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  1. Miki couldn't help starting when she heard the man's voice. She'd been so engrossed in her surroundings that she'd completely failed to sense his approach. "Y-Yes sir, I would very much like to live here," she stammered, doing her best to recover from her surprise. She glanced questioningly at Carla to see if the tour is over. If so, then she wouldn't mind trying on the outfit. She already told her family that she'd be finding somewhere else to stay, regardless of if she got the job or not, so she'd probably be best off staying here and saving the money she'd been holding onto in case she needed a hotel. She watched Carla curiously thou
    2 points
  2. Hello everyone. It has been a while since I posted something here but I have always gotten some great responses! So I wanted to create multiple plots and scenarios that may appeal to a wide variety of characters! So I usually prefer my partner's character to be female or futa but I am open to others! If you like a plot just hit me with something, I promise I will hear out every idea. I think the best thing to do here would be to start from the future-based RPs and work our way backward. All of these ideas are good for the short and long term and can be made private or public depending on interest! Future Setting A Smuggle
    1 point
  3. Life is too short; I'll try pretty much anything at least once (read: Good luck trying to find something I won't RP ). I don't care about the gender of the person I'm RPing with, so if you feel the same way, I'm happy to discuss something. Also, I will say that there are probably things not on this list that I'd do, so if you have an idea not involving any of those preferences, feel free to bring it up; there is pretty much no way, at all, that you'd scare me off. I tend to give as good as I get, or at least try to, in terms of length of posts. I'd like to consider myself more than competent with spelling and grammar, and would p
    1 point
  4. Alex was surprised to see Claudia headbutt her assailant, with a hard bang, but judging from the way her sister struggled to even stand, it was clear this wasn't going to turn the tides of their situation. This realization only made her fear grow as she watched Isaac swiftly lunge at Claudia and begin choking her. Alex shrieked at the sight of her sister collapsing back into the couch at the mercy of this boy she had just enraged. Was he really going to kill her...? As Isaac began to drag Alex back toward the drinks, Alex took the opportunity to find a way to escape. After all, Isaac was quite focused on the vixen struggling in his arms
    1 point
  5. That it would be. Rowan would actually be a good person for that, since he knows a lot about self defence as well as surviving in Craethiel. She would no doubt pick up a few things just by observing him. Only a very few people are willing to travel alone because of how dangerous it is xD
    1 point
  6. Of course, but it would certainly be comforting for someone in such a vulnerable position to be travelling with someone who would willingly keep her safe. She probably won't get any help regarding her collar for a while, if ever, but it will be important for her character to learn to fend for herself without her powers, too!
    1 point
  7. The sudden smack across the face knocked the daylights out of her. She hadn't been expecting it, and for a moment, she was stunned. But she was getting tired of his shit. He could threaten them all he wanted, she was going to turn the tables on him eventually. "HRrgnn!" Claudia groaned as Isaac stuffed her maw with her poor sister's torn panties, getting a taste for her sister that she never thought she would ever have to experience. Despite this, she continued to growl at him. He managed to catch her off guard on again... but once she recovered, she was going to beat the ever loving daylights out of him. The smaller cat thought h
    1 point
  8. There isn't much Rowan would be able to do about her magic problem. He would know someone who might be able to help, but Rowan's not returning to Selil for a while. I like the idea of some brooding moments for her; it would be good for some character development with her.
    1 point
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