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  1. When Shez shifted over to take his place with Emma, Kaylaen moved out of the way for him so that he could have his fun with the now broken in, deflowered pussy. He then moved over to Sophia and saw the damage that Shez has wrought with her. He could see that her pussy was gaping far more than Emma’s was, and she had cum dripping out of her pussy onto the bed below. There was already a wet patch on the bed from where she had been cumming from the huge Kitsune cock. The smell of sweat and cum exuded from her, which made his cock twitch in want to plunge his cock into her. He put one of his hands on her lower back, commented, “I really doubt you
    2 points
  2. Even with Isaac's hand locking her muzzle shut, Alex found it increasingly difficult to remain quiet as the man pounded so relentlessly behind her. Her muted whimpering began to elevate once again into to grunts of pain. Out of fear for her own safety, she tried to remain absolutely silent, but she had to fight the urge to continue screaming for her sister's help. Isaac's massive cock continued to pound harshly against her cervix, thrusting her whole body harder against the bathroom floor. Her exposed tits bouncing back and forth against the tiles, the cold of the tiles only making her nipples harder as her cunt drooled around Isaac's shaft.
    1 point
  3. Feeling Shez's massive cock pulling out with the spikes dragging along her shaft only continued to make Sophia's body twitch with involuntary spasms. Finally given a break, the girl began to pant heavily, cum leaking from her now massively gaping pussy. It almost felt like if she had a baby in her womb, it would just fall right out the moment she stood up. She could probably fit an entire baseball inside at this point! The woman wasn't worried in the slightest, however. This was exactly the feeling she was looking forward to the moment she saw Shez's cock, and she was no stranger to the experience. Sophia felt her Shez's hand land across
    1 point
  4. Aelius nodded his agreement to Linus statement about the sword. He didn’t trust himself to answer, because his voice seemed to have stuck in his throat. He was beginning to regret coming to this island to explore it. His gut was screaming at him, that something wrong was going to happen and that they should get off this island as soon as possible. He made absolutely no protest when Linus began to drag him, pulling him forwards the shore however no matter how far they walked they were not able to stumble upon it despite the fact that Aelius knew that this was the direction that they had come from and they had only walked for a few minutes. It
    1 point
  5. Miki's ears twitched as they followed the sound of the other Neko getting up and pouring a glass of water. Then her eyes widened when she noticed the man calling her cute and walking towards her. The flush in her cheeks only deepened as she was confused about what to make of this. Did this mean they were going to go a bit easy on her for being late? Or...more likely, this was a new test. "U-Um...thank you-nya," she stammered, the meow slipping out as it tended to when she was flustered. She stared at his hand as it came close to her and then she started when he took her chin and tilted her face like he was examining it. Had Miki missed s
    1 point
  6. For a moment, Claudia could've sworn she heard Alex's voice. She couldn't tell where it was coming from, what tone it used, or anything, but her she couldn't deny that voice she had heard a million times before. 'A-Alex?' she uttered in her mind, barely realizing she wasn't even moving her lips. 'Alex? Is that you? Where are you? I... I can't move!' Despite the darkness over her eyes, Claudia only barely recognized she was in a drifting state as her mind automatically started to fill in the void with what she felt. She saw the ceiling of the living room as she lay on the couch, thinking that maybe she took a nap or something. Sti
    1 point
  7. Alex was partially relieved when she felt Isaac pull out of her with a groan. Clearly, there was something he needed to tend to which could give her time to relax and think carefully. She was quickly proven wrong, however, as Isaac immediately grabbed her by the arm and hauled her up to her knees, dragging her whole body toward the nearby bathroom. Unfortunately, he didn't seem interested in letting her go, or even to release her mouth for even a second. As she was dragged against the wood floor, she cried out in muffled protest, shaking her head and pulling weakly against her bonds. Once in the bathroom, Alex was horrified to find that
    1 point
  8. Claudia started to take deep, slow gasps of air as her breathing slowly accelerated back to a normal speed. With the drug still claiming her as a victim, the older vixen couldn't even bring herself to open her eyes, let alone make out what the hell those distant sounds were. Despite the rape going on a mere foot from her, her hearing had been razzled up so much it sounded as if it was a mile away. Her maw opened up, taking a further breath and letting out a soft grunt as her body felt so heavy, to the point that she could only move her arm an inch with a lot of struggle. 'W-what's happening... why do I feel so... exhausted...' she tho
    1 point
  9. In less than a second, every last fragment of hope in Alex's heart had been shattered along with her virginity. She felt his massive cock tear deep into her pussy. Her heart had turned into lead. She wanted to vomit, but the following seconds sent a wave of pain through her whole body, ripping an unbearable scream from her throat as her tears soaked into her fur. "MMMPHHHH!!!" She was still struggling, but at this point her legs were just flopping around uselessly, barely making any noise anymore. She was done. She'd failed. What did she do wrong? Why did she deserve this? The young fox just sobbed into her captor's hand. There was nothing le
    1 point
  10. Location: Haunted Hotel Diomedes let out a breath through his nose, as he felt that flare on his own radar. Certainly something a bit more challenging than what Kelania had been. Was every demonic scum and their damn mother’s coming out this night? Or was this really his unlucky day? He looked over at Chazin as he commented that there was something there. The Daedra then shrugged as he crossed his arms and let his hands fall to his side, “I suppose I can at least see you in action…” Diomedes commented, although he didn’t add that this would also be a good way to confirm what Chazin claimed. That he was a hunter of demons, and prote
    1 point
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